WordPress Updates COVID-19 Guidelines for In-Person Events: Masks Strongly Recommended

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In-person WordPress events are ramping up again, with in-person meetups happening all over the world and WordCamps back on the schedule. A sampling of the upcoming major events include the following:

  • WordCamp Vienna, Austria (April 23, 2022)
  • WordCamp Irun (May 21–22, 2022)
  • WordCamp Europe (June 2–4, 2022)
  • WordCamp Warsaw, Poland (June 11–12, 2022)
  • WordCamp Montclair, (June 25, 2022)
  • WordCamp Netherlands (September 15–16, 2022)

WordPress’ Community Team published an updated set of COVID-19 guidelines today ahead of a the five WordCamps that will be happening over the next few months. There are a few notable changes from the previous guidelines, which mandated that organizers select a venue with staff that can check temperatures and vaccination status and remind attendees to wear masks. This removed the enforcement burden from volunteers.

The updated guidelines require organizers follow local guidelines, provide masks and hand sanitizer, and provide a sticker to attendees that indicates if they prefer others to wear a mask when conversing in close proximity.

The Community Team strongly recommended the following for attendees:

  • We still recommend that you wear a mask while at in-person WordPress events.
  • If you see that someone is wearing a sticker requesting people wear a mask near them, please wear a mask while within 6 feet (2 meters) of them or keep your distance.
  • A request that you only attend in-person if you are vaccinated or have recently tested negative.
  • Please stay at home if you are sick or have recently come in contact with someone who is ill.

Ten days prior to publishing the updated guidelines, the Community Team requested feedback in a post that asked the question, “What is keeping you from either organizing or attending an in-person event?

WordCamp Birmingham organizer Ryan Marks responded, saying his team was restricted from organizing in-person events (under the previous guidelines).

“My location doesn’t allow for the checking of vaccination status,” Marks said. “So we must answer yes to all of the In-person safety checklist items. It hasn’t been possible to answer yes to the first two questions yet.” The checklist required the area’s average positive case rate to average under 4% for 28 days, and to have under 50 new cases reported per 100,000 people for 14 days, among other requirements. 

Marks and his team were forced to postpone WordCamp Birmingham in January after Omicron hit Alabama and local infections began rising. The camp had previously been criticized for its initial masking policy, which stated “Masks are required for entry and preferred throughout the event.” This set off heated discussions on social media, where concerned community members condemned the gathering as “irresponsible.” The camp revised its masking guidelines to require masks indoors but ultimately had to postpone due to local conditions.

The updated guidelines from WordPress’ Community Team bear a striking similarity to WordCamp Birmingham’s original masking policy – if the local authorities do not have requirements in place, masks are optional but recommended. It has been well-documented that indoor masking can significantly reduce transmission, so the Community Team must have witnessed a major change in pandemic conditions to amend the guidelines to make them optional. With the exception of a handful of flagship events, WordPress has ultimately decided to leave the requirements to local authorities.

“As flagship events are larger and draw an international crowd, both WordCamp Europe and WordCamp US organizers were asked to view these as minimum requirements and are expected to have a more comprehensive plan in place,” WordPress community organizer Angela Jin said in today’s announcement.

WordCamp Europe will require masks indoors and social distancing at the speakers dinner. They are creating self-service registration booths and trying to put more activities, like WP Cafe, outdoors.

WordCamp US will be following San Diego’s local guidelines in September.

“We will require all attendees to be vaccinated or have recently tested negative,” Jin said. “Additionally, due to the size and nature of this event, masks will be required to be worn over both the mouth and nose while indoors. Hand sanitizer and masks will also be available and some activities, such as lunch, will be outdoors.”

How to Move Comments Between WordPress Posts (Easy Method)

Wp Plugins

Are you looking for an easy way to move comments between WordPress posts?

You might be writing a new version of a post and plan to redirect it from the original post. Redirects are great for avoiding broken links and preserving your WordPress SEO, but the original comments won’t be moved to the new post.

In this article, we will show you how to easily move comments between WordPress posts.

How to Move Comments Between WordPress Posts

Why Move Comments Between WordPress Posts?

By default, any comments you get on your WordPress site are attached to a specific post or page and can’t be moved.

However, sometimes, you might need to move comments to another post or page.

For example, you might decide to combine several posts together into a new post and then delete the individual ones. Or you may decide that a post would work better recreated as a page or vice versa.

Redirecting those deleted posts is good for your website’s search engine optimization, but it won’t save the comments.

In these scenarios, it would be helpful to move comments from one post or page to a new one instead of losing them or having to recreate them all manually.

How to Move Comments Between WordPress Posts

You can easily move comments between WordPress posts using the free Copy or Move Comments plugin. 

Note: We recommend making a backup of your site before moving the comments since it can’t be reversed. See our expert pick of the best backup plugins for WordPress to get started.

First, you’ll need to install and activate the Copy or Move Comments plugin. If you need help, then please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, click on Copy/Move Comments in the WordPress sidebar. 

How to move comments between WordPress posts

This WordPress plugin lets you choose between moving or copying comments.

If you choose ‘Copy,’ then it will duplicate all of the original comments and then add them to the new page or post.

When you copy the comments, the original comments won’t be deleted. This means you will end up with duplicate comments on your WordPress blog

If you choose ‘Move’, then the plugin will delete the original ‘source’ comments and then add them to the new ‘target’ page or post. This helps you avoid duplicate content.

Once you have made your decision, open the Action dropdown. You can now select either ‘Copy’ or ‘Move’.

Choosing whether to copy or move comments between WordPress posts

Your next task is choosing the Source. This is the location from where you want to copy your comments.

To get started, click on the ‘Source’ dropdown. 

You can now choose the post type. For example, if you wanted to copy comments from a specific WordPress post, then you would choose ‘post’.

Choosing a source page or post

Next, click on the ‘Select Post’ dropdown. Depending on your selection, this will show all of your pages or all of your posts. 

You can now simply click to select the page or post that you want to use as your source. 

Selecting a source WordPress page or post

The next step is opening the ‘Select Comment Type’ dropdown.

You can choose whether you want to see comments that have replies or ‘Single’ comments. These are comments that have no replies.

How to choose a WordPress comment type

The plugin will show all of the comments that fit your criteria.

Now, you can simply click to select every comment that you want to move or copy. If you want to move all of the comments, then you can click on the checkbox at the top of the column to select them all at once.

A list of WordPress comments

Your next task is to tell the plugin where it should move these comments to.

To do this, scroll down to the Target section at the bottom. After that, open the ‘Select Post Type’ dropdown and choose the destination’s post type. 

How to choose a target WordPress post

Next, click on the ‘Select Post’ dropdown. 

Here, you can choose your target, which is the post or page where you want to move these comments to. 

How to move comments between WordPress posts

After choosing your target, just click on the ‘Perform Action’ button. 

The plugin will now move or copy all of the selected comments to this page.

If you check out the target page or post, you will see that all of your comments have been added to this page.

It’s also worth checking the source page or post. If you chose ‘Copy’, then you should still see all of your original comments. However, if you chose ‘Move’, then all of the original comments should have vanished from this page or post. 

After moving your comments, you may want to change the order in which WordPress displays these comments. By showing newer comments first, you can keep the conversation fresh and get more comments on your WordPress blog.

You can learn how to do this in our step-by-step guide on how to display the most recent comments first in WordPress.

Bonus: Improve WordPress Comments Using Thrive Comments

Now that you know how to move comments to a different post, you might be wondering how to improve your comments section in other ways. The best way to do that is with Thrive Comments, which is a powerful and easy-to-use WordPress comments plugin.

It can save your team time with its flexible comment moderation features. Besides being able to approve comments or mark them as spam, you can also feature positive comments and even mark them as testimonials that can be displayed somewhere else on your website.

Feature comment from dropdown menu

You can show appreciation to your commenters by displaying a message or redirecting them to a Thank You page. You can also award your commenters badges when they reach certain milestones.

Another benefit of this plugin is that you let your users upvote comments by clicking Like and Dislike buttons. This can create a sense of community and increase user engagement without users needing to leave a comment of their own.

We hope this article helped you learn how to move comments between WordPress posts. You may also want to see our guide on how to allow user registration on your WordPress website or our expert pick of the best WordPress comments plugins.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Move Comments Between WordPress Posts (Easy Method) first appeared on WPBeginner.