55+ Big Name Brands That Use WordPress (2021 Edition)

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Big Name Brands That Use WordPressPeople will say anything to keep their buzz going, and WordPress – just like any other human-made project – has received its fair share of bad-mouthing. People (who don’t know so much about WordPress or its potential) say all manner of things against the platform. For instance, it’s not that hard to come across comments […]

The post 55+ Big Name Brands That Use WordPress (2021 Edition) appeared first on WPExplorer.

trying to convert a number of seconds into days, hours, min and seconds


i been trying trying to convert a number of seconds into days, hours, min and seconds. but i keep getting errors, "expected identifier or '('" . how should i fix it.`

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void to_dhms(int total_s, int *d, int *h, int *min, int *s);

int main(void)
  int seconds_in, days, hours, minutes, seconds, scan_count;

  printf("Enter a number of seconds that is >= 0: ");
  scan_count = scanf("%d", &seconds_in);  
  if (scan_count != 1) 
    printf("Unable to convert your input to an int.\n");
  if (seconds_in < 0) 
    printf("%d s is out of range!\n", seconds_in);

  printf("Doing conversion for input of %d s ... \n", seconds_in);

  result= to_dhms(days, hours, minutes, seconds);
    printf("That is %d day(s), %d hours(s), %d minute(s), %d second(s).\n",
         days, hours, minutes, seconds);

  return 0;

void to_dhms(int total_s, int *d, int *h, int *min, int *s);
  *d = total_s / 86400;
  remaining= total_s% 86400;
  *h= remaining/ 3600;
  remaningofh= remaining%3600;
  *min= remaningofh/ 60;
  *s =remaningofh % 60;
  return result;

