Google Webmasters Central Rebrands to Google Search Central

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Twenty years ago, every Aspect of developing a website and putting it online was more complex than it is today – an enchantment of Merlin’s wand to most common folks. The term “webmaster” hasn’t aged well, but it was commonly used in a different era when tech wizards were the only people creating and managing websites. The term has become outmoded as online publishing and website building has become more user-friendly.

Google recently ran a study that showed usage of the term webmaster is in sharp decline, as web professionals now prefer more specialized terms, such as blogger, developer, SEO, or online marketer. In recognition of this change, the company is rebranding “Google Webmasters Central” to “Google Search Central.” The change will be rolled out to Google’s websites and social media within the next couple days.

In addition to the rebranding, Google is also centralizing its help information on one site and consolidating its blogs:

Moving forward, the Search Console Help Center will contain only documentation related to using Search Console. It’s also still the home of our help forum, newly renamed from “Webmasters Help Community” to “Google Search Central Community“. The information related to how Google Search works, crawling and indexing, Search guidelines, and other Search-related topics are moving to our new site, which previously focused only on web developer documentation. 

The Google Webmasters blog and 13 other localized blogs are being moved to the new site for better discovery and easier language switching. Google is going to redirect current RSS and email subscribers to the new blog URL, so readers only need to update their bookmarks.

Google is also introducing a new jumping spider bot to accompany its Googlebot mascot in crawling the internet. The creature doesn’t yet have a nickname, but the company is soliciting suggestions.

Knobs for Demos

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CodePen is full of prototypes and loaded with full-blown art. Generative art is common, since hey, we’re working with code anyway, might as well make some of the code randomized and adjustable. There is a great project that has been around years and years that is purpose-built for giving users a UI to change values on-the-fly called dat.GUI. I once blogged about it right here on the CodePen Blog because I wanted to showcase how useful it can be for generative art Pens. While dat.GUI is still pretty cool and perfectly usable, there is a new player on the block.

Introducing Knobs by Yair Even Or! Demo first:

To me, the API and configuration is really clear and usable. I like how it is also modernized by using stuff like <input type="range"> for the sliders rather than re-inventing that. And the focus on changing CSS custom properties is very clever. Plus, you can style the controls themselves.

I snagged it and updated my Gray Burst idea from the other day to have a stroke-width knob:

I wish every generative art Pen had knobs!

The post Knobs for Demos appeared first on CodePen Blog.