Googlebot crawling AMP pages

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Googlebot is crawling my AMP pages more than they are crawling my desktop pages. I have the appropriate canonical from AMP to desktop and amphtml from desktop to AMP. The desktop version also has a self-referencing canonical. Only canonical pages are in the sitemap.

This is a concern because less than 10% of our traffic is from mobile devices (unique, I know), yet it's more than 50% of our crawl budget.

The one thing that we do, which I'm not sure if this is appropriate or not, is whenever a desktop page 1 links to an internal page 2, the AMP version of page 1 links to the AMP version of page 2. Therefore, there are internal links pointing to AMP pages, but only from other AMP pages.

The other thing I was wondering is whether anyone has heard of Google serving AMP pages to desktop users behind low bandwidth connections, where they could benefit from AMP. Supposedly AMP doesn't have to be for only mobile anymore, but Google hasn't really demonstrated this. We don't get a lot of mobile traffic, but we do get a lot of third-world / low-bandwidth traffic.

Unsplash Open Sources its Image Library

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Unsplash, an online image provider, has released an open image dataset. The new library currently contains over 2 million high-quality images, with 16GB of accompanying data. The accompanying data includes keyword-image conversions (in search results), community and AI-generated keywords, EXIF, location and landmarks, image categories/subcategories, user-generated collection, image views, and download statistics.

System UIcons

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This is a great collection of icons by Corey Ginnivan that’s both free and with no attribution required when you use them. The style is super simple. Each icon looks like older versions of the icons from macOS to me because they’re cute but not too cute.

Also? The icon picker UI is slick and looks something like this today:

Oh and also, as I was looking around Corey’s personal site I noticed this lovely UI effect when you scroll —each card stacks on top of each other:

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How to remove content from Google?

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I am trying to remove an entire folder of thin content from Google to help me recover from a Panda/EAT-related penalty. I want to keep the content on the site for the benefit of users, but not waste crawl budget or have Google think that we have so many pages of thin content.

I added the folder to robots.txt quite a few months ago. While some pages are showing up as "Blocked by robots.txt", the majority of pages now show up in my coverage report as "Indexed, though blocked by robots.txt". About 2 months ago, I submitted a removal request for all URLs that begin with the prefix, but there's been no change. Google Search Console's report updates every few days, but the number of URLs that say, "Indexed, though blocked by robots.txt" is increasing, even months after the removal request for those same pages.

Top 5 Photography Destinations For Summer

We’ve reached the hottest month of the summer and with the warm weather, it’s the perfect opportunity to travel. With many countries closing borders during the pandemic, why not enjoy the...

Visit The Site For More...

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Pretty neat little website from Joan Perals, inspired by stuff like Lynn’s A Single Div. With multiple hard-stop background-image gradients, you don’t need extra HTML elements to draw shapes — you can draw as many shapes as you want on a single element. There is even a stacking order to work with. Drawing with backgrounds is certainly CSS trickery!

The site stores your drawing IDs in localStorage so you’ve got basic CRUD functionality right there. I bet the whole thing is a little hop away from being an offline PWA.

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