The HeroPress Network Launches as a Multi-Project Portal

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Husband-and-wife duo Topher and Cate DeRosia announced the launch of the The HeroPress Network earlier today. It is a collection of content from various sites they are working on in a centralized location.

“Its overarching goal is to be a hub,” said Cate DeRosia. “It will display the newest items from around the HeroPress Network, as well as news from the community (to be added in shortly). We can also post information that we think is helpful or educational.”

The “hub” will incorporate content from at least eight projects:

The team launched WP Podcasts two weeks ago, making over 7,000 current episodes from dozens of WordPress shows available in one place. Find It WP is currently in beta and will be the next project to launch on or before October 19. They will soon launch the public Slack group with dedicated channels for different types of professionals.

Screenshot of a portal-style website that pulls in content from various sources.
The HeroPress Network homepage.

“You could say it’s like the portals of yesteryear,” said DeRosia. “With HeroPress expanding into 8+ or more entities, we wanted one place for people to go and get the most current glimpse of what’s happening.”

She also teased the idea of expanding their educational offerings in the announcement post. However, news on that will have to wait until they build out the projects currently underway.

The team will open funding options on October 24. The HeroPress Network is a for-profit company, but its goal is to make all of its content available for free to the community as a whole.

The original website did not hit its funding goal in 2015. It attracted 33 backers who pledged $21,855 of its $60,000 AUD goal on Kickstarter. There was some early pushback, particularly from WordPress lead developer Andrew Nacin who cited its “unambiguous hero worship” and the initial male-only lineup of speakers as problems. However, much has changed in the six years since the fundraiser.

DeRosia called the first fundraising event a test to see how the community would receive it. The project has never been funded financially since then. Hosting and resources have been provided for the project, and a few other companies have occasionally donated toward their time and tools.

Despite failing to raise their initial funds, the project continued onward. Today, HeroPress has been a success by simply providing a platform for people to share their journeys in the WordPress world.

Andrey “Rarst” Savchenko wrote the first essay in March 2015. Since then, the site has published over 200 others.

“It’s always been a challenge to figure out how to fund the project,” said DeRosia. “When the pandemic hit and sponsors had money they couldn’t use on WordCamps, they started some conversations with us. We’ve been kicking around ideas since then and feel The HeroPress Network gives us the best resource for reasonable funding. We want to be giving value back to both the community and supporters, and the diversity of what makes up the Network provides more options.”

If everything falls into place, DeRosia herself or one of their daughters could have a salaried position for the project. Her background is in English and journalism, and she described it as a “dream job.”

I asked DeRosia why she was personally vested in this project. What was it that got her up every morning to build it?

“Topher and I both grew up rural poor here in the US,” she said. “We come from communities dying because there aren’t jobs. WordPress has always been such an excellent answer to this.

“With we’re able to provide a stage where people can tell their stories of how they’ve built their lives regardless of where they lived or what circumstances they were living in. That’s great, but it only goes so far.

“Now with The HeroPress Network, we can provide simplified, searchable access to practical tools that anyone can use to craft the life they want using the WordPress platform. We can also demonstrate how community and business can work together to get the best for both.

“If the option for something better is out there, I want to help people find it. Helping new people get started in WordPress brings a richness to the community that it needs to thrive. Helping established businesses connect with people and resources continues the growth.

“It’s just so incredible to have the privilege to see people build relationships that allow them to flourish. And who wouldn’t get out of bed every morning to do that?”

Make Headlines on Google News with SmartCrawl’s Free Google News Sitemap

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Do you run a news site or blog or publish newsworthy content with WordPress? Then put your site on the Google News map with SmartCrawl’s Google News Sitemap…for Free!

Have you heard the good news?

If you are already using our powerful SmartCrawl WordPress SEO plugin and you want to add a Google News sitemap to your site, then look no further…SmartCrawl comes with its own built-in Google News sitemap so there’s no need to install an additional plugin.

So, if you run a news site, news blog, or publish newsworthy content with WordPress, read on to learn more about:

Google News
Use SmartCrawl’s Google News sitemap to get your news content published on Google News!

Why Use Sitemaps

We’ll keep this section short and sweet…

Sitemaps are useful tools for helping site visitors and search engines find content on your site.

An HTML site map helps human visitors navigate faster to content on your site and an XML sitemap helps search engine robots crawl and discover all of your content.

In addition to providing an XML sitemap that offers many advantages over the WordPress core sitemap such as performance caching, including images from post content, adding styling to the sitemap, automatic updates, and auto-notifying search engines, SmartCrawl also offers a configurable Google News sitemap.

SmartCrawl’s Google News sitemap is specifically designed to meet all of Google News technical requirements for a news sitemap feed.

How To Use SmartCrawl’s Google News Sitemap

To enable or disable SmartCrawl’s Google News Sitemap feature, select Sitemaps > News Sitemap in the SmartCrawl plugin menu.

SmartCrawl plugin menu - Sitemaps
Select Sitemaps in SmartCrawl’s menu.

Click Enable…

SmartCrawl Google News Sitemap screen.
SmartCrawl Google News Sitemap screen.

Once the feature is enabled, you will find fields for entering your Google News publication name (Note: your publication name must match the one you have set up on and the option to include post types (e.g. Posts, Pages, Products, etc.) or exclude posts by category or individual posts.

SmartCrawl Google News Sitemap settings screen.
SmartCrawl’s Google News sitemaps lets you control which posts are submitted to Google News.

Remember to click the Save Settings button when done.

View your Google News sitemap at yourdomain.tld/news-sitemap.xml.

SmartCrawl Google News Sitemap Feed
Your Google News Sitemap feed…powered by SmartCrawl!

Note: Only content published in the last 48 hours will be included in your News Sitemap. If no content is published during this time, your feed page will display an empty sitemap with no URLs.

For more details about using this feature, check out SmartCrawl’s News Sitemap documentation.

How To Add Your Website To Google News

You don’t necessarily need to have a news site to get approved as a publisher on Google News, but you must be publishing timely, topical articles, and newsworthy content on a regular basis.

Your site must also be an authoritative source of news in your industry or niche and your content must meet Google’s technical and quality guidelines to get approved.

Note: no amount of whitehat SEO tweaking (or blackhat SEO shenanigans) will get you listed on Google News if your site does not actually meet Google’s stringent criteria for inclusion.

Once Google approves you as a news publisher, you will have access to the Google Publisher Center – an interface where you can submit, manage, and monetize your content in Google News.

You can then copy your news feed URL and paste it into your Google Publisher account, under the publication you set up for your news site in your Google Publisher Center.

Rather than make this a lengthy post, we recommend visiting the Google Publisher Center Help section. It will explain everything you need to know and take you through the entire process of getting started with Google News and setting up your news publication.

Google Publisher Center Help section
Visit the Google Publisher Center Help section for all the information you need to get your site on Google News.

In addition to the above, we also recommend checking out this article from the Search Engine Journal and Neil Patel’s excellent tips on getting your website listed on Google News.

Extra, Extra, Read All About It!

If you run a WordPress-based news site, make sure to use SmartCrawl’s Google News Sitemap (available in both the free and pro versions) to get your good news published instantly and automatically.

And if you need any help installing or configuring SmartCrawl, check out our plugin documentation or contact our support team any time of day or night.

Manage Multiple WordPress Sites with WP Umbrella

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Manage Multiple WordPress Sites with WP UmbrellaCreating a WordPress website is exciting. Managing a site? Not so much. There are many mundane and repetitive tasks to handle almost all the time. Plus, WordPress site maintenance becomes tiresome quickly if you’re running multiple sites. On top of that, many beginners are not tech-savvy, which makes debugging errors a nightmare. If you’re running […]

The post Manage Multiple WordPress Sites with WP Umbrella appeared first on WPExplorer.

TikTok Teases New Shopping API Alongside Platform Upgrades

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TikTok has been busy throughout 2021 announcing e-commerce integrations and capabilities that are meant to take advantage of the company’s meteoric rise within the social media industry. This week, the company announced a slew of new partnerships, technological advances, and the impending release of a new Shopping API.Â