11 Popular Marketplace APIs

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Buyers and sellers of the world rejoice! Online marketplaces are the new normal, rapidly replacing fading shopping malls. Multiple sellers can now offer their goods in one sleek, centrally located place, and buyers can search and find desired products from multiple vendors and purchase them with one click, tap, or swipe--from their home, or from anywhere else.

help me to write this code?


Write a program that reads a telephone number from a file phnum.txt (available in lab folder) in
the form xxx-xxxx. The first three digits represent an area code and the next 4 digits represent
the phone number. Your task is to print these numbers into another file (outFile.txt) without any
space or - between the area code and the number. Your program should define a function that
has input and output file streams as arguments.
For example,
If the phone number is 042-5610, the output should be 0425610.