Web File Management Comes to WPMU DEV Hosting

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We ran our 2020 survey. We asked you what you’d like. You told us, among other things, a web based file manager for your managed WordPress hosting. So, here you go.

Basically you were looking for the ability to simply upload and edit files in your hosting account using a file manager interface instead of SFTP. We get that. It’s a pain having to set up a client etc. and so we put this one in the ‘do it now’ queue.

And now it’s ready for you.

How Do I Access File Manager?

To access File Manager, your site(s) must be hosted with WPMU DEV.

After that, it gets all too easy!

First, log into your account, go to The Hub, and click on the main Hosting menu.

The Hub - Hosting
Access your hosting inside The Hub.

Next, select your site and click on either the hosting menu link or hosting panel to access the tools and settings for your domain.

Select your site
Select your site and click on hosting.

Scroll down to the bottom of your screen and click on Manage Files.

Manage Files
Click on Manage Files.

And voila…File Manager!

File Manager
File Manager interface.

Note: File manager is available for both production (live) and staging sites.

The Hub - Staging site - File Manager
You can also manage your files in staging sites.

For more details on how to upload, edit, and delete your files using File Manager, see our documentation.

Manage More Than Just Files…

File Manager is just one of the many time-saving tools and profit-increasing services we make available to WPMU DEV members.

We’ve also recently added other features to our managed WordPress hosting service that our members requested, like email, DNS manager, cloning templates, WAF, and more!

So, stay tuned and watch this space for more exciting announcements coming soon!

New in Chrome: CSS Overview

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Here’s a fancy new experimental feature in Chrome! Now, we can get an overview of the CSS used on a site, from how many colors there are to the number of unused declarations… even down to the total number of defined media queries.

Again, this is an experimental feature. Not only does that mean it’s still in progress, but it means you’ll have to enable it to start using it in DevTools.

  • Open up DevTools (Command+Option+I on Mac; Control+Shift+I on Windows)
  • Head over to DevTool Settings (? or Function+F1 on Mac; ? or F1 on Windows)
  • Click open the Experiments section
  • Enable the CSS Overview option
Screenshot of the Chrome DevTools Experimental Settings window showing the CSS Overview option selected.

And, oh hey, look at that! We get a new “CSS Overview” tab in the DevTools menu tray when the settings are closed. Make sure it’s not hidden in the overflow menu if you’re not seeing it.

Screenshot of the CSS Overview window in Chrome DevTools. It shows an overview of the elements, selectors, styles and colors used on the site, which is CSS-Tricks in this screenshot.
Lovely color palette you got there, Mr. Coyier. 😍

Notice that the report is broken out into a number of sections, including Colors, Font info, Unused declarations and Media queries. That’s a lot of information available in a small amount of space right at our fingertips.

This is pretty nifty though, huh? I love that tools like this are starting to move into the browser. Think about how this can help us not only as front-enders but also how we collaborate with designers. Like, a designer can crack this open and start checking our work to make sure everything from the color palette to the font stack are all in tact.

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Global and Component Style Settings with CSS Variables

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The title of this Sara Soueidan article speaks to me. I’m a big fan of the idea that some CSS is best applied globally, and some CSS is best applied scoped to a component. I’m less interested in how that is done and more interested in just seeing that conceptual approach used in some fashion.

Sara details an approach where components don’t have too much styling by default, but have CSS custom properties applied to them that are ready to take values should you choose to set them.

For each pattern, I’ve found myself modifying the same properties whenever I needed to use it — like the font, colors (text, background, border), box shadow, spacing, etc. So I figured it would be useful and time-saving if I created variables for those properties, define those variables in the ‘root’ of the component, and ‘pass in’ the values for these variables when I use the pattern as I need. This way I can customize or theme the component by changing the property values in one rule set, instead of having to jump between multiple ones to do so.

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BitLaunch Releases New API and Command-Line Tool

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BitLaunch, the anonymous VPS and Cryptocurrency VPS provider announced today that they have released a brand-new developer API and command-line tool. The developer API lets BitLaunch users manage their account and their servers programmatically, allowing developers to integrate BitLaunch into their own platform. Along with the API release and Go SDK, they have launched a command-line interface.

Tips to Create High Converting Forms with WordPress

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Tips to Create High Converting Forms with WordPressIf you’re not using various types of web forms on your WordPress site, then you are missing out on many advantages: engagement, security, and higher conversion rates. Whether you are the owner of an e-commerce site, a blog or a business site, online forms are extremely important. They provide a two-way communication between you and […]

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Swarmify SmartVideo: Blazing Fast Videos for WordPress

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Swarmify SmartVideo: Blazing Fast Videos for WordPressVideo is increasingly becoming a pivotal part of digital marketing. That is mainly because over 90% of users say videos greatly help them make a purchase decision, a fact that’s not hidden from any smart marketer. Yet adding videos to WordPress sites continues to be a nasty experience for most site owners. Why? Here are […]

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How to Raise Your Rates, and Not Lose Clients in the Process

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As you gain more work experience, it's only natural you will want to raise your rates. With a regular job, wage increases are usually part and parcel of employment. However, this takes on a different scope if you're a freelancer or self-employed. As such, you'll need to negotiate raises directly with clients, which sometimes might mean losing them.

AutoQuotes Launches AQ Products API

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AutoQuotes, a provider of solutions for the foodservice equipment and supplies (FES) industry, announces the availability of the AQ Products API, giving manufacturers and dealers access to AQ's product data to power eCommerce, ERP systems, and online sales channels simplifying product data management and ensuring accuracy across multiple platforms through one API.

7 Tips for Negotiating a Work-from-Home Arrangement with Your Boss

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According to a 2019 LinkedIn survey, roughly half of employees work from home at least one day a week, while 82% want to have the option of doing so. There are plenty of companies that offer flexible work arrangements already, including Amazon, Lionbridge, Dell, Hilton, Working Solutions, Williams-Sonoma, Xerox, Salesforce, and American Express. Whether you’re […]

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Quick Tips for High Contrast Mode

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Sarah Higley has some CSS tricks up her sleeve for dealing with High Contrast Mode on Windows, which I learned is referred to as WHCM.

Here’s the first trick:

[…] if the default CSS outline property doesn’t give you the visual effect you want [in WHCM] for focus states, there’s a very simple fix. Instead of overriding default browser focus styles with outline: none, make it transparent instead: outline 3px solid transparent.

That will essentially do nothing outside of WHCM, but in WHCM, it will be a thick white border, which is a strong, good visual focus style.

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What Is The Importance Of Having Backup And Disaster Recovery Plans For Small Business

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Living in a digital era, one can not afford to lose data at the hands of natural disasters, human error, or cyber-attack, which makes it necessary to have backup and disaster recovery plans. In short, these plans keep the businesses safe whenever any trouble occurs. Losing data for every business is bad, but the small […]

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