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Another incredible coding font on the scene! MonoLisa.

They've graciously allowed us to offer it on CodePen, so it's live and ready to use. You change it in your Editor Settings.

We've got it set to do italics for comments and the ligatures turned on. Looks pretty dang nice I think!

The post MonoLisa appeared first on CodePen Blog.

Free Technical Writing Tutorial

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When asked, "What language should I learn first?", my answer is always "English". If you can't communicate clearly then you can't do your job as a programmer properly. As a programmer your job does not begin and end with code. You must also be able to write documentation clearly. I recently came across two excellent technical writing modules by Google that are free for everyone. They do not take long to complete and (aside from the confusion between acronyms and initialisms) are spot on. You can find the overview here with links to the two main modules.

A lot of you are shut in for the duration of the Covid-19 outbreak anyway so you have no reason not to at least have a look.

Some Important things to know for graphic design assignments

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Graphic designers, or graphic craftsmen, make visual graphics that are proposed to pass on a message to the crowd. Designers make graphics for sites and games just as motion picture media. Graphic designers additionally use photography and photography to make formats for print media. Advertising organizations regularly request that graphic designers assist them with making […]

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Important tips for calculating the conversion rate of the website

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One of the most effective and simple ways to measure the performance of the website or manage the ROI is by setting up the conversion goals. To set your conversion goals, you can use a tool like Google Analytics. So, every time a visitor engages with a website, a conversion can be measured.     Why […]

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