8+ Pre-Launch Checks for New WooCommerce Stores

Set Up Woocommerce

Pre-Launch Checks for New WooCommerce StoresLaunching an eCommerce store is a tedious task. There are so many things that need your attention, and there is very little that guarantees any success. From product imagery and website copy to store navigation and security certification — building an eCommerce store requires an eye-to-detail, and not to forget, immense effort and patience. Even […]

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Splitting string into individual variables


Hi Group,

I'm using the split function for the very first time. I understand what it's doing. However I don't know how to output each individual word into a specific variable.

As an example, the string is "Dickerson Tile Company". I have defined 7 variables to accept up to 7 word splits.

Dim Search1, Search2, Search3 ...... Search7

Ultimately I want to output the split into

Search1 = "Dickerson"
Search2 = "Tile"
Search3 = "Company"

My code is currently

Dim s As String = tbxCustomerName.Text
Dim words As String() = s.Split(New Char() {" "c}) 'words are delimited with a space " "

This is where I'm struggling: How do I get my output into the individual buckets? My assumption is I would use an array or For statement. However I can't seem to find the correct syntax to create the name of the variable (Search1, Search2, etc.) and then to get the individual word into each variable. Can you help?

Thanks for your assistance.

Papa Don

Split a string into individual words


Hi Group,

I'm using the split function for the very first time. I understand what it's doing. However I don't know how to output each individual word into a specific variable.

As an example, the string is "Dickerson Tile Company". I have defined 7 variables to accept up to 7 word splits.

Dim Search1, Search2, Search3 ...... Search7

Ultimately I want to output the split into

Search1 = "Dickerson"
Search2 = "Tile"
Search3 = "Company"

My code is currently

Dim s As String = tbxCustomerName.Text
Dim words As String() = s.Split(New Char() {" "c}) 'words are delimited with a space " "

This is where I'm struggling: How do I get my output into the individual buckets? My assumption is I would use an array or For statement. However I can't seem to find the correct syntax to create the name of the variable (Search1, Search2, etc.) and then to get the individual word into each variable. Can you help?

Thanks for your assistance.

Papa Don