How can I create an automatic numerical progression in HTML …?



How can I create an automatic numerical progression from 0 to 500,000 in html?

The code I was given is this:

<p><span style="font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;"><span style="text-shadow: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8) 0px 3px 2px;"><sup>437</sup></span></span></p>

how can i make the code progressive and automatic every three minutes?

The progression I have to make it for the university I am still a beginner. Help me !!! Thanks for the reply :)

WordPress Biratnagar Announces Plans for Ujwal Thapa Memorial Scholarship

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Earlier this week, the WordPress Biratnagar Facebook group announced a WordCamp scholarship in honor of Ujwal Thapa. The goal is to honor the legacy left behind by one of Nepal’s leaders both inside and outside of the WordPress community.

Thapa passed away a month ago at age 44 from complications with COVID-19. He was a political activist, founding the Bibeksheel Nepali party, originally a peaceful movement against corruption and social injustice. He was the co-founder of WordPress Nepal, a group that has grown to 8,000 members. He was also a close friend and mentor to many in the community and helped many more launch careers in the IT industry.

“After the untimely death of WordPress contributor and co-founder of WordPress Nepal Ujwal Thapa in 2021, due to COVID-19, the WordPress Biratnagar community decided on this scholarship,” wrote the WordPress Biratnagar team. “Ujwal was a dedicated patron to the WordPress community in Nepal, and the WordPress Biratnagar decided to pay applause to his memory in this way.”

The scholarship will cover the following:

  • Travel to Biratnagar from within Nepal.
  • Hotel stay for the duration of the event.
  • A ticket to WordCamp Biratnagar.
  • Local transportation.
  • Meals outside the official event.

Nepal is still struggling with getting COVID-19 cases under control at the moment. The CDC lists the country as “very high” risk and recommends avoiding travel. There is no date set for a physical conference, and a WordCamp Biratnagar 2021 event is unlikely. The organizing team may not be able to grant a scholarship until next year at the earliest.

WordCamp Biratnagar lead organizer Ganga Kafle said they are just waiting for the situation to return to normal but cannot be sure when that will happen. While there is no date for the next WordCamp, they are still holding regular meetups.

The group is still discussing the details of the scholarship. Currently, they plan to consult with other community groups within Nepal and the global community. Any help creating and maintaining such a scholarship system would be welcome.

The WordPress Biratnagar team did agree to some guidelines. Once submissions open, applicants must be Nepalese. “We believe that empowering community members is an excellent way to honor his memory and carry on his legacy,” wrote the team in its announcement.

Group leaders mostly agreed to award the scholarship to those meeting the following criteria:

  • People with disabilities.
  • People from lower-income families.
  • Women interested in WordPress.

The group said the selection process would be completely transparent, and the awarded scholarship would be at the discretion of the current WordCamp Biratnagar organizers.

Kafle said the scholarship would also be annual. The team plans to keep this going in honor of Thapa and paying respect to the man who helped jump-start many of their careers and involvement with WordPress.

Zero-Width Space

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The name zero-width space is antithetical, but it’s not without uses. In text, maybe you’d use it around slashes because you want to be sure the words are treated individually but not have any physical space around the slash:

That’s an image. WordPress was being weird about it and not escaping it even when in a code block.

That’s pretty theoretical though—I’ve never once needed to do that. It might be useful in a long word to suggest that it can be broken there… but that’s also rare as we have the soft-hyphen (&shy;) which is designed for that and leaves a typically appropriate hyphen at the break.

What I have needed to do is exactly the opposite: trick a system into thinking a single word is two words. Like on Twitter, if I @username or #hashtag in the text of a tweet, those will be linked up respectively. But I don’t always want that. On CSS Twitter, I might want to refer to a @media query or show an #id-selector. Toss a zero-width space between the symbols and the text and I’m all set.

Get a zero-width space on your clipboard

Here’s a Pen I created ages ago that will help you do that:

There is also a quick trick for doing it from the browser console:



And for yet another way that may appeal to you, a bookmarklet!

Copy & Paste concern

The danger with the zero-width space is, well, you can’t see it. If someone were to, for example, copy your @media query using the zero-width space trick from a tweet, it won’t work in their code editor (because it will invalidate the rule) and it might be extremely confusing. For that reason, it’s probably good to avoid using it in anything that might be copied as a code example, but probably fine when explicitly trying to not autolink something.

The post Zero-Width Space appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

CSS for Web Vitals

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The marketing for Core Web Vitals (CWV) has been a massive success. I guess that’s what happens when the world’s dominant search engine tells people that something’s going to be an SEO factor. Ya know what language can play a huge role in those CWV scores? I’ll wait five minutes for you to think of it. Just kidding, it’s CSS.

Katie Hempenius and Una Kravets:

The way you write your styles and build layouts can have a major impact on Core Web Vitals. This is particularly true for Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) and Largest Contentful Paint (LCP).

For example…

  • Absolutely positioning things takes them out of flow and prevents layout shifting (but please don’t read that as we should absolute position everything).
  • Don’t load images you don’t have to (e.g. use a CSS gradient instead), which lends a bit of credibility to this.
  • Perfect font fallbacks definitely help layout shifting.

There are a bunch more practical ideas in the article and they’re all good ideas (because good performance is good for lots of reasons), even if the SEO angle isn’t compelling to you.

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The post CSS for Web Vitals appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.