CSS Basics: Creating Inset Borders With CSS

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Sometimes when creating inset borders, we want to set them at different distances from the edge of the element. There are several ways to do this in CSS, which can all be applicable depending on the situation you find yourself in.

Let's look at the different ways to create inset borders with CSS.

Forking Processes


You are provided with a text file containing randomized integers from 1-10000 called randomNum.txt. Write a program to sort these integers. You will have to create 5 separate processes for this, which will work in parallel to sort the integers. This means Process 1 will sort integers from 1-2000. Process 2 will sort integers from 2001-4000, and so on. Parse the text file line by line and assign each integer to its corresponding process. Create a 6th process that will put all the individual outputs together into one big file. Your output will be another text file called sorted.txt which will have all the integers sorted.

Input: As stated, for the input, read a file called randomNum.txt. This contains integers from

WordPress Updates COVID-19 Guidelines for In-Person Events: Masks Strongly Recommended

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In-person WordPress events are ramping up again, with in-person meetups happening all over the world and WordCamps back on the schedule. A sampling of the upcoming major events include the following:

  • WordCamp Vienna, Austria (April 23, 2022)
  • WordCamp Irun (May 21–22, 2022)
  • WordCamp Europe (June 2–4, 2022)
  • WordCamp Warsaw, Poland (June 11–12, 2022)
  • WordCamp Montclair, (June 25, 2022)
  • WordCamp Netherlands (September 15–16, 2022)

WordPress’ Community Team published an updated set of COVID-19 guidelines today ahead of a the five WordCamps that will be happening over the next few months. There are a few notable changes from the previous guidelines, which mandated that organizers select a venue with staff that can check temperatures and vaccination status and remind attendees to wear masks. This removed the enforcement burden from volunteers.

The updated guidelines require organizers follow local guidelines, provide masks and hand sanitizer, and provide a sticker to attendees that indicates if they prefer others to wear a mask when conversing in close proximity.

The Community Team strongly recommended the following for attendees:

  • We still recommend that you wear a mask while at in-person WordPress events.
  • If you see that someone is wearing a sticker requesting people wear a mask near them, please wear a mask while within 6 feet (2 meters) of them or keep your distance.
  • A request that you only attend in-person if you are vaccinated or have recently tested negative.
  • Please stay at home if you are sick or have recently come in contact with someone who is ill.

Ten days prior to publishing the updated guidelines, the Community Team requested feedback in a post that asked the question, “What is keeping you from either organizing or attending an in-person event?

WordCamp Birmingham organizer Ryan Marks responded, saying his team was restricted from organizing in-person events (under the previous guidelines).

“My location doesn’t allow for the checking of vaccination status,” Marks said. “So we must answer yes to all of the In-person safety checklist items. It hasn’t been possible to answer yes to the first two questions yet.” The checklist required the area’s average positive case rate to average under 4% for 28 days, and to have under 50 new cases reported per 100,000 people for 14 days, among other requirements. 

Marks and his team were forced to postpone WordCamp Birmingham in January after Omicron hit Alabama and local infections began rising. The camp had previously been criticized for its initial masking policy, which stated “Masks are required for entry and preferred throughout the event.” This set off heated discussions on social media, where concerned community members condemned the gathering as “irresponsible.” The camp revised its masking guidelines to require masks indoors but ultimately had to postpone due to local conditions.

The updated guidelines from WordPress’ Community Team bear a striking similarity to WordCamp Birmingham’s original masking policy – if the local authorities do not have requirements in place, masks are optional but recommended. It has been well-documented that indoor masking can significantly reduce transmission, so the Community Team must have witnessed a major change in pandemic conditions to amend the guidelines to make them optional. With the exception of a handful of flagship events, WordPress has ultimately decided to leave the requirements to local authorities.

“As flagship events are larger and draw an international crowd, both WordCamp Europe and WordCamp US organizers were asked to view these as minimum requirements and are expected to have a more comprehensive plan in place,” WordPress community organizer Angela Jin said in today’s announcement.

WordCamp Europe will require masks indoors and social distancing at the speakers dinner. They are creating self-service registration booths and trying to put more activities, like WP Cafe, outdoors.

WordCamp US will be following San Diego’s local guidelines in September.

“We will require all attendees to be vaccinated or have recently tested negative,” Jin said. “Additionally, due to the size and nature of this event, masks will be required to be worn over both the mouth and nose while indoors. Hand sanitizer and masks will also be available and some activities, such as lunch, will be outdoors.”

How to Move Comments Between WordPress Posts (Easy Method)

Wp Plugins

Are you looking for an easy way to move comments between WordPress posts?

You might be writing a new version of a post and plan to redirect it from the original post. Redirects are great for avoiding broken links and preserving your WordPress SEO, but the original comments won’t be moved to the new post.

In this article, we will show you how to easily move comments between WordPress posts.

How to Move Comments Between WordPress Posts

Why Move Comments Between WordPress Posts?

By default, any comments you get on your WordPress site are attached to a specific post or page and can’t be moved.

However, sometimes, you might need to move comments to another post or page.

For example, you might decide to combine several posts together into a new post and then delete the individual ones. Or you may decide that a post would work better recreated as a page or vice versa.

Redirecting those deleted posts is good for your website’s search engine optimization, but it won’t save the comments.

In these scenarios, it would be helpful to move comments from one post or page to a new one instead of losing them or having to recreate them all manually.

How to Move Comments Between WordPress Posts

You can easily move comments between WordPress posts using the free Copy or Move Comments plugin. 

Note: We recommend making a backup of your site before moving the comments since it can’t be reversed. See our expert pick of the best backup plugins for WordPress to get started.

First, you’ll need to install and activate the Copy or Move Comments plugin. If you need help, then please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, click on Copy/Move Comments in the WordPress sidebar. 

How to move comments between WordPress posts

This WordPress plugin lets you choose between moving or copying comments.

If you choose ‘Copy,’ then it will duplicate all of the original comments and then add them to the new page or post.

When you copy the comments, the original comments won’t be deleted. This means you will end up with duplicate comments on your WordPress blog

If you choose ‘Move’, then the plugin will delete the original ‘source’ comments and then add them to the new ‘target’ page or post. This helps you avoid duplicate content.

Once you have made your decision, open the Action dropdown. You can now select either ‘Copy’ or ‘Move’.

Choosing whether to copy or move comments between WordPress posts

Your next task is choosing the Source. This is the location from where you want to copy your comments.

To get started, click on the ‘Source’ dropdown. 

You can now choose the post type. For example, if you wanted to copy comments from a specific WordPress post, then you would choose ‘post’.

Choosing a source page or post

Next, click on the ‘Select Post’ dropdown. Depending on your selection, this will show all of your pages or all of your posts. 

You can now simply click to select the page or post that you want to use as your source. 

Selecting a source WordPress page or post

The next step is opening the ‘Select Comment Type’ dropdown.

You can choose whether you want to see comments that have replies or ‘Single’ comments. These are comments that have no replies.

How to choose a WordPress comment type

The plugin will show all of the comments that fit your criteria.

Now, you can simply click to select every comment that you want to move or copy. If you want to move all of the comments, then you can click on the checkbox at the top of the column to select them all at once.

A list of WordPress comments

Your next task is to tell the plugin where it should move these comments to.

To do this, scroll down to the Target section at the bottom. After that, open the ‘Select Post Type’ dropdown and choose the destination’s post type. 

How to choose a target WordPress post

Next, click on the ‘Select Post’ dropdown. 

Here, you can choose your target, which is the post or page where you want to move these comments to. 

How to move comments between WordPress posts

After choosing your target, just click on the ‘Perform Action’ button. 

The plugin will now move or copy all of the selected comments to this page.

If you check out the target page or post, you will see that all of your comments have been added to this page.

It’s also worth checking the source page or post. If you chose ‘Copy’, then you should still see all of your original comments. However, if you chose ‘Move’, then all of the original comments should have vanished from this page or post. 

After moving your comments, you may want to change the order in which WordPress displays these comments. By showing newer comments first, you can keep the conversation fresh and get more comments on your WordPress blog.

You can learn how to do this in our step-by-step guide on how to display the most recent comments first in WordPress.

Bonus: Improve WordPress Comments Using Thrive Comments

Now that you know how to move comments to a different post, you might be wondering how to improve your comments section in other ways. The best way to do that is with Thrive Comments, which is a powerful and easy-to-use WordPress comments plugin.

It can save your team time with its flexible comment moderation features. Besides being able to approve comments or mark them as spam, you can also feature positive comments and even mark them as testimonials that can be displayed somewhere else on your website.

Feature comment from dropdown menu

You can show appreciation to your commenters by displaying a message or redirecting them to a Thank You page. You can also award your commenters badges when they reach certain milestones.

Another benefit of this plugin is that you let your users upvote comments by clicking Like and Dislike buttons. This can create a sense of community and increase user engagement without users needing to leave a comment of their own.

We hope this article helped you learn how to move comments between WordPress posts. You may also want to see our guide on how to allow user registration on your WordPress website or our expert pick of the best WordPress comments plugins.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Move Comments Between WordPress Posts (Easy Method) first appeared on WPBeginner.

DBMS Login form

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so we were trying to make a simple log in form and our professor simply told us to copy the codes he wrote:


i copied it but i got a red line under line 20 and 21 . I dont know what to do, no one is responding to me in the class and my professor never responded when he saw my question. here is the whole code if you cant see it whole in the picture:


How to Split Large XML Files in WordPress (Free Tool)

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Is your WordPress export file too large to import into your new website?

WordPress comes with built in import and export functionality that uses the XML file format. Sometimes the exported XML file is larger than your web host’s upload limit.

In this article, we’ll show you how to split large XML files in WordPress.

How to Split Large XML Files in WordPress

Why Split Large XML Files in WordPress?

When moving your blog from WordPress.com to WordPress.org or moving content from a self-hosted WordPress website to a to a new host or server, you will need to export your WordPress content.

WordPress allows you to export your entire WordPress website as a single XML file that contains all of your posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags.

This is known as a WXR file and stands for WordPress Extended RSS.

You Can Export Your Website to an XML File

However, sometimes you may find that this file size is larger than the upload limit allowed by your WordPress hosting provider. If the file size is too large, then you will see an error message, and you will not be able to import your website data into the new WordPress installation.

This limit can vary, depending on your hosting provider and plan.

There Is a Limit to the Size of XML File That Can Be Imported

While you can ask your web hosting company to temporarily increase the file size limit, most shared hosting companies will not allow it.

So the only other option you have is to split the XML file into smaller files manually which is hard work.

Luckily, there’s an easy free online tool that can help you automatically split large WordPress XML files.

With that being said, let’s take a look at how to split large XML files in WordPress.

Bonus Free Offer

Need help? Our free WordPress blog setup service can help you migrate from WordPress.com to WordPress.org without any risk. During this guided transfer, one of our expert team members will do the entire migration from WordPress.com for you (100% free).

How to Split Large XML Files in WordPress

Once you have exported your WordPress site to a single XML file, you need to go to the Free WXR File Splitter Tool website. This is a free online tool that is designed to divide a large WordPress export file into small chunks.

Once there, you can upload your XML file by dragging it onto the area labeled ‘Click or drag a file to this area to upload’. Alternatively, you can click the ‘WXR File’ button and then select the XML file.

Upload the XML File to the Free WXR File Splitter Tool

After that, you need to move the ‘New file size’ slider to your website’s maximum upload size or smaller. The goal is to create multiple files that are small enough to be uploaded to your host without surpassing the limits.

When you are ready, you need to press the ‘Submit’ button. Your large XML file will be split into smaller files of the correct size.

Download the Split Files in a Zip File to Your Computer

Finally, you’ll need to press the ‘Download’ button to download the files to the default download location on your computer. The files will be contained in a single file which will need to be unzipped so that you can import them into your new website.

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to split large XML files in WordPress. You may also want to learn how to create a free business email, or check out our list of the best drag and drop WordPress page builder plugins.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Split Large XML Files in WordPress (Free Tool) first appeared on WPBeginner.

I need some marketing tips for my website called “Would You Do It For A Do

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I'm a developer, so I'm not good at marketing but I'm trying.

I came up with this, well stupid, idea. It's called "Would You Do It For A Dollar?". In simple terms: people can visit your profile and ask "would you __ for a dollar?", like "chug a beer", "twerk for 30 seconds", "french kiss person X"... Then you fulfill the request and earn $1. Simple as that.

What I've tried so far:

  • Post on Reddit, ProductHunt and Hackernews

  • Cold emailing

  • Ask people if they would like to include me in their newsletter

  • Have in plan to start FB ads.

Currently I have 100 subscribers. Can you please give me more idea on how to promote it. (I'm aware of everything regarding this project, I don't want to change the concept or MVP, it is the way it is, I just need some marketing suggestions)

Get paid to post in the forums

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Many years ago, DaniWeb offered a pay-to-post system where each post was awarded a monetary value (typically between 5 and 50 cents), depending upon how in-depth it was, upvotes, etc.

Members could cash out once a month if they earned $10 or more from their posts.

Very few members took us up on this opportunity, and we ultimately ended the program.

I'm debating whether we should start it up again. Does anyone still think it's a good idea, 10 years later?

Help with laying together a list of Instagram with captions is required

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Hi There,

I'm trying to figure out the best method of marking up this list of images with captions. The images vary in height and the captions are aligned to the right of the images, sometimes with two lines of text and as close to vertically centered with the image as possible
See the below image for what I'm trying to achieve. I'd be tempted to use a definition list, floating the captions to the right, but getting each bit of text aligning correctly without styling each individual caption has got me stumped.

There will be a lot more images than those shown (the grey boxes are representing the images just to clarify), so a solution that works without resorting to applying diferent classes to each caption would be amazing!

i really need help with this Q, and i’m comfused with kinda bit with this q


A number m is called a proper divisor of n if m<n and m divides n. A positive integer is perfect if it is the sum of its proper positive divisors. For example 28 is perfect because 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28 . 1, 2, 4, 7, and 14 are the proper positive divisors of 28.
Write a java program ask the user to enter any positive number and the program will find if this number is perfect or not;

WordPress Performance Team Puts Controversial WebP by Default Proposal on Hold After Critical Feedback

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WordPress’ Performance team has put its WebP by Default proposal on hold after the community voiced critical feedback and significant technical concerns. The new feature would generate WebP images on upload by default for new JPEG uploads and would use WebP images by default for website content. WordPress’ Performance team proposed this update for the upcoming 6.0 release.

“The performance team has heard the feedback and takes the community’s concerns seriously,” Google-sponsored contributor Adam Silverstein said in an update on the status of the proposal. “With the help of the community, we will work on conducting additional data-driven research. Based on our findings, we will reassess our proposed approach to enabling WebP by default.”

Vocal opponents to the feature characterized it as “heavy handed” and pushed for it to be “opt-in” only or introduced with a more user-friendly way to disable it. One of the chief concerns is that the proposal has the potential to double the amount of disk space used for images, as it would generate WebP thumbnails in addition to the JPEG sub sizes.

Viktor Nagornyy summarized storage concerns in a comment on the proposal:

This is not just about image formats. You’re going to drastically increase disk space usage by generating more images. This will affect anyone hosting WordPress on managed hosts with storage limit, their own servers with limited storage, anyone offloading images to S3, etc. This is why there needs to be an option to disable this under Media options. Hidden images generated by WP because of plugins and themes already cause problems. I’ve seen a site generate 20 images for every uploaded image. Uploads directory was 20GB. Can you imagine adding webp images in addition to this? 

This directly affects hosting cost. You will cause a lot of billing issues.

The Performance Team said they are working closely with the hosting community but this change directly benefits hosts that sell plans with tiered storage space limits.

“There are also significant conflicts of interest,” WordPress agency owner Andrew Wilder said. “WebP is a format that Google Created — and it’s Google Engineers who are leading the Performance Team. WordPress agency owner Andrew Wilder said. “This proposal is designed to serve Google’s interests (making it easier and cheaper for them to crawl the web). And the increased cost for all the additional storage space needed will be borne by site owners, not by Google.”

Hosting companies may also experience complications as the result of enabling WebP by default that may not be worth the increased billing for customers who are forced to upgrade. Charles Smith, Managing Director at WordPress hosting company WPopt AB, articulated a litany of these concerns for hosts in a comment on the proposal, especially as it relates to support and backup costs:

Disk space – a vast majority of our users have very large image libraries. While they might not be hitting limits yet, effectively doubling the media library size is going to cause issues for many people. I can see that ending in one of several ways – either they’ll ask us to delete the webp files (so, more work for us, thanks!), or they’ll be forced to upgrade (so, higher fees for them), or they’ll get upset that we don’t offer more disk space for free, and then potentially leave us

Backups are already one of our major expenses. We invest in multiple solutions, and multiple storage locations. A decision like this will *directly* increase our costs. It will also make account restorations, account migrations and similar actions more time consuming.”

In the most recent update, Silverstein said the Performance Team’s primary objective in enabling WebP by default is to bring WordPress’ image processing to the level of its competitors.

“The main goal of this feature is to set the foundation for WordPress to be able to process and deliver more performant formats in the same way other CMS like DudaWix, and Shopify are already doing,” Silverstein said.

This reasoning is grossly disconnected from the concerns voiced by people who are in the trenches supporting and maintaining WordPress sites. The team’s initial approach at selling the benefits of WebP, without adequately addressing the disk space issue, has generated significant community pushback in a short amount of time.

As Performance Team representatives responded to concerns in the comments of the proposal, several participants in the discussion grew more irritated, saying they felt proponents of “WebP by default” do not fully grasp the real-world implications of the proposal for users. The timeline for bringing it into core also seemed rushed and premature, given that WordPress already has support for WebP images for those who choose to use them.

“Bottom line is pretty simple,” WordPress agency owner Sergio Scabuzzo said. “We are being asked to double the number of images for no good reason.

“There is a small bandwidth benefit in forcing all images to have a WebP version. But we will then have a crap show on our hands in the back end. How manageable are media libraries now? Cool, now double that with another media format. Oh, wait, let’s add AVIF later too…

“This is a problem looking for a solution, not a decision. This change is great only from a web crawler, search engine, supported device/medium. But for the WordPress ecosystem, it will create a huge headache in maintenance and hosting costs.”

The Performance Team is now reassessing its approach and seeking to bolster its case with more data and research. Silverstein referenced two GitHub issues where the team is tracking research on the impact of enabling WebP by default:

  1. Research: Impact of additional WebP images on upload [Issue #289]
  2. Research: WebP compatibility [Issue #290]

“Once we have completed our investigation and determined next steps on these two issues, we will work with the community to reassess two other concerns that were raised – having the feature on/off by default, and having a UI-based control to turn the feature on/off,” Silverstein said.