5 Questions To Ask an Ottawa Graphic Designer Before You Hire Them

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Many Ottawa companies these days are hiring professional graphic design firms or freelancers to absolve some challenges behind branding, but they do not always hire the right person. Since graphic designers are all unique—some with university degrees, some self-taught—you have to look through a lot of profiles before finding the one. 

It’s a little like dating! Fortunately, you won’t have to go on a million blind dates. All you have to do is ask the right questions during the Zoom conference or phone call. Aside from interviewing a graphic designer and getting them to tell you little tidbits about themselves, in creating rapport, you should consider the following questions:

Question #1: Can I See a Portfolio and References?

Any designer in Ottawa worth your time should have a professional portfolio with previous work. They should provide you with samples of styles they are adept in, as well as projects that are potentially similar to yours. As you peruse the portfolio, look at the aesthetic, the use of colours, and the composition. Ask yourself if it is what you want. 

At the same time, you should ask for references or any proof of reviews or testimonials from previous clients. Take both positive and negative feedback into consideration. How the professional handles the worst reviews is going to tell you a lot more than how they replied to a good one. 

Question #2: How Long Does It Take to Develop a Design?

While time is relative to the intricacies of the design and how many people are working on it, an experienced designer will be able to estimate a turnaround time. This is a good indicator of competency. 

Going with a freelancer? Then you should know that they probably have multiple projects going on and are doing so on their own unique schedule. You have to make sure you are both on the same page. Make sure they are going to be responsive to your emails and calls and that they confirm when they can deliver. 

Question #3: Can You Tell Me About You/Your Team’s Design Process?

Even if you don’t know anything about graphic design, the professional should be able to describe how the team (or the individual) comes up with their ideas and develops them. There is usually a system in place to help graphic designers produce quality work. Regardless of the complexity of the project, a trustworthy graphic designer will have steps they take that are easy to understand and logical. If they have trouble discussing this, they probably are not skilled enough to complete the job. 

Question #4: Who Owns The Copyright After Design Completion?

Never forget the all-important licensing and copyrighting. Sometimes, graphic designers are not happy to surrender their right to original work. Others will not have issues with it. This is up to you, but if you plan on making changes to the digital work in the future but may not want to use the same graphic designer, make sure you both agree that you receive the copyrights and licensing to do so. 

Question #5: Can You Work Within Our Budget? Or How Much Do You Charge For Services?

Some graphic designers have a fixed rate for a project. Others charge by the hour. Factors can alter the price, such as the number of designs you order, revisions, planning, licensing, and so on. All these impact the price. A graphic designer who is reliable will be honest and transparent about their charges and include that in any contract you sign. 

In short, hiring graphic designers for a project is much like hiring anyone else. You need to gauge their personality and their skill before giving them the green light. By asking these 5 questions, you will find the right person for the job in no time. 

All in One SEO Plugin Turns on Automatic Updates without Notifying Users, Removes Functionality in Latest Release

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Buried in the changelog of a series of minor releases that dropped before the Christmas holiday, All in One SEO plugin users were given the surprise gift of automatic updates. After a seemingly endless run of releases (12 updates during a span of six weeks at the end of 2020), the plugin’s developers decided to change its auto update policy so that it defaults to “on.” The plugin is installed on more than 2 million WordPress sites.

Version 4.0.8, released December 21, 2020, flipped on automatic updates without notifying users of the change. Despite having auto updates turned off for the plugin, many users discovered the change when they were notified by email that their sites had been updated without permission.

Frustrated users took to the plugin’s support forums to report the issue and find out how it was possible.

“Multiple sites have updated to 4.0.11 without my permission and while all auto updates are disabled,” one user said. “I/we do not want to hear that ‘it shouldn’t happen’ and we are looking into.

“Your once reliable plugin has destroyed hundreds of pages of social meta data on multiple sites, broken layout (and this after I fixed the problems and told you last week, I will be disabling all updates).”

Others commented on the issue, citing problems with a previous major release as the source of many bugs that followed.

“The rollout of version 4, and auto-updating without any chance to backup first was a blunder by AIOSEO,” plugin user Derek Haines said. “It has cost me hours, days, and now weeks to fix the problems caused.”

The All in One SEO plugin team apologized for the inconvenience users experienced but said they could not reproduce it on their end. The plugin’s settings page has a toggle for auto updates but it is just a wrapper for WordPress’ auto updater.

“I just wanted to give you an update and let you know that we’ve decided to remove our own auto-update functionality all together since this issue seems to be happening on a limited amount of websites and we aren’t able to reproduce it on our end,” Arnaud Broes said.

The problem was also discussed in the Advanced WordPress Facebook group.

“All In One SEO Pack apparently turned auto updates on, and in a few cases I found sites where those updates failed,” Eric Karkovack reported. “I had no idea they were turned on and in one case a site was inaccessible.”

Karkovack noted that there was only a small mention in the changelog, despite the plugin liberally using the dashboard notification UI for sales.

William Earnhardt, WordPress core contributor and developer at Bluehost, offered some insight as someone who has worked on core as well as plugins installed on a massive scale.

“In my experience if you are weighing the two options, auto-updates prevent significantly more issues and support requests than they create,” Earnhardt said. “So I’m strongly in the camp of enabling them by default, with a mechanism for preventing or disabling for those who prefer (core makes this possible with filters and now with per-plugin UI).

“I think when making these decisions, we as developers have to consider what is best for the broadest number of users and be realistic about the type of users we have. If a user is already not updating plugins regularly, it is unlikely they are going to have the awareness to flip a toggle to turn auto-updates on. So opt-in makes them mostly useless.”

Earnhardt agreed that notifying users of the change would have been a good idea, but admin notices are already “frequently abused and quite noisy.”

“It would likely be missed if not persistent, but really should only show after the update and then go away,” he said. “Is that enough when combined with a note in the changelog? Probably for most, but I’m sure some would disagree.”

As promised nine days ago, All in One SEO’s developers have now removed the functionality from the plugin in its first update of 2021, version 4.0.12 released today. It is noted in the changelog: “Fixed: Completely remove auto updates wrapper to let WordPress handle updates.”