Mobile-first Indexing

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Just got a popup notification in my Google Search Console that says:

Your site has been switched to Mobile First Indexing
The majority of Google's crawl requests to your site will be made using a mobile crawler.

Switch date: July 10, 2018

The notification is just a little late to the party.

CSS :nth-of-class selector

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That's not a thing.

But it kinda is!

Bram covers how frustrating .bar:nth-child(2) is. It's not "select the second element of class .bar." It's "select the second element if it also has the class .bar." The good news? There is a real selector that does the former:

:nth-child(2 of .bar) { }

Safari only. Here are the tickets for Chrome and Firefox.

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The post CSS :nth-of-class selector appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

The Ultimate Guide for Successful Google Ads Campaign Management

Google Logo 2010 2013

Do you know what happens when you search for a product or service in Google? Thousands of advertisers start fighting only for your click. Do you understand why? Because your one click to their website may eventually lead to a sale. But how does it all happen? All credit goes to Google Ads, a fantastic […]

The post The Ultimate Guide for Successful Google Ads Campaign Management appeared first on