I need some marketing tips for my website called “Would You Do It For A Do

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I'm a developer, so I'm not good at marketing but I'm trying.

I came up with this, well stupid, idea. It's called "Would You Do It For A Dollar?". In simple terms: people can visit your profile and ask "would you __ for a dollar?", like "chug a beer", "twerk for 30 seconds", "french kiss person X"... Then you fulfill the request and earn $1. Simple as that.

What I've tried so far:

  • Post on Reddit, ProductHunt and Hackernews

  • Cold emailing

  • Ask people if they would like to include me in their newsletter

  • Have in plan to start FB ads.

Currently I have 100 subscribers. Can you please give me more idea on how to promote it. (I'm aware of everything regarding this project, I don't want to change the concept or MVP, it is the way it is, I just need some marketing suggestions)