WordPress 5.9 to Fix Lazy Loading Performance Regression, Resulting in 30% Faster Page Loads in Some Cases

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WordPress sites may soon see a slight performance improvement on page loads, thanks to a fix for a performance regression in the core lazy loading feature. An analysis published in July 2021 showed that lazy loading applied too aggressively can have a negative impact on performance and that it’s better to eagerly load the images within the initial viewport.

WordPress’ default of lazy loading all images was causing slower performance on the Largest Contentful Paint metric (LCP) metric, which Google defines as “the render time of the largest image or text block visible within the viewport, relative to when the page first started loading.”

Google-sponsored WordPress contributors wrote a fix that avoids lazy-loading images above the fold and thoroughly tested it as part of their efforts to evaluate the impact of various past performance initiatives. The delayed LCP will be fixed in WordPress 5.9.

“This can be improved by skipping addition of loading='lazy' for the first content image or iframe, which in the vast majority of cases will appear within the initial viewport,” Felix Arntz said in the dev note. “WordPress can only make educated guesses around that and not be 100% certain, but an analysis taking into account 50 popular themes showed that the enhancement brought LCP improvements across the board, up to 30% faster page load.” 

In the future, this implementation may be able to drill down further into the block content on the page and eagerly load whatever images the theme identifies as being within the viewport.

“Have you thought about how we could have more precise heuristics going forwards that can take the semantics and structure of blocks into account to get a sense for what is actually deferrable?” Matias Ventura commented on the ticket in process. “For example, an image block or a site logo used in a header template part would be strong indicatives of being above the fold. ‘The first image of the content’ seems instead like a rudimentary measure, that varies a lot depending on preceding layout. With block themes we should have some ahead-of-time awareness of layout which we can use to produce more meaningful instructions.”

Felix Arntz said he already has detecting the header template part on his radar and is willing to refine the implementation as the world of block themes expands.

“The refinement of the lazy-loading implementation should notably improve LCP performance for most sites that rely on it, while not having adverse effects for sites where the default heuristics described above do not apply to,” Arntz said. “That is only a solid starting point though. In the future, specifically with the more semantic content specification that block-based themes will facilitate, we will be able to further fine tune the lazy-loading implementation by using the available block information.”

get combined textbox text into a new one in sorted checkedbox order


Hi, I have a question, how can I achieve this, like I have declared 3 variable as string, each checkbox has a variable that will be created if clicked also when checked it will put the corresponding textbox.text into it. Now the problem is I need to make sure that the first one that will be selected will be the first one that will be paste thanks to the variable, the seond checked and third checked same thing. This is the code

 Private Sub CheckBox2_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CheckBox2.CheckedChanged
        Dim fntext As String
        Dim artext As String
        Dim dltext As String
        If CheckBox3.Checked = True Then
            fntext = TextBox1.Text
        ElseIf CheckBox4.Checked Then
            artext = TextBox4.Text
        ElseIf CheckBox5.Checked Then
            dltext = TextBox6.Text
        End If
    End Sub
    TextBox7.Text += fntext & vbCrLf & artext & vbCrLf & dltext
End Class

vb net reload filterbox from list saved from settings


Hi, I have a issues, I have to load again the listbox, after filtering trought a textbox if a string is the same. I tried this code, but doesn't work at the is null or empthy, how can I reload it by a cicle for?

 Private Sub TextBox3_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox3.TextChanged
        Dim items = From it In ListBox1.Items.Cast(Of Object)()
                    Where it.ToString().IndexOf(TextBox3.Text, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0
        Dim matchingItemList As List(Of Object) = items.ToList()
        For Each item In matchingItemList
        If String.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBox3.Text) Then
        End If
    End Sub

2muchcoffee reached Global Top 1000 Company rating

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2muchcoffee reached Global Top 1000 Company rating

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2muchcoffee reached Global Top 1000 Company rating

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2muchcoffee reached Global Top 1000 Company rating

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How to Display Your Form in a Single Line in WordPress (Easy Way)

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Do you want to display your form in a single line?

Single line forms give you more flexibility with form placement. This means you can easily add forms to high traffic areas of your site and improve your conversions.

In this article, we’ll show you how to display your form in a single line in WordPress easily.

How to display your form in a single line in WordPress (easy way)

Why Display a Single Line Form in WordPress?

Single line forms give you more flexibility when choosing where to place your forms. Since this style of form is only a single line, they don’t take up much space and can easily be integrated with your existing content. 

Email newsletter sign up forms are often displayed in a single line above or below blog post content. Single-line forms also work well on landing pages, contact pages, and other important pages on your website.

Beyond generating more subscribers and leads, you can turn any kind of form into a single line form. For example, it might make sense to display your contact form in a single line to save space on the page. 

That being said, let’s show you how to display a single line form on your WordPress website.

Creating Your Single Line Form in WordPress

For this tutorial, we’ll be using the WPForms plugin to create a single line form. It’s the best lead generation plugin for WordPress used by over 5 million websites.


You can use the drag and drop builder to quickly create any form for your site. Plus, it integrates with popular email marketing tools so you can easily grow your email list.

There is a premium version of the plugin with many more features, but we’ll use the lite version for this tutorial since it lets you create a simple form and connect it to Constant Contact for lead generation.

First thing you need to do is install and activate the plugin. For more details, see our beginner’s guide on how to install a WordPress plugin

After that, go to WPForms » Add New in your WordPress admin panel and give your form a name. Then, you need to choose your form template.

We’ll select the ‘Opt-In Form’ template. Simply hover over the template and click the ‘Use Template’ button.

Select form template

This brings up the drag and drop form builder.

You’ll see that the template we chose automatically includes the name and email fields and a submit button.

WPForms drag and drop form builder

Every field can be edited by clicking on them and making changes in the left hand column.

You can also drag and drop the fields to change their order.

WPForms form editor panel

Once you’re done customizing the fields, you can display your form in a single line.

To do this, go to Settings » General and then click on the ‘Advanced’ drop down tab.

Go to form advanced settings

Next, type ‘inline-fields’ in the ‘Form CSS Class’ box (without quotes).

This will apply that CSS class to the form. Since WPForms includes styling for the ‘inline-fields’ class, it will automatically make your entire form display nicely on a single line.

Add inline CSS class

After that, you can make your form even smaller by hiding the field labels.

Simply click on the ‘Fields’ navigation option, then select the ‘Advanced’ menu option, and click the ‘Hide Label’ toggle to turn it on.

Hide form labels toggle

Then, you need to do the same thing for all of the form field labels.

After that, in the same ‘Advanced’ section, you can enter text into the ‘Placeholder’ box. 

This tells your users what each form field is for. 

Add form placeholder text

Once you’re done customizing your form, make sure to click the ‘Save’ button to save your changes.  

If you’re using your form to generate leads, then you can connect your form to your email marketing provider. For more details, see our guide on how to create an email newsletter the right way. 

Adding Your Single Line Form to Your WordPress Website

Now, it’s time to add your single line form to your website. You can add it to any page, post, or widget area.

We’re going to add it to an existing page, but the process will be similar if you’re adding it to another area of your WordPress blog.

Simply open up the page where you want the single line form to display, click the ‘Plus’ add block icon, and search for ‘WPForms’.

Add WPForms block

Then, click on the ‘WPForms’ block to add it to your site.

This brings up a drop down box to choose the single line form you created earlier.

Select single line form from drop down

Once you choose your form, the plugin will load a preview of your form inside the content editor. Then, click the ‘Update’ or ‘Publish’ button to make your new form live.

Now, you can visit your website to see your new form in action. 

Single line form example

We hope this article helped you learn how to display your form in a single line in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to get a free email domain, and our expert picks of the best virtual business phone number apps with free options.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Display Your Form in a Single Line in WordPress (Easy Way) first appeared on WPBeginner.