CSS min() All The Things

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Did you see this post that Chris Coyier published back in August? He experimented with CSS container query units, going all in and using them for every single numeric value in a demo he put together. And the result was… not too bad, actually.

See the Pen Container Units for All Units [forked] by Chris Coyier.

What I found interesting about this is how it demonstrates the complexity of sizing things. We’re constrained to absolute and relative units in CSS, so we’re either stuck at a specific size (e.g., px) or computing the size based on sizing declared on another element (e.g., %, em, rem, vw, vh, and so on). Both come with compromises, so it’s not like there is a “correct” way to go about things — it’s about the element’s context — and leaning heavily in any one direction doesn’t remedy that.

I thought I’d try my own experiment but with the CSS min() function instead of container query units. Why? Well, first off, we can supply the function with any type of length unit we want, which makes the approach a little more flexible than working with one type of unit. But the real reason I wanted to do this is personal interest more than anything else.

The Demo

I won’t make you wait for the end to see how my min() experiment went:

Taking website responsiveness to a whole new level 🌐 pic.twitter.com/pKmHl5d0Dy

— Vayo (@vayospot) March 1, 2023

We’ll talk about that more after we walk through the details.

A Little About min()

The min() function takes two values and applies the smallest one, whichever one happens to be in the element’s context. For example, we can say we want an element to be as wide as 50% of whatever container it is in. And if 50% is greater than, say 200px, cap the width there instead.

See the Pen [forked] by Geoff Graham.

So, min() is sort of like container query units in the sense that it is aware of how much available space it has in its container. But it’s different in that min() isn’t querying its container dimensions to compute the final value. We supply it with two acceptable lengths, and it determines which is best given the context. That makes min() (and max() for that matter) a useful tool for responsive layouts that adapt to the viewport’s size. It uses conditional logic to determine the “best” match, which means it can help adapt layouts without needing to reach for CSS media queries.

.element {
  width: min(200px, 50%);

/* Close to this: */
.element {
  width: 200px;

  @media (min-width: 600px) {
    width: 50%;

The difference between min() and @media in that example is that we’re telling the browser to set the element’s width to 50% at a specific breakpoint of 600px. With min(), it switches things up automatically as the amount of available space changes, whatever viewport size that happens to be.

When I use the min(), I think of it as having the ability to make smart decisions based on context. We don’t have to do the thinking or calculations to determine which value is used. However, using min() coupled with just any CSS unit isn’t enough. For instance, relative units work better for responsiveness than absolute units. You might even think of min() as setting a maximum value in that it never goes below the first value but also caps itself at the second value.

I mentioned earlier that we could use any type of unit in min(). Let’s take the same approach that Chris did and lean heavily into a type of unit to see how min() behaves when it is used exclusively for a responsive layout. Specifically, we’ll use viewport units as they are directly relative to the size of the viewport.

Now, there are different flavors of viewport units. We can use the viewport’s width (vw) and height (vh). We also have the vmin and vmax units that are slightly more intelligent in that they evaluate an element’s width and height and apply either the smaller (vmin) or larger (vmax) of the two. So, if we declare 100vmax on an element, and that element is 500px wide by 250px tall, the unit computes to 500px.

That is how I am approaching this experiment. What happens if we eschew media queries in favor of only using min() to establish a responsive layout and lean into viewport units to make it happen? We’ll take it one piece at a time.

Font Sizing

There are various approaches for responsive type. Media queries are quickly becoming the “old school” way of doing it:

p { font-size: 1.1rem; }

@media (min-width: 1200px) {
  p { font-size: 1.2rem; }

@media (max-width: 350px) {
  p { font-size: 0.9rem; }

Sure, this works, but what happens when the user uses a 4K monitor? Or a foldable phone? There are other tried and true approaches; in fact, clamp() is the prevailing go-to. But we’re leaning all-in on min(). As it happens, just one line of code is all we need to wipe out all of those media queries, substantially reducing our code:

p { font-size: min(6vmin, calc(1rem + 0.23vmax)); }

I’ll walk you through those values…

  1. 6vmin is essentially 6% of the browser’s width or height, whichever is smallest. This allows the font size to shrink as much as needed for smaller contexts.
  2. For calc(1rem + 0.23vmax), 1rem is the base font size, and 0.23vmax is a tiny fraction of the viewport‘s width or height, whichever happens to be the largest.
  3. The calc() function adds those two values together. Since 0.23vmax is evaluated differently depending on which viewport edge is the largest, it’s crucial when it comes to scaling the font size between the two arguments. I’ve tweaked it into something that scales gradually one way or the other rather than blowing things up as the viewport size increases.
  4. Finally, the min() returns the smallest value suitable for the font size of the current screen size.

And speaking of how flexible the min() approach is, it can restrict how far the text grows. For example, we can cap this at a maximum font-size equal to 2rem as a third function parameter:

p { font-size: min(6vmin, calc(1rem + 0.23vmax), 2rem); }

This isn’t a silver bullet tactic. I’d say it’s probably best used for body text, like paragraphs. We might want to adjust things a smidge for headings, e.g., <h1>:

h1 { font-size: min(7.5vmin, calc(2rem + 1.2vmax)); }

We’ve bumped up the minimum size from 6vmin to 7.5vmin so that it stays larger than the body text at any viewport size. Also, in the calc(), the base size is now 2rem, which is smaller than the default UA styles for <h1>. We’re using 1.2vmax as the multiplier this time, meaning it grows more than the body text, which is multiplied by a smaller value, .023vmax.

This works for me. You can always tweak these values and see which works best for your use. Whatever the case, the font-size for this experiment is completely fluid and completely based on the min() function, adhering to my self-imposed constraint.

Margin And Padding

Spacing is a big part of layout, responsive or not. We need margin and padding to properly situate elements alongside other elements and give them breathing room, both inside and outside their box.

We’re going all-in with min() for this, too. We could use absolute units, like pixels, but those aren’t exactly responsive.

min() can combine relative and absolute units so they are more effective. Let’s pair vmin with px this time:

div { margin: min(10vmin, 30px); }

10vmin is likely to be smaller than 30px when viewed on a small viewport. That’s why I’m allowing the margin to shrink dynamically this time around. As the viewport size increases, whereby 10vmin exceeds 30px, min() caps the value at 30px, going no higher than that.

Notice, too, that I didn’t reach for calc() this time. Margins don’t really need to grow indefinitely with screen size, as too much spacing between containers or elements generally looks awkward on larger screens. This concept also works extremely well for padding, but we don’t have to go there. Instead, it might be better to stick with a single unit, preferably em, since it is relative to the element’s font-size. We can essentially “pass” the work that min() is doing on the font-size to the margin and padding properties because of that.

.card-info {
  font-size: min(6vmin, calc(1rem + 0.12vmax));
  padding: 1.2em;

Now, padding scales with the font-size, which is powered by min().


Setting width for a responsive design doesn’t have to be complicated, right? We could simply use a single percentage or viewport unit value to specify how much available horizontal space we want to take up, and the element will adjust accordingly. Though, container query units could be a happy path outside of this experiment.

But we’re min() all the way!

min() comes in handy when setting constraints on how much an element responds to changes. We can set an upper limit of 650px and, if the computed width tries to go larger, have the element settle at a full width of 100%:

.container { width: min(100%, 650px); }

Things get interesting with text width. When the width of a text box is too long, it becomes uncomfortable to read through the texts. There are competing theories about how many characters per line of text is best for an optimal reading experience. For the sake of argument, let’s say that number should be between 50-75 characters. In other words, we ought to pack no more than 75 characters on a line, and we can do that with the ch unit, which is based on the 0 character’s size for whatever font is in use.

p {
  width: min(100%, 75ch);

This code basically says: get as wide as needed but never wider than 75 characters.

Sizing Recipes Based On min()

Over time, with a lot of tweaking and modifying of values, I have drafted a list of pre-defined values that I find work well for responsively styling different properties:

:root {
  --font-size-6x: min(7.5vmin, calc(2rem + 1.2vmax));
  --font-size-5x: min(6.5vmin, calc(1.1rem + 1.2vmax));
  --font-size-4x: min(4vmin, calc(0.8rem + 1.2vmax));
  --font-size-3x: min(6vmin, calc(1rem + 0.12vmax));
  --font-size-2x: min(4vmin, calc(0.85rem + 0.12vmax));
  --font-size-1x: min(2vmin, calc(0.65rem + 0.12vmax));
  --width-2x: min(100vw, 1300px);
  --width-1x: min(100%, 1200px);
  --gap-3x: min(5vmin, 1.5rem);
  --gap-2x: min(4.5vmin, 1rem);
  --size-10x: min(15vmin, 5.5rem);
  --size-9x: min(10vmin, 5rem);
  --size-8x: min(10vmin, 4rem);
  --size-7x: min(10vmin, 3rem);
  --size-6x: min(8.5vmin, 2.5rem);
  --size-5x: min(8vmin, 2rem);
  --size-4x: min(8vmin, 1.5rem);
  --size-3x: min(7vmin, 1rem);
  --size-2x: min(5vmin, 1rem);
  --size-1x: min(2.5vmin, 0.5rem);

This is how I approached my experiment because it helps me know what to reach for in a given situation:

h1 { font-size: var(--font-size-6x); }

.container {
  width: var(--width-2x);
  margin: var(--size-2x);

.card-grid { gap: var(--gap-3x); }

There we go! We have a heading that scales flawlessly, a container that’s responsive and never too wide, and a grid with dynamic spacing — all without a single media query. The --size- properties declared in the variable list are the most versatile, as they can be used for properties that require scaling, e.g., margins, paddings, and so on.

The Final Result, Again

I shared a video of the result, but here’s a link to the demo.

See the Pen min() website [forked] by Vayo.

So, is min() the be-all, end-all for responsiveness? Absolutely not. Neither is a diet consisting entirely of container query units. I mean, it’s cool that we can scale an entire webpage like this, but the web is never a one-size-fits-all beanie.

If anything, I think this and what Chris demoed are warnings against dogmatic approaches to web design as a whole, not solely unique to responsive design. CSS features, including length units and functions, are tools in a larger virtual toolshed. Rather than getting too cozy with one feature or technique, explore the shed because you might find a better tool for the job.

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Close, Exit, Cancel: How to End User Interactions Well

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What’s in a word? Actions. In the realm of user interfaces, a word is construed as the telltale of a control’s action. Sometimes it points us in the correct direction, and sometimes it leads us astray. We talk a lot about semantics in front-end web development, but outside of code, semantics are at the heart of copywriting where each word we convey can mean different things to different people. Words, if done right, add clarity and direction.

As a web user, I’ve come across words in user interfaces that have misled me. And not necessarily by design, either. Some words are synonymous with others and their true meaning depends entirely on context. Some words are easy to mistake for an unintended meaning because they are packed with so much meaning. A word might belong to a fellowship of interchangeable words.

Although I’m quite riled up when I misread content on a page — upset at the lack of clarity more than anything — as a developer, I can’t say I’ve always chosen the best possible words or combination of words for all the user interfaces I’ve ever made. But experience, both as a user and a developer, has elevated my commonsense when it comes to some of the literary choices I make while coding.

This article covers the words I choose for endings, to help users move away, and move on, without any confusion from the current process they are at on the screen. I went down this rabbit hole because I often find that ending something can mean many things — whether it be canceling an action, quitting an application, closing an element, navigating back, exiting a chat interaction… You get the idea. There are many ways to say that something is done, complete, and ready to move on to something else. I want to add clarity to that.

Screenshots of “ending” controls and navigation from Google Cloud, Gov.uk, and New York Times

Getting Canceled

If there’s a Hall of Fame for button labels, this is the Babe Ruth of them all. “Cancel” is a widely used word to indicate an action that ends something. Cancel is a sharp, tenacious action. The person wants to bail on some process that didn’t go the way they expected it to. Maybe the page reveals a form that the person didn’t realize would be so long, so they want to back off. It could be something you have no control over whatsoever, like that person realizing they do not have their credit card information handy during checkout and they have to come back another time.

Cancel can feel personal at times, right? Don’t like the shipping costs calculated at checkout? Cancel the payment. Don’t like the newsletter? Cancel The Subscription. But really, the person only wants to undo an incorrect action or decision leaving no trace of it behind in favor of a clean slate to try again… or not.

The only times I feel betrayed by the word cancel is when the process I’m trying to end continues anyway. That comes up most when submitting forms with incorrect information. I enter something inadvertently, hit a big red Cancel button, yet the information I’ve “saved” persists to the extent that I either need to contact customer support or start looking for alternatives.

That’s the bottom line: Use “cancel” as an opportunity to confirm. It’s the person telling you, “Hey, that’s not actually what I meant to do,” and you get to step in and be the hero to wipe the mistake clean and set things up for a second chance. We’re not technically “ending” anything but rather starting clean and picking things back up for a better go. Think about that the next time you find yourself needing a label that encourages the user to try again. You might even consider synonyms that are less closely associated with closed endings, such as reset or retry.

“Cancel Subscription” mock-up

Quitting or Exiting?

Quit window, quit tab, quit app — now we’re talking about finality. When we “quit” or “exit” something, we’re changing course. We’ve made progress in one direction and decide it’s time to chart a different path. If we’re thinking about it in terms of freeway traffic, you might say that “quitting” is akin to pulling over and killing the engine, and “exiting” is taking leaving the freeway for another road. There’s a difference, although the two terms are closely related.

As far as we’re concerned as developers, quit and exit are hard stop points in an application. It’s been put to rest. Nothing else beyond this should be possible except its rebirth when the service is restarted or reopened. So, if your page is capable of nuking the current experience and the user takes it, then quit is the better label to make that point. We’re quitting and have no plans to restart or re-engage. If you were to “quit” your job, it’s not like your employer is expecting you to report for duty on Monday… or any other day for that matter.

But here’s my general advice about the word quit: only use it if you have to. I see very few use cases where we actually want to offer someone a true way to quit something. It’s so effective at conveying finality in web interfaces that it shuts the door on any future actions. For instance, I find that cancel often works in its place. And, personally, I find that saying “cancel payment” is more widely applicable. It’s softer and less rigid in the sense that it leaves the possibility to resume a process down the road.

Quit is also a simple process. Just clear everything and be gone. But if quitting means the user might lose some valuable data or progress, then that’s something they have to be warned about. In that case, exit and save may be better guidance.

I consider Exit the gentler twin of Quit. I prefer Quit just for the ultimatum of it. I see Exit used less frequently in interfaces than I see Quit. In rare cases, I might see Exit used specifically because of its softer nature to Quit even though “quitting” is the correct semantic choice given that the user really wants to wipe things clean and the assurance that nothing is left behind. Sometimes a “tougher” term is more reassuring.

Exit, however, is an excellent choice for actions that represent the end of human-to-human interactions — things like Exit Group, Exit Chat, Exit Streaming, Exit Class. If this person is kindly saying goodbye to someone or something but open to future interactions, allow them to exit when they’re done. They’re not quitting anything and we aren’t shoving them out the door.

“Exit Class” mock-up

Going Back (and Forth)

Let’s talk about navigation. That’s the way we describe moving around the internet. We navigate from one place to another, to another, to another, and so on. It’s a journey of putting one digital foot in front of the other on the way to somewhere. That journey comes to an end when we get to our destination… or when we “quit” or “exit” the journey as we discussed above.

But the journey may take twists and turns. Not all movement is linear on the web. That’s why we often leave breadcrumbs in interfaces, right? It’s wayfinding on the web and provides people with a way to go “back” where they came from. Maybe that person forgot a step and needs to head back in order to move forward again.

In other words, back displaces people — laterally and hierarchically. Laterally, back (and its synonym, previous), backtracks across the same level in a process, for instance, between two sections of the same form, or two pages of the same document. Hierarchically, back — not to mention more explicit variants like “home” — is a level above that in the navigation hierarchy.

I like the explicit nature of saying something like “Home” when it comes to navigating someone “back” to a location or state. There’s no ambiguity there: hey, let’s go back home. Being explicit opens you up to more verbose labels but brevity isn’t always the goal. Even in iconography, adding more detail to a visual can help add clarity. The same is true with content in user interfaces. My favorite example is the classic “Back to Top” button on many pages that navigate you to the “top” of the page. We’re going “back to the top” which would not have been clear if we had used “Back” alone. Back where? That’s an important question — particularly when working with in-page anchors — and the answer may not be as obvious to others as it is to you. Communicating that level of hierarchy explicitly is a navigational feature.

While the “Back to Top” example I gave is a better illustration of lateral displacement than hierarchical displacement, I tend to avoid the label back with any sort of lateral navigation because moving laterally typically involves navigating between states more than navigating between pages. For example, the user may be navigating from a “logged in” state to a “logged out” state. In this case, I prefer being even more explicit — e.g., Save and Go Back, or Cancel and Go Home — than hierarchical navigation because we’re changing states on top of moving away from something.

Navigation mock-up

Closing Down

Close is yet another term you’ll find in the wild for conveying the “end” of something. It’s quite similar to Back in the sense that it serves dual purposes. It can be for navigation — close the current page and go back — or it can be for canceling an action — close the current page, and either discard or save all the data entered so far.

I prefer Close for neither of those cases. If we’re in the context of navigation, I like the clarity of the more explicit guidance we discussed above, e.g., Go Back, Previous, or Go Home. Giving someone an instruction to Close doesn’t say where that person is going to land once navigating away from the current page. And if we’re dealing with actions, Save and Close affirms the person that their data will be saved, rather than simply “closing” it out. If we were to simply say “cancel” instead, the insinuation is that the user is quitting the action and can expect to lose their work.

The one time I do feel that “Close” is the ideal label is working with pop-up dialogues and modals. Placing “Close” at the top-right (or the block-start, inline-end edge if we’re talking logical directions) corner is more than clear enough about what happens to the pop-up or modal when clicking it. We can afford to be a little less explicit with our semantics when someone’s focus is trapped in a specific context.

The End.

I’ve saved the best for last, right? There’s no better way to connote an ending than simply calling it the “end”. It works well when we pair it with what’s ending.

End Chat. End Stream. End Webinar.

You’re terminating an established connection, not with a process, but with a human. And this is not some abrupt termination like Quit or Cancel. It’s more of a proper goodbye. Consider it also a synonym to Exit because the person ending the interaction may simply be taking a break. They’re not necessarily quitting something for good. Let’s leave the light on the front patio for them to return later and pick things back up..

And speaking of end, we’ve reached the end of this article. That’s the tricky, but liberating, thing about content semantics — some words may technically be correct but still mislead site visitors. It’s not that we’re ever trying to give someone bad directions, but it can still happen because this is a world where there are many ways of saying the same thing. Our goal is to be unambiguous and the milestone is clarity. Settling on the right word or combination of words takes effort. Anyone who has struggled with naming things in code knows about this. It’s the same for naming things outside of code.

I did not make an attempt to cover each and every word or way to convey endings. The point is that our words matter and we have all the choice and freedom in the world to find the best fit. But maybe you’ve recently run into a situation where you needed to “end” something and communicate that in an interface. Did you rely on something definitive and permanent (e.g. quit) or did you find that softer language (e.g. exit) was the better direction? What other synonyms did you consider? I’d love to know!

End Article.

Close, Exit, Cancel: How to End User Interactions Well originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

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Essential Steps for Building a Mobile App for Your Brand

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Having a mobile app for your brand has become a necessity. A well-designed app can improve customer engagement, brand loyalty, and provide a competitive edge in your industry. Whether you’re a small business owner or a marketer in a large corporation, building an app can seem scary. However, by following a structured approach, you can create an app that not only meets your needs but also delights your users.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to build a mobile app for your brand.

1. Define Your Goals

Define Your Goals

Before you get into the technical aspects, take a moment to define the purpose of your app. Ask yourself:

  • What problem does my app solve?
  • Who is my target audience?
  • What features will my users find most valuable?

Clearly outlining your goals will help you stay focused throughout the development process and guide decisions about design and functionality.

2. Research Your Market

Research Your Market

Understanding your competition and market trends is crucial. Analyze existing apps in your niche to identify strengths and weaknesses. Look for opportunities where your app can stand out. Conduct surveys or interviews with potential users to gather insights into their preferences and pain points. This research will inform your app’s features and design.

If you’re targeting a global audience, you will want to conduct surveys that include as wide a range of customers as possible. In that case, using VPN for Chrome will help you reach worldwide customers and secure the data you collect through surveys and interviews.

3. Create a Wireframe

Create a Wireframe

A wireframe is a blueprint of your app, showcasing its layout and navigation. This step lets you visualize the user experience without getting bogged down in design details. Use simple tools to create wireframes that outline each screen and how users will interact with your app. Focus on the flow from one screen to another, ensuring it’s intuitive and user-friendly.

4. Design the User Interface (UI)

Design the User Interface

Once you have a wireframe, it’s time to bring your app to life with a user-friendly design. Choose a color scheme, typography, and icons that align with your brand identity. Tools like Adobe XD or Figma can help you design stunning interfaces. Keep the following design principles in mind:

Simplicity : A clean and straightforward design helps users navigate easily.

Consistency : Use the same styles and elements throughout the app for a cohesive look.

Feedback : Provide visual feedback for user actions (like button presses) to enhance the experience.

5. Develop the App

 Develop the App

At this stage, you can either code the app yourself or hire a developer. If you’re not tech-savvy, consider using app builders like Appy Pie or Adalo, which allow you to create apps without extensive coding knowledge. If you choose to hire a developer, ensure they understand your vision and requirements.

6. Test Your App

Testing is a critical phase in the app development process. It helps you identify bugs and usability issues before launching. Conduct various tests, including:

Functionality Testing : Ensure all features work as intended.

Usability Testing : Gather feedback from real users to identify areas for improvement.

Performance Testing : Check the app’s speed and responsiveness on different devices.

7. Launch Your App

Once you’re satisfied with the app’s performance, it’s time to launch it on app stores. Prepare a marketing strategy to promote your app using social media, email newsletters, and your website. Engaging visuals and clear descriptions in the app store will attract potential users.

8. Gather Feedback and Iterate

After launching your app, encourage users to provide feedback. Monitor reviews and analytics to understand user behavior. Use this information to make improvements in future updates. Continuous iteration is key to keeping your app relevant and engaging.

Remember, this process takes time, so be patient and open to learning along the way. With dedication and the right approach, your app can become a powerful tool for connecting with customers and improving your brand’s presence in the digital space.

The post Essential Steps for Building a Mobile App for Your Brand appeared first on CSS Author.

55+ Best After Effects Slideshow Templates 2024

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Adobe After Effects is one of the most popular and effective tools for making attractive motion graphics. With the ability to use pre-made templates, After Effects can be a powerful tool even at the hands of a beginner.

Especially when making wedding photo album videos, presentations, and promotional campaigns, After Effects is quite useful in turning ordinary photos and videos into gorgeously animated slideshows.

To help you find inspiration, we handpicked a collection of After Effects slideshow templates you can use to easily make professional motion graphics without an effort.

All you have to do is edit the template and drop the images into the placeholders.

Top Pick

Urban Melodic Slideshow Template

Urban Melodic Slideshow Template

This After Effects slideshow template features a beautifully minimalist design that allows you to create modern and elegant slideshow videos for all kinds of creative projects, startups, businesses, and more.

The template is easily customizable and features stylish melodic animations that will make your videos more entertaining to watch.

Why This Is A Top Pick

The multipurpose and minimal design of this After Effects template allows you to create various types of slideshows with ease. The melodic transitions and the creative effects also add more value to the template.

Modern Photo Slideshow for After Effects

This After Effects template is a stunningly contemporary design ideal for assembling your photo slideshows. It brings together visual expertise and cutting-edge effects to present your images in the most captivating manner, effortlessly transforming ordinary photo collections into visually gripping masterpieces.

Modern Collages After Effects Slideshow

A creative After Effects slideshow template that levels up your photo presentations. With a collage-style layout, this After Effects slideshow template allows you to weave together multiple images in a visually captivating manner. It’s perfect for an engaging display of personal, professional, or event photos.

Handmade Paper Slides for After Effects

Explore the timeless beauty of simplicity with this creative paper-style After Effects slideshow template. This template allows you to forge paper-style slideshows, providing an organic and artistic touch to your digital creations. It’s a fantastic solution for adding unique personality and depth to your visual presentations, videos, and more.

Happy Halloween Slideshow for After Effects

This is a unique template designed for creating striking Halloween-themed promotional slideshows. This aesthetically engaging asset allows you to unleash your creativity and carve out an unforgettable visual experience for your audience. It’s a brilliant resource that saves time without compromising on quality and effect.

Fashion Sale After Effects Slideshow

A brilliantly designed After Effects slideshow template ideal for showcasing fashion sale promos. Its engaging visual effects and smooth transitions ensure an appealing user journey, making it a valuable resource for retailers wanting to add some creative flair to their promotional pursuits.

Split Screen Instagram Slideshow for After Effects

This is an innovative After Effects slideshow template designed to energize your Instagram videos. It employs a multi-frame layout that allows you to share multiple visuals simultaneously, creating a vibrant, dynamic, and engaging viewer experience. This template is an excellent tool to make your Instagram content stand out.

Colorful Fashion – After Effects Slideshow Template

bright colorful fashion-adobe-after-effects-template

This stylish After Effects slideshow template is specially designed for showcasing fashion and apparel design photos. It comes with vibrant and colorful designs that make your photos look like pages out of a fashion magazine.

Chrono Corporation – After Effects Slideshow Template


Chrono is a professionally designed After Effects slideshow template you can use to create company profile, startup pitch, and other videos related to business and corporations.

Colorful Fashion Slideshow Template

Colorful Fashion Slideshow Template

If you’re working on a promotional video for a product or a fashion brand, this After Effects template will come in handy. It features a creative layout for effectively showcasing different products like gadgets, clothing, and more. The template is quite useful for Instagram promotions.

Fast Dynamic Slideshow Template

Fast Dynamic Slideshow

This slideshow template comes with a modern and hipster-style layout design featuring multiple transition animations. The template can be easily customized to add your own text, audio, and change colors as well.

Free Simple Corporate Slideshow Template

Free Simple Corporate Slideshow Template

Whether you’re making a slideshow for a startup or a corporate agency, this free After Effect template will help you design a more professional slideshow without an effort.

Free Dynamic Colorful Slideshow Template

Free Dynamic Colorful Slideshow Template

This free slideshow template comes with an easily editable layout you can use to create a dynamic slideshow for a YouTube video or a social media promotional video. It’s available in Full HD resolution.

Creative Education After Effects Slideshow Template

Creative Education After Effects Slideshow Template

This After Effects template is perfect for designing an attractive slideshow for creating education-themed videos. It’s especially suitable for college presentations, exhibitions, and events. It features modern slide designs with editable elements. You can change text and colors to your preference.

Multi Sliders After Effects Slideshow Template

Multi Sliders After Effects Slideshow Template

Want to create a slideshow with colorful and trendy designs? Then this After Effects template is perfect for you. It features a multi-slide layout where you can showcase multiple images or video clips at the same time. There are lots of different transition animations and effects in the template as well.

New Season Sale Promo After Effects Template

New Season Sale Promo After Effects Template

Be sure to download this After Effects template to make your seasonal promo videos look more attractive. The template has a multipurpose layout that you can use to promote various products and businesses for different seasons.

Merry Christmas Slideshow After Effects Template

Merry Christmas Slideshow After Effects Template

If you’re looking for an After Effects slideshow to create a Christmas-themed video, this template is made just for you. It features a beautiful slide design that’s suitable for everything from Christmas sale promos to photo albums and more.

Free Grid Photo Slideshow After Effects Template

Free Grid Photo Slideshow After Effects Template

This free After Effects template allows you to make a simple slideshow video with a creative grid overlay effect. It also features simple fall-out animation that will give a professional look to your videos.

Digital Marketing Agency Slideshow for After Effects

Digital Marketing Agency Slideshow for After Effects

This is a very colorful and creative slideshow template for After Effects. It features multiple slides with bright colors with an attractive design for promoting your marketing agency services. You can easily customize it to your preference as well.

Grid Slideshow with Brushes for After Effects

Grid Slideshow with Brushes for After Effects

This slideshow template comes with lots of different styles of slides, animated effects, and transitions to help you make slideshow videos for all kinds of purposes. It has 56 media placeholders and 11 different scenes with grid layouts. Each scene features cool brush-style effects too.

Online Fashion Store Slideshow After Effects Template

Online Fashion Store Slideshow After Effects Template

The beautiful aesthetic feel of this slideshow design makes it a great choice for making videos related to fashion, beauty, and cosmetics. The template includes multiple slide layouts with editable colors, fonts, and media placeholders. It’s great for Instagram and Facebook promo videos.

Frame Wedding Photo Slideshow for After Effects

Frame Wedding Photo Slideshow for After Effects

You can design a beautiful photo frame slideshow for wedding videos using this After Effects slideshow template. It includes multiple styles of slide layouts with attractive animations, particle effects, and much more.

Free Glass Fade Slideshow After Effects Template

Free Glass Fade Slideshow After Effects Template

This free Slideshow template for After Effects features a simple glass fade animation that will make your videos look much more beautiful and romantic. It’s perfect for weddings and romantic photo slideshow videos.

Grunge Vintage Slideshow & Titles for After Effects

Grunge Vintage Slideshow & Titles for After Effects

This After Effects template is perfect for creating beautiful slideshows with a grunge vintage look and feel. It includes 15 animated titles with 29 placeholders for showcasing images and video clips. The template is compatible with After Effects CC.

Wooden Frames Slideshow Template for After Effects

Wooden Frames Slideshow Template for After Effects

If you want to add creative frames to your photo slideshows, this template is made just for you. It allows you to create video slideshows with a photobook-style design. The template comes with 29 placeholders and multiple styles of animations.

Fantasy Slideshow After Effects Template

Fantasy Slideshow After Effects Template

You can add a magical fantasy look to your slideshow videos with this amazing After Effects template. It features mesmerizing animations that create a beautiful fantasy look. The template includes 17 media placeholders.

Dynamic Parallax Slideshow After Effects Template

Dynamic Parallax Slideshow After Effects Template

A simple yet effective slideshow template for After Effects. This template features a clean slideshow layout with subtle animations for showcasing your images and video footage.

Free Letterbox Slideshow After Effects Template

Free Letterbox Slideshow After Effects Template

This free After Effects template is a great choice for designing simple slideshows for corporate and business videos. It features a letterbox-style design with creative slide transitions.

History Slideshow & Timeline Template for After Effects

History Slideshow & Timeline Template for After Effects

This After Effects template comes with a vintage design that allows you to create documentary timelines and slideshows for history-related videos. It includes multiples styles of slide layouts with creative animations for showcasing images and video clips.

Pages – Photo Gallery After Effects Slideshow Template

Pages - Photo Gallery After Effects Slideshow Template

A creative After Effects slideshow template featuring page-flipping animations. This slideshow template is perfect for showcasing product features as well as creating photo albums. The template comes in both short and long versions.

Magic Parallax Slideshow Template for After Effects

Magic Parallax Slideshow Template for After Effects

You can create beautiful slideshows with a cinematic look and feel using this After Effects template. It features a magic-themed slideshow design that also comes in short and long versions. There are 31 placeholders in each template as well.

Particles Slideshow Template for After Effects

Particles Slideshow Template for After Effects

Create fast and simple slideshows with particle effects using this slideshow template. It features a clean slideshow design with simple animations and text placeholders. It’s compatible with After Effects CS5 and higher.

Free Photo Frame Slideshow After Effects Template

Free Photo Frame Slideshow After Effects Template

Another free After Effects slideshow template with photo frame slide designs. This template works great for creating photo album videos as well as for product showcase videos.

INK Titles – After Effects Slideshow Template

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Ink Titles comes with an amazing slideshow design featuring creative ink-themed effects. The After Effects template can be easily customized to add up to 19 images or videos. It’s also available in 5 different colors presets.

Aquavitae – After Effects Slideshow Template


Aquavitae is a minimalist and a modern After Effects slideshow template that comes with 30 placeholders for making a slideshow of photos or video clips. The template also supports color controls for all the elements and includes a video tutorial on how to edit the template as well.

Ultimate Slideshow Construction Kit After Effects Template

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Ultimate Slideshow is a complete bundle of After Effects templates that allows you to make your own unique slideshow videos. The template provides you with unlimited placeholders and includes automatic text animations.

Urban Slideshow – After Effects Template

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This After Effects slideshow template features a modern design with an urban theme, which makes it ideal for photography, fashion, and documentary style slideshow videos and title scenes.

Free Inspiring Summer Slideshow Template

Free Inspiring Summer Slideshow Template

This free slideshow template features a colorful summer-inspired slideshow design. You can use it to create and promote your travel photos, Instagram videos, and much more.

Free Clean Slideshow Template

Free Clean Slideshow Template

The clean and minimal design of this slideshow template makes it a great choice for crafting creative design, fashion, and photography slideshows. The template is available in Full HD resolution.

Numeral Slideshow – After Effects Template

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Featuring a unique retro-themed design, this After Effects slideshow template will help you create a professional video opener or a slideshow that stands out from the crowd. The template is available in Full HD resolution.

Bright Photo Slideshow After Effects Template

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This creative After Effects slideshow template lets you showcase your photos in an amazing way with its floating image placeholders. It will also give your slideshow a 3D-like look and feel.

Wonderful Memories – After Effects Slideshow Template

wonderful memory-adobe-after-effects-template

Another creative After Effects slideshow template that features a complete After Effects environment and with dynamic camera movements. It includes 12 main scenes and 300 image placeholders.

Corporate Presentation – After Effects Slideshow Template

corporate presentaion-adobe-after-effects-template

This After Effects slideshow template is designed specifically for making presentation videos for business and corporate events. It features modern transition effects and designs fit for professional purposes. The template is available in Full HD resolution.

Bold Slideshow – After Effects Template

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A bold and beautiful After Effects slideshow template featuring a creative design. This template is ideal for making fashion and photography slideshow videos. It’s available in Full HD resolution.

Fast Slides – Free After Effects Slideshow

Fast Slides - Free After Effects Slideshow 2

A professional and modern slideshow template for making creative videos for startups and corporate businesses. The template is easily customizable and works with both photo and video compositions.

Free Modern Zoom Telescopic Slideshow

Modern Zoom Telescopic Slideshow

This simple and minimal slideshow template is perfect for creating photo slideshows of your family photos and creative projects. The template comes in Full HD resolution and lets you showcase 6 images.

Gradient Slideshow – After Effects Template


This unique After Effects slideshow template adds a colorful gradient overlay effect to your photos to make a colorful slideshow video while also highlight its text. It includes 10 image placeholders and 24 text holders.

Watercolor & Ink – After Effects Slideshow Template

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This stylish After Effects slideshow template comes in two versions with short and long slideshows. It lets you feature up to 40 images or videos and includes 30 different ink and watercolor effects you can use to customizing the slideshow design.

Atmospheric – After Effects Slideshow Template


Atmospheric is a creative After Effects slideshow template featuring simple and minimalist effects and transitions for making a professional slideshow video. It’s available in 3 versions with up to 45 image placeholders.

Romantic Slideshow – After Effects Template

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This After Effects slideshow template is perfect for making a montage video for romantic events, weddings, and Valentine’s Day. The template is available in Full HD resolution.

Universal – After Effects Slideshow Template

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A multipurpose After Effects slideshow template that can be used to make all kinds of slideshows and presentations. It can be easily customized to your preference and the template is available in Full HD.

Creative – After Effects Slideshow Template


Another creative After Effects slideshow template that comes with colorful and vibrant effects that let you make an attractive slideshow video. The template supports both videos and images.

Abstract Parallax – After Effects Slideshow Template


This After Effects slideshow template features a creative presentation design filled with abstract shapes and transitions. It’s ideal for photography, fashion, and other slideshow videos.

Romance – After Effects Slideshow Template

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This beautiful and elegant After Effects slideshow template is designed specifically for romantic-themed videos. It’s most suitable for making wedding album videos and presentations. The template can be customized with After Effects CS4 and higher.

Refraction – After Effects Slideshow Template


Refraction is a two-in-one After Effects slideshow template that comes with customizable slideshow designs and transition effects.  It’s available in Full HD resolution.

Travel Slideshow – After Effects Template

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If you’re looking for a template to make a travel-themed video, this After Effects slideshow template will come in handy. It’s perfect for showcasing travel destinations and journeys.

20+ Best Italian Style Fonts (Free & Pro)

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Capture the timeless elegance and charm of Italy with our curated selection of the best Italian-style fonts.

Whether you’re designing for a luxury brand, a rustic restaurant, or a high-end fashion label, Italian-inspired fonts can bring a sense of sophistication and flair to your projects. These fonts reflect the rich heritage of Italian design, from the classic, ornate styles of old-world Italy to sleek, modern typefaces inspired by the country’s famous art, architecture, and fashion.

In this post, we’ve handpicked the best Italian-style fonts that embody the beauty, culture, and craftsmanship Italy is known for. From elegant serif fonts that channel the grandeur of Renaissance architecture to playful, script styles reminiscent of Italian cafés and boutiques, these typefaces will help you create a design with authentic Italian flavor. Have a look.

Marcopolo – Italian Restaurant Font

Marcopolo - Italian Restaurant Font

Marcopolo is a creative Italian-style font, featuring a striking contrast deco style. This unique uppercase typeface also offers intriguing lowercase designs and comprehensive multilingual support. From Afrikaans to Zulu, it effectively communicates in diverse languages, making it a versatile choice for global projects.

Fiorent Deco – Italian Style Font

Fiorent Deco - Italian Style Font

Fiorent Deco is an Italian-style display font that embodies Art Deco simplicity. With its clean, modern letterforms imbued with a classic, retro feel, this all-caps font is fitting for headlines, branding, or logotypes. Inspired by Italian cafes, it includes stylish alternatives for certain characters, like the letter ‘S’. This font is especially ideal for food product packaging, menu designs, or cafe and restaurant branding.

CA Capoli – Italian Style Font

CA Capoli - Italian Style Font

CA Capoli is a beautifully refined script typeface with an authentic vintage flair. Inspired by a 1950’s font found on an Italian ceramic ashtray during a trip, the creators aimed to fill in the blanks of the mystery alphabet. Featuring Regular and Stroke styles alongside a Central European character set and alternative options, CA Capoli is ideal for illustrative titles or logos needing a touch of Italian elegance.

Praline Amaretto – Vintage Italian Font

Praline Amaretto - Vintage Italian Font

Praline Amaretto is an Italian-style Serif Font complete with 91 unique, handcrafted glyphs. This inclusive font features both uppercase and lowercase glyphs along with numbers and punctuation. In the near future, this font will also support multilingual glyphs. Perfect for crafting aesthetically pleasing typography for personal or client-based projects.

Pesto – Thin Italian Style Font

Pesto - Thin Italian Style Font

Pesto is a sleek, light sans-serif typeface with a multilingual flair. Perfect for imbuing a vintage vibe into logos, branding, arts or text for articles, this versatile TTF font supports a broad spectrum of languages including Spanish, Portuguese, German, Danish, French, Italian, and even Cyrillic.

Gallery – Italian Style Ligature Font

Gallery - Italian Style Ligature Font

The Gallery is a modern and stylish font that adds a touch of sophistication to your designs. Available in both OTF and TTF files, it supports a wide variety of characters including uppercase, lowercase, numbers, punctuations, and ligatures. The font also offers expansive language support, making it a versatile choice for international projects.

Restaconme – Modern Script Font

Restaconme - Modern Script Font

Restaconme is an Italian-inspired modern script font ideal for creative projects. Its hand-lettering style design, inspired by Italian pianist Ludovico Einaudi, adds an elegant touch to any project. Making Restaconme a perfect choice for use on apparel, invitations, product packaging, headers, logotype, letterheads, posters, labels and more.

Lico – Vintage Italian Font

Lico - Vintage Italian Font

Check out Lico, a vintage Italian-inspired font with a fun retro pop twist. The stylistic alternates and ligatures in each letter lend uniqueness to your writing, making Lico ideal for a variety of visual projects ranging from branding and logos to social media content, and even weddings. Lico comes in uppercase, lowercase, punctuation, numerical, ligatures, alternates, and supports multiple languages.

Neretto Sans – Italian Style Font

Neretto Sans - Italian Style Font

Neretto Sans is a sleek Italian style font based on the Sensi Bold design by Valerio Dell’Edera. The name Neretto, an Italian term for thick, black type, perfectly describes this contemporary sans serif font. Ideal for magazine titles and logotypes, this font includes updated ligatures, along with a complete glyph set.

Rigoletto – Italian Font Duo

Rigoletto - Italian Font Duo

The Rigoletto is a sophisticated, monoline-style font. With its Sans Serif fonts amplifying the sleek script, it emanates an expensive and tidy elegance. Offering 70 alternates, Rigoletto provides substantial flexibility in design. It supports multiple languages, from English to Swedish, making it versatile for international use. This font is particularly suitable for logotypes, wedding invites, vintage labels, and romantic cards.

Matrole – Vintage Italian Font

Matrole - Vintage Italian Font

Matrole is a versatile, vintage Italian-style serif font with three unique styles: clean, rough, and stamp. Providing a comprehensive suite with multilingual characters and stylistic alternates, Matrole is well-suited for various applications including quotes, clothing designs, vintage logos, labels, posters, and packaging designs.

Montrelo – Elegant Italian Font

Montrelo - Elegant Italian Font

Montrelo is a chic, modern sans-serif font that emanates Italian elegance. Versatile for any size and medium, it is ideal for branding, social media content, wedding designs, advertisements and product packaging. Montrelo also includes a host of features like OTF, TTF, and WOFF formats, various glyphs, alternates, ligature and multilingual support.

Freudian – Italian Font

Freudian - Italian Font

This is a beautifully crafted, Italian-style font with a vintage, handmade appeal. Its versatility makes it suitable for an array of graphic design projects such as logos, posters, prints, business cards, and even clothing designs. This opentype feature-rich and PUA Encoded font also supports 23 languages, making it a globally friendly typeface.

Hopscotch – Creative Italian Font

Hopscotch - Creative Italian Font

Hopscotch is a charming Italian-style font with whimsical handwritten doodles. Its playful summer tone, complete with a bouncy baseline and full alternate set in uppercase letters, makes it an excellent choice for prints, invitations, greeting cards, and custom typography.

LATUNA – Italian Serif Font

LATUNA - Italian Serif Font

LATUNA, a modern Italian serif font that brings a distinctive and premium touch to any project. The package includes regular and italic versions, web font, ligatures, alternates, and multilingual support. It supports 65 languages from Afrikaans to Zulu.

Romaben – Old Vintage Italian Font

Romaben - Old Vintage Italian Font

Romaben is an elegant vintage Italian-styled font that exudes a nostalgic charm reminiscent of the 70s, 80s, and 90s. This font captures the timeless appeal of old-fashioned design, making it an ideal choice for a variety of projects – from logos, advertisements, and branding projects to invitation designs and product labels.

Nethan – Elegant Italian Script Font

Nethan - Elegant Italian Script Font

Nethan is an Italian-style font that gives a distinct, premium touch to your projects. The package includes regular and italic versions of the font in various formats, and comes with added ligatures, alternatives, and multilingual support for 65 languages.

DeMonte – Italian Font Family

DeMonte - Italian Font Family

DeMonte is an appealing sans serif millennial-generation font, delicately crafted for a soft visual impact. With its 10 weight variations, this diverse font family stylishly accommodates a multitude of languages, including French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and more.

Free Italian Fonts

Italian – Free Slab Serif Font

Featuring thin lines and a minimalist look, this slab-serif font will allow you to craft beautiful titles, badges, and signage for various projects. The font features an Italian-inspired letter design. And it’s free for personal use.

Italiano – Free Brush Font

This free font is perfect for crafting a bold title for your Italian restaurant or cafe shop. The font comes with a brush-style letter design inspired by Italian typography. It’s free to use with personal projects.

Mantey – Free Italian Style Font

Mantey is a professional-looking font you can use for all sorts of business design needs. It features a clean letter design inspired by Italian style but with a simple and bold look. It’s free for personal use only.

Marcione Trial – Free Italian Font

Marcione is another great free font you can use to craft Italian-themed typography. It comes with a tall and narrow letter design that will fit perfectly with Italian restaurant and hotel branding designs. It’s free for personal use.

Italian Breakfast – Free Font

A stylish Italian script font that features creative curves and swirly letters. This font is ideal for more romantic-themed typography designs as well as greeting cards, T-shirts, and more. It’s free to use with personal projects.

75+ Best InDesign Magazine Templates 2024 (Free & Premium)

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Designing a magazine from scratch can be a lot of work. You have to come up with unique layouts for multiple pages, design the covers, format paragraphs, and much more. Did you know that you can get a great head-start by simply using an InDesign magazine template?

That’s right! With a magazine template, you get a complete magazine pre-designed by a professional. All you have to do is edit the design to change the colors while replacing the text and images.

We handpicked a collection of amazing InDesign magazine templates to help you find the right design for your project. There are all kinds of magazine templates in this collection ranging from fashion magazines to business magazines and more.

Let’s have a look.

Minimal Style InDesign Magazine Template

Minimal Style InDesign Magazine Template

This InDesign magazine template is perfect for fashion-oriented projects. It features 12 easily editable pages of 11×8.2 inches at 300 dpi resolution, ready to print in CMYK color mode. The layered file is compatible with Indesign CS 4, CS 5, and CS 6, and has a 3mm bleed. The template comes with free fonts alongside a handy help file.

Inspired Furniture InDesign Magazine Template

Inspired Furniture InDesign Magazine Template

A flexible and user-friendly InDesign magazine template for interior design and furniture brands. The 12-page layout, with 300 dpi resolution, is designed for a standard-sized 11×8.2 in paper. It supports Indesign CS versions 4 to 6 and includes paragraph style and layered file features while working in a print-ready CMYK color mode.

Modern Travel InDesign Magazine Template

Modern Travel InDesign Magazine Template

This is a sleek, professional InDesign magazine template perfect for creating visually appealing and informative travel magazines. With its emphasis on clean design, quality visuals, and a unified aesthetic, this template is great for travel publications or bloggers looking to inspire with their adventures. It offers 16 fully customizable A4 pages and uses CMYK color mode and free fonts.

Simple Travel InDesign Magazine Template

Simple Travel InDesign Magazine Template

This InDesign magazine template is designed to help you create an impressive travel magazine. Its sleek, professional style is marked by clean lines and top-quality visuals, promising aesthetics that are both appealing and informative. The 16-page template is fully customizable, operates in CMYK color mode, and uses free fonts.

Life Style Magzine InDesign Template

Life Style Magzine InDesign Template

A user-friendly InDesign magazine template for creating a bespoke, professional lifestyle magazine. Offering 16 customizable pages, resizable vector elements, and convenient drag-and-drop photo replacement, it streamlines the designing process, saving valuable time. Additionally, it equips users with business and marketing templates, and offers versatility in color and typography customization.

Food and Culinary Magazine InDesign Template

Food and Culinary Magazine InDesign Template

This InDesign magazine template is specifically designed for food and culinary magazines. This user-friendly asset has room for 12 pages and is quite easily editable. The template, fit for easy printing, sports a color mode of CMYK with a resolution of a sharp 300 dpi. Comes with a useful help file and space for free font downloads.

Modern Nature Magazine InDesign Template

Modern Nature Magazine InDesign Template

A brilliant InDesign magazine template for nature-themed publications. The user-friendly design features 16 unique pages, including master pages, and is fully customizable. It is compatible with various versions of InDesign, boasts automatic page numbering, and is print-ready in a CMYK color palette, 300 DPI Resolution.

Modern Fashion Magazine InDesign Template

Modern Fashion Magazine InDesign Template

Another versatile InDesign magazine template for creating stylish fashion magazines. With 16 unique pages, automatic page numbering, and compatibility with InDesign CS4 to CC, this template is easy to customize and edit. It comes in a print-ready format with 300 DPI resolution in CMYK color.

Landscape Magazine Layout InDesign Template

Landscape Magazine Layout InDesign Template

Explore a contemporary and versatile magazine design with this landscape-style InDesign magazine template. Designed for aesthetic appeal and reader engagement, it features a structured grid, stylish typography, and sections for articles, images, and ads. The customizable template, compatible with InDesign, allows for the modification of colors and fonts to suit various themes.

Recipe Book InDesign Magazine Template

Recipe Book InDesign Magazine Template

This is a professionally crafted InDesign magazine template for food lovers and chefs. It features a modern, customizable layout perfect for showcasing recipes, and comes with easy-edit convenience. Boasting clean design, A4 paper size with 3mm bleed, and compatibility with InDesign, it is also easily downloadable and print-ready.

Enjoy Magazine Template for InDesign

Enjoy Magazine Template for InDesign

This is a sleek and modern InDesign template best used for designing stylish and engaging magazines. Its user-friendly design allows easy customization of typography, brand colors, and images. It features 16 unique pages and it comes in high-resolution, A4 format. The template’s minimal design and versatile features pave the way for a magazine layout that truly encapsulates your brand.

Winter Magazine Template for InDesign

Winter Magazine Template for InDesign

A sleek, winter-themed InDesign template for modern magazines. It’s geared for easy customization, allowing you to quickly swap in your logo, images, brand colors, and typography, saving you considerable time and effort. The template spans 16 unique pages with resizable vector elements, all encapsulated within a professional, minimal, and creative design.

Simple Travel Magazine InDesign Template

Simple Travel Magazine InDesign Template

This InDesign template is ideal for both travel lovers and professionals and provides an easy-to-use platform for creating stunning travel magazines or brochures. Its versatile bifold layout is suitable for travel agencies, writers, and tourism events. The template comes in A4 size with fully customizable elements.

Multipurpose Magazine InDesign Template

Multipurpose Magazine InDesign Template

A dynamic InDesign template for modern magazine design. It blends functionality and visual appeal, offering a compelling reading experience with a modern design that incorporates whitespace and attractive typography. Compatible with InDesign, this easy-to-edit, professional template is also print-ready, and features free fonts

Fashion Luxury Magazine for InDesign

Fashion Luxury Magazine for InDesign

This is a superb InDesign template for luxury and fashion brands for creating stylish magazines. Embodying a sleek professional design, it’s easily editable with 12 custom pages in A4 format. Its features range from portrait orientation, print-ready settings (CMYK, 300 dpi), to character and paragraph styles. You can customize colors and all objects freely, making it a versatile tool for any project.

Food Magazine Template for InDesign

Food Magazine Template for InDesign

This InDesign template is ideal for designing magazines for food-related brands. Offering 12 customizable pages in professional A4 format, all elements like objects, colors, and text can be edited to suit your needs. The high-resolution, print-ready design comes with character and paragraph styles and allows color customization for boundless creativity.

Creative Portfolio Magazine InDesign Template

Creative Portfolio Magazine InDesign Template

Another versatile InDesign template designed to spotlight your portfolio in a fresh modern fashion. This easy-to-edit template combines effortless design and convenient navigation, creating an unforgettable user experience. Including 16 pages, the template is print-ready, compatible with InDesign, and uses a free font.

Unique Magazine Template for InDesign

Unique Magazine Template for InDesign

This InDesign template offers an easy-to-use layout for creating customized digital magazines. The design is minimalistic and professional, with 16 unique pages, resizable vectors, and the option to effortlessly swap out fonts and brand colors.

Sports Magazine Layout for InDesign

Sports Magazine Layout for InDesign

You can create stylish sports-themed magazines using this creative InDesign template. Optimized for A4 size, the 16-page template features easy-to-edit layouts and is print ready. It’s perfect for professional sports teams, brands, and news magazines as well

Clean Portfolio Magazine InDesign Template

Clean Portfolio Magazine InDesign Template

This is a sleek, professionally designed InDesign template ideal for showcasing portfolios. It’s easy to customize and enhances any body of work with its modern aesthetic of crisp lines and contemporary typography. It’s a 16-page document that’s print-ready and uses CMYK color scheme.

Modern Business Magazine InDesign Template

Modern Business Magazine InDesign Template

This magazine template features a modern and professional design that’s most suitable for small businesses. You can use it to craft magazines to promote services, products, and brands. The template includes 12 page layouts with easily editable designs.

Multipurpose Magazine Template for InDesign

Multipurpose Magazine Template for InDesign

A simple and creative InDesign magazine template that can handle many different types of industries. This magazine template comes with 12 unique pages with flexible layouts. It’s ideal for making magazines for various businesses and brands.

Travel Magazine Template for InDesign

Travel Magazine Template for InDesign

If you’re working on a design for a travel-related magazine, be sure to grab this InDesign template. It features a modern design with plenty of space for showcasing big beautiful photos all across its pages. There are 20 unique page layouts in this template.

Life Nature Magazine InDesign Template

Life Nature Magazine InDesign Template

This InDesign template can be used to create both lifestyle and nature magazines. It includes 20 different page designs with beautiful paragraph styles. You can fully customize it to your preference using InDesign CS4 or higher.

Free Cookbook Magazine InDesign Template

Free Cookbook Magazine InDesign Template

Want to create a simple cookbook magazine with all your favorite recipes? Then this free InDesign template will come in handy. It includes 18 page layouts with stylish designs. The template is print-ready as well.

Future Techno Magazine InDesign Template

Future Techno Magazine InDesign Template

This InDesign magazine template is perfect for technology-themed magazines. It features simple page layouts with beautiful paragraph styles and designs. You can use it to create both business and entertainment magazines.

Creative Magazine Template for InDesign

Creative Magazine Template for InDesign

This template can be used to design a creative lifestyle magazine to share articles as well as to promote brands quite effectively. It features 20 unique pages in A4 size. And it’s easily customizable to your preference.

Stylish Landscape Magazine InDesign Template

Stylish Landscape Magazine InDesign Template

If you prefer magazine designs with a landscape view, this InDesign template is perfect for you. It comes with highly visual page layouts where you can showcase large images throughout the magazine. There are 20 page layouts included in the template.

Indie Magazine Minimal InDesign Template

Indie Magazine Minimal InDesign Template

The clean and minimal design of this magazine template makes it a great choice for various types of lifestyle magazines. It includes 24 unique page layouts with easily editable paragraph styles, image placeholders, and more.

Free Trendy Magazine Template for InDesign

Free Trendy Magazine Template for InDesign

This free InDesign magazine template is great for making trendy magazines to talk about various lifestyle and fashion-related topics. The template includes 14 customizable page designs with changeable colors.

Modern Magazine InDesign Template

Modern Magazine InDesign Template

If you’re working on designing an adventure, travel, or lifestyle magazine, this template will fit in perfectly with your needs. It features a clean and modern page design with lots of space for showcasing images. The template has 12 page layouts with easily editable elements.

Colorence – Creative InDesign Magazine Template

Colorence - Creative InDesign Magazine Template

Colorence is the perfect magazine template for crafting colorful and creative magazines for modern brands. There are 14 unique page layouts included in this template and they are all fully customizable. You can change colors, formatting, fonts, and much more to your preference.

Flora – Elegant Magazine InDesign Template

Flora - Elegant Magazine InDesign Template

Flora is an elegant magazine template for InDesign. It features minimal and simple page designs for crafting modern magazines for various topics. The template is especially suitable for lifestyle and travel magazines. It includes 20 pages in A4 and US Letter size.

CHLOË – InDesign Fashion Magazine Template

CHLOË - InDesign Fashion Magazine Template

This InDesign magazine template is made with fashion and lifestyle topics in mind. It comes with 32 unique page designs that you can easily customize to your preference. The template includes master page layouts and comes in both IDML and INDD formats.

Free Printable Health Magazine InDesign Template

Free Printable Health Magazine InDesign Template

This is a free InDesign magazine template you can use to create a simple health magazine. It includes several colorful page layouts in A4 and US Letter sizes. The template is also available in MS Word and Apple Pages format.

Bold Fashion Magazine InDesign Template

Bold Fashion Magazine InDesign Template

You can create a bold and minimalist fashion magazine using this InDesign template. It includes 12 unique page layouts with elegant designs. Each page is fully customizable and you can add your own colors, change fonts, and add custom images however you like.

Culture Magazine InDesign Template

Culture Magazine InDesign Template

This InDesign magazine template is perfect for designing culture and lifestyle magazines. It features beautiful page layouts with lots of space for showcasing images and visuals. The template includes 12 unique page layouts in A4 size.

Glamoure – Modern InDesign Magazine Template

Glamoure - Modern InDesign Magazine Template

Grab this template to design a modern and glamorous fashion magazine. There are 12 different page layouts to choose from with easily editable colors and font options. You can use this template to make fashion lookbooks and catalogs as well.

Interior Design Magazine InDesign Template

Interior Design Magazine InDesign Template

This magazine template comes with a minimal page design to help accentuate your product images throughout every page. It’s a great choice for making magazines for interior design and architecture topics. The template has 12 custom page layouts.

Free Fashion College InDesign Magazine Template

Free Fashion College InDesign Magazine Template

Another free InDesign magazine template with modern and visual page designs. This template is ideal for making magazines and brochures related to fashion and beauty. It’s available in MS Word and Apple Pages versions too.

Lifestyle Magazine Template for InDesign

Lifestyle Magazine Template

This beautiful, and cool lifestyle magazine for InDesign is an excellent choice for any brand that values standing out from the pack. Featuring a simple yet eye-catching design, and fantastic use of white space, this template is too good to pass on.

Graceland – InDesign Magazine Template

Magazine Template

Here we have a professionally designed InDesign magazine template perfectly fitting to a pool of businesses, and industries. It offers a grid based layout, 24 unique pages with automatic numbering, and free fonts. Grab it right now!

Julienn – Lifestyle InDesign Magazine Template

InDesign Magazine Template

Check out Julienn, a carefully crafted lifestyle magazine template that comes with 32 remarkably unique pages, fully customizable in Adobe InDesign. It has a tactfully designed grid-based format that not just commands attention, but also keeps the readers hooked on the content from start to end.

Creative InDesign Magazine Template

Creative InDesign Magazine Template

This beautifully creative InDesign magazine template has a unique design that will make your own magazines stand out from the crowd. This template comes with a clean design filled with stylish shapes, image placeholders, and unlimited color options for customizing the design. It includes 14 different page layouts as well.

Minimal InDesign Magazine Template

Minimal InDesign Magazine Template

If you’re working on a magazine design for creative arts, design, or photography, this minimal InDesign magazine template will be a perfect choice for you. It features 14 unique and editable page layouts with a creative design. All the colors and shapes used in the design are customizable to your preference.

Modern InDesign Magazine Template

Modern InDesign Magazine Template

A professional InDesign magazine template featuring a modern design. This template includes 30 unique page templates that you can easily customize however you like to create all kinds of magazines. The highly visual and content-rich design makes this a great choice for technology-themed magazines.

28-Page InDesign Magazine Template

28-Page InDesign Magazine Template

You can craft a beautiful lifestyle magazine using this impressive InDesign template. It comes with a professionally-crafted design that features image placeholders and proper paragraph formatting. All of which are fully editable. The template includes 28 page layouts in A4 size.

Fashion Magazine Template for InDesign

InDesign Magazine Template

Next up we have a classy, and sophisticated magazine template that brings a unique personality to the table. The design is minimal yet eye-catching, and everything from text to colors to shapes can be customized to suit your own branding.

Free Minimal InDesign Magazine Template

InDesign Magazine Template

Here we have a clean, and minimal magazine template that can be used by virtually any business or industry under the sun. It has an awfully flexible design, making it one of the best free InDesign magazine templates floating around on the web right now.

Unique InDesign Magazine Template

InDesign Magazine Template

If you are looking for a professional yet stylish business magazine template for InDesign, our next option has you covered. It comes with an uncluttered and trendy design, allowing you to accommodate bulk content without losing quality and readability.

Kalonice – Free InDesign Magazine Template

InDesign Magazine Template

Kalonice is a magazine template that has been crafted as per the latest design standards. It has a modern, multipurpose layout that fits almost any business ranging from fashion and photography to interior design and architecture.

Fashion Magazine InDesign Template

Fashion Magazine InDesign Template

Looking for inspiration to design a fashion magazine? Then this template will help you get a headstart. It features a minimal design that highlights images with large image fill backgrounds. The template also features 20 page layouts you can easily customize to change colors and paragraphs to match your branding.

Prambanan – Free InDesign Magazine Template

Prambanan - Free InDesign Magazine Template

This is a free InDesign magazine template you can use to design a simple magazine related to travel and tourism. The template featuring multiple page designs you can edit to your preference. It’s free to use with your personal projects.

Healthy Lifestyle Magazine InDesign Template

Healthy Lifestyle Magazine InDesign Template

Use this beautifully designed InDesign template to create a professional lifestyle magazine. It comes with 18 unique page layouts with fully customizable designs. The template is print-ready but you can also use it to create and publish eBooks.

Index Magazones InDesign Magazine Template

Index Magazones InDesign Magazine Template

Index is a very unique InDesign magazine template that comes in 11,6 X 8,2-inch size. It features 20 pages with minimal designs. And you can change the colors, fonts, and even the paragraph formatting to your preference.

Honen Travel Guide Magazine InDesign Template

Honen Travel Guide Magazine InDesign Template

This magazine template is designed specifically for creating magazines and guides related to travel and tourism. It includes 24 unique page layouts in A4 size with easily editable design. The template is compatible with Adobe InDesign CS4 and higher.

Lookbook – Free InDesign Magazine Template

Lookbook - Free InDesign Magazine Template

This free InDesign template is ideal for designing a simple lifestyle magazine. The template comes with several stylish page layouts that allow you to showcase large images. This template is also free to use with personal projects.

Modern Business InDesign Magazine Template

Modern Business InDesign Magazine Template

A beautifully designed InDesign magazine template featuring colorful shapes, image placeholders, and unique paragraph styles. This template also uses a minimal text content and more visual elements throughout its design. Making it perfect for design, architecture, and photography magazines. It includes 14 page layouts.

Sport Magazine InDesign Template

Sport Magazine InDesign Template

This magazine template is made specifically for crafting sports magazines. It features a very visual and modern design. And comes with 30 different page layouts in both A4 and US Letter sizes. This template is also compatible with InDesign CS4 and higher.

Clean Minimal InDesign Magazine Template

Clean Minimal InDesign Magazine Template

Sometimes the best designs are the ones that use fewer colors and visual elements. This magazine template is one of them. It features a clean design that uses lots of white space to give the centerstage to your content. It’s perfect for agency and brand magazines. And it’s also compatible with both InDesign and MS Word.

Voyager Travel Magazine InDesign Template

Voyager Travel Magazine InDesign Template

Voyager is a beautifully designed magazine template you can use to create modern travel and adventure magazines. It features 20 unique page layouts you can easily customize to your preference and comes in A4 and US Letter sizes. The template is perfect for crafting a magazine for a nomadic audience.

Business Magazine InDesign Template

Business Magazine InDesign Template

Magazines are a great way to promote a brand and connect with potential customers. This template will allow you to start a brand magazine for your own business. It includes 20 different editable page layouts in A4 size and features a modern design as well.

Fashion & Lifestyle Magazine InDesign Template

Fashion & Lifestyle Magazine InDesign Template

This InDesign template is designed to perfection for crafting fashion and lifestyle magazines. It comes with 25 unique page designs filled with shapes, colors, stylish paragraph formatting, and plenty of space for showcasing images. The template is available in both IDML and INDD formats.

Santal – Free InDesign Magazine Template

Santal - Free InDesign Magazine Template

Santal is a beautiful free InDesign template you can use to craft a modern business, agency, or creative magazine. The template features a stylish page design full of color and image placeholders.

Modern Free InDesign Magazine Template

Modern Free InDesign Magazine Template

Design a professional magazine using this free InDesign template. It features a set of print-ready page designs you can customize however you like. It’s available in A4 size.

Food Magazine InDesign Template

Food Magazine InDesign Template

Food magazines have to have visual designs with lots of large images. And content formatting that allows you to write about recipes and restaurants. This InDesign magazine template has it all. It comes with14 unique page layouts. You can easily customize each page to your preference as well.

Technology Magazine InDesign Template

Technology Magazine InDesign Template

Working on a tech or gaming magazine? Then this template is perfect for you. It includes 25 unique page layouts featuring modern designs and formatting to help showcase products and editorials. The template comes with 3 different cover designs as well.

Furniture Landscape InDesign Magazine Template

Furniture Landscape InDesign Magazine Template

This magazine template features a landscape design that allows readers to browse content more easily. The landscape design also makes it a great option for designing catalog-style magazines. It’s especially suitable for furniture and interior design magazines. The template includes 16 unique page layouts.

Lifestyle Magazine InDesign Template

Lifestyle Magazine InDesign Template

You can design a modern and minimal lifestyle magazine using this InDesign template. It features a clean design that allows you to effectively highlight the contents of your magazine more easily. The template is compatible with InDesign CS4 to CS6 as well as CC.

Designer Fashion Magazine InDesign Template

Designer Fashion Magazine InDesign Template

This magazine template comes with a minimal design that makes it most suitable for designer fashion and apparel brands. It includes lots of large image placeholders for showcasing your products and designs. And includes 14 different fully customizable page layouts as well.

Cornea Photography Free InDesign Magazine

Cornea Photography Free InDesign Magazine

Cornea is a modern magazine template you can use to create photography portfolios and magazines. The template includes fully editable page layouts you can easily customize using InDesign. And it’s free!

Free Business Magazine InDesign Template

Free Business Magazine InDesign Template

This free magazine template is designed with small businesses in mind. It comes with a set of professionally designed page layouts that are easy to edit. And it’s free to download and use with your personal projects.

Photography Magazine InDesign Template

Photography Magazine InDesign Template

The beautiful dark theme and the elegant design makes this a great template for fashion, design, and photography magazines. It features large image placeholders for showcasing images throughout 30 different page designs. It’s available in both A4 and US Letter sizes as well.

Lemo – Creative InDesign Magazine Template

Lemo - Creative InDesign Magazine Template

This creative InDesign magazine template is suitable for crafting all kinds of magazines. It features a very flexible design that you can easily customize. You can change its colors, fonts, shapes, and much more. It includes 30 unique page templates and it works with InDesign CS4 and higher.

Professional InDesign Magazine Template

Professional InDesign Magazine Template

A very professional InDesign magazine template featuring an old-school content design. This template has the same design that you usually see in tech and business magazines. It includes 28 page layouts with customizable designs.

Stylish InDesign Magazine Template

Stylish InDesign Magazine Template

Another modern InDesign magazine template you can use to design a creative magazine for a brand or business. The template comes with 25 unique pages featuring editable colors, free fonts, and beautiful cover design.

Romner – Modern Magazine InDesign Template

Romner - Modern Magazine InDesign Template

If you’re looking for uncommon and edgy magazine design, this template is a great choice for you. It features a unique and minimal design that gives more attention to written content. The template includes 20 unique and editable page layouts.

Looking for more? Check out our best InDesign brochure templates collection for more design inspiration.

It’s Here! How To Measure UX & Design Impact, With Vitaly Friedman

Featured Imgs 23

Finally! After so many years, we’re very happy to launch “How To Measure UX and Design Impact”, our new practical guide for designers and managers on how to set up and track design success in your company — with UX scorecards, UX metrics, the entire workflow and Design KPI trees. Neatly put together by yours truly, Vitaly Friedman. Jump to details.

Video + UX Training

$ 495.00 $ 799.00 Get Video + UX Training

25 video lessons (8h) + Live UX Training.
100 days money-back-guarantee.

Video only

$ 250.00$ 395.00
Get the video course

25 video lessons (8h). Updated yearly.
Also available as a UX Bundle with 2 video courses.

The Backstory

In many companies, designers are perceived as disruptors, rather than enablers. Designers challenge established ways of working. They ask a lot of questions — much needed ones but also uncomfortable ones. They focus “too much” on user needs, pushing revenue projections back, often with long-winded commitment to testing and research and planning and scoping.

Almost every department in almost every company has their own clearly defined objectives, metrics and KPIs. In fact, most departments — from finance to marketing to HR to sales — are remarkably good at visualizing their impact and making it visible throughout the entire organization.

Designing a KPI tree, an example of how to connect business objectives with design initiatives through the lens of design KPIs. (Large preview)

But as designers, we rarely have a set of established Design KPIs that we regularly report to senior management. We don’t have a clear definition of design success. And we rarely measure the impact of our work once it’s launched. So it’s not surprising that moste parts of the business barely know what we actually do all day long.

Business wants results. It also wants to do more of what has worked in the past. But it doesn’t want to be disrupted — it wants to disrupt. It wants to reduce time to market and minimize expenses; increase revenue and existing business, find new markets. This requires fast delivery and good execution.

And that’s what we are often supposed to be — good “executors”. Or to put differently, “pixel pushers”.

Over years, I’ve been searching for a way to change that. This brought me to Design KPIs and UX scorecards, and a workflow to translate business goals into actionable and measurable design initiatives. I had to find a way to explain, visualize and track that incredible impact that designers have on all parts of business — from revenue to loyalty to support to delivery.

The results of that journey are now public in our new video course: “How To Measure UX and Design Impact” — a practical guide for designers, researchers and UX leads to measure and visualize UX impact on business.

About The Course

The course dives deep into establishing team-specific design KPIs, how to track them effectively, how to set up ownership and integrate metrics in design process. You’ll discover how to translate ambiguous objectives into practical design goals, and how to measure design systems and UX research.

Also, we’ll make sense of OKRs, Top Task Analysis, SUS, UMUX-Lite, UEQ, TPI, KPI trees, feedback scoring, gap analysis, and Kano model — and what UX research methods to choose to get better results. Jump to the table of contents or get your early-bird.

The setup for the video recordings. Once all content is in place, it’s about time to set up the recording.
<a class="btn btn--large btn--green btn--text-shadow" href=https://measure-ux.com>Jump to the video course →

A practical guide to UX metrics and Design KPIs
8h-video course + live UX training. Free preview.

  • 25 chapters (8h), with videos added/updated yearly
  • Free preview, examples, templates, workflows
  • No subscription: get once, access forever
  • Life-time access to all videos, slides, checklists.
  • Add-on: live UX training, running 2× a year
  • Use the code SMASHING to get 20% off today
  • Jump to the details →
Table of Contents

25 chapters, 8 hours, with practical examples, exercises, and everything you need to master the art of measuring UX and design impact. Don’t worry, even if it might seem overwhelming at first, we’ll explore things slowly and thoroughly. Taking 1–2 sessions per week is a perfectly good goal to aim for.

We can’t improve without measuring. That’s why our new video course gives you the tools you need to make sense of it all: user needs, just like business needs. (View large version)
1. Welcome

So, how do we measure UX? Well, let’s find out! Meet a friendly welcome message to the video course, outlining all the fine details we’ll be going through: design impact, business metrics, design metrics, surveys, target times and states, measuring UX in B2B and enterprises, design KPI trees, Kano model, event storming, choosing metrics, reporting design success — and how to measure design systems and UX research efforts.

Design impact, UX metrics, business goals, articulating design value, real-world examples, showcasing impact, evidence-driven design.

2. Design Impact

In this segment, we’ll explore how and where we, as UX designers, make an impact within organizations. We’ll explore where we fit in the company structure, how to build strong relationships with colleagues, and how to communicate design value in business terms.

Design impact, design ROI, orgcharts, stakeholder engagement, business language vs. UX language, Double Diamond vs. Reverse Double Diamond, risk mitigation.

3. OKRs and Business Metrics

We’ll explore the key business terms and concepts related to measuring business performance. We’ll dive into business strategy and tactics, and unpack the components of OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), KPIs, SMART goals, and metrics.

OKRs, objectives, key results, initiatives, SMART goals, measurable goals, time-bound metrics, goal-setting framework, business objectives.

4. Leading And Lagging Indicators

Businesses often speak of leading and lagging indicators — predictive and retrospective measures of success. Let’s explore what they are and how they are different — and how we can use them to understand the immediate and long-term impact of our UX work.

Leading vs. lagging indicators, cause-and-effect relationship, backwards-looking and forward-looking indicators, signals for future success.

5. Business Metrics, NPS

We dive into the world of business metrics, from Monthly Active Users (MAU) to Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) to Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), and many other metrics that often find their way to dashboards of senior management.

Also, almost every business measures NPS. Yet NPS has many limitations, requires a large sample size to be statistically reliable, and what people say and what people do are often very different things. Let’s see what we as designers can do with NPS, and how it relates to our UX work.

Business metrics, MAU, MRR, ARR, CLV, ACV, Net Promoter Score, customer loyalty.

6. Business Metrics, CSAT, CES

We’ll explore the broader context of business metrics, including revenue-related measures like Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) and Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR), Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), and churn rate.

We’ll also dive into Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) and Customer Effort Score (CES). We’ll discuss how these metrics are calculated, their importance in measuring customer experience, and how they complement other well-known (but not necessarily helpful) business metrics like NPS.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), churn rate, Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), Customer Effort Score (CES), Net Promoter Score (NPS), Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR), Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR).

7. Feedback Scoring and Gap Analysis

If you are looking for a simple alternative to NPS, feedback scoring and gap analysis might be a neat little helper. It transforms qualitative user feedback into quantifiable data, allowing us to track UX improvements over time. Unlike NPS, which focuses on future behavior, feedback scoring looks at past actions and current perceptions.

Feedback scoring, gap analysis, qualitative feedback, quantitative data.

8. Design Metrics (TPI, SUS, SUPR-Q)

We’ll explore the landscape of established and reliable design metrics for tracking and capturing UX in digital products. From task success rate and time on task to System Usability Scale (SUS) to Standardized User Experience Percentile Rank Questionnaire (SUPR-Q) to Accessible Usability Scale (AUS), with an overview of when and how to use each, the drawbacks, and things to keep in mind.

UX metrics, KPIs, task success rate, time on task, error rates, error recovery, SUS, SUPR-Q.

9. Design Metrics (UMUX-Lite, SEQ, UEQ)

We’ll continue with slightly shorter alternatives to SUS and SUPR-Q that could be used in a quick email survey or an in-app prompt — UMUX-Lite and Single Ease Question (SEQ). We’ll also explore the “big behemoths” of UX measurements — User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ), Google’s HEART framework, and custom UX measurement surveys — and how to bring key metrics together in one simple UX scorecard tailored to your product’s unique needs.

UX metrics, UMUX-Lite, Single Ease Question (SEQ), User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ), HEART framework, UEQ, UX scorecards.

10. Top Tasks Analysis

The most impactful way to measure UX is to study how successful users are in completing their tasks in their common customer journeys. With top tasks analysis, we focus on what matters, and explore task success rates and time on task. We need to identify representative tasks and bring 15–18 users in for testing. Let’s dive into how it all works and some of the important gotchas and takeaways to consider.

Top task analysis, UX metrics, task success rate, time on task, qualitative testing, 80% success, statistical reliability, baseline testing.

11. Surveys and Sample Sizes

Designing good surveys is hard! We need to be careful on how we shape our questions to avoid biases, how to find the right segment of audience and large enough sample size, how to provide high confidence levels and low margins of errors. In this chapter, we review best practices and a cheat sheet for better survey design — along with do’s and don’ts on question types, rating scales, and survey pre-testing.

Survey design, question types, rating scales, survey length, pre-testing, response rates, statistical significance, sample quality, mean vs. median scores.

12. Measuring UX in B2B and Enterprise

Best measurements come from testing with actual users. But what if you don’t have access to any users? Perhaps because of NDA, IP concerns, lack of clearance, poor availability, and high costs of customers and just lack of users? Let’s explore how we can find a way around such restrictive environments, how to engage with stakeholders, and how we can measure efficiency, failures — and set up UX KPI programs.

B2B, enterprise UX, limited access to users, compliance, legacy systems, compliance, desk research, stakeholder engagement, testing proxies, employee’s UX.

13. Design KPI Trees

To visualize design impact, we need to connect high-level business objectives with specific design initiatives. To do that, we can build up and present Design KPI trees. From the bottom up, the tree captures user needs, pain points, and insights from research, which inform design initiatives. For each, we define UX metrics to track the impact of these initiatives, and they roll up to higher-level design and business KPIs. Let’s explore how it all works in action and how you can use it in your work.

User needs, UX metrics, KPI trees, sub-trees, design initiatives, setting up metrics, measuring and reporting design impact, design workflow, UX metrics graphs, UX planes.

14. Event Storming

How do we choose the right metrics? Well, we don’t start with metrics. We start by identifying most critical user needs and assess the impact of meeting user needs well. To do that, we apply event storming by mapping critical user’s success moments as they interact with a digital product. Our job, then, is to maximize success, remove frustrations, and pave a clear path towards a successful outcome — with event storming.

UX mapping, customer journey maps, service blueprints, event storming, stakeholder alignment, collaborative mapping, UX lanes, critical events, user needs vs. business goals.

15. Kano Model and Survey

Once we have a business objective in front of us, we need to choose design initiatives that are most likely to drive the impact that we need to enable with our UX work. To test how effective our design ideas are, we can map them against a Kano model und run a concept testing survey. It gives us a user’s sentiment that we then need to weigh against business priorities. Let’s see how to do just that.

Feature prioritization, threshold attributes, performance attributes, excitement attributes, user’s sentiment, mapping design ideas, boosting user’s satisfaction.

16. Design Process

How do we design a KPI tree from scratch? We start by running a collaborative event storming to identify key success moments. Then we prioritize key events and explore how we can amplify and streamline them. Then we ideate and come up with design initiatives. These initiatives are stress tested in an impact-effort matrix for viability and impact. Eventually, we define and assign metrics and KPIs, and pull them together in a KPI tree. Here’s how it works from start till the end.

Uncovering user needs, impact-effort matrix, concept testing, event storming, stakeholder collaboration, traversing the KPI tree.

17. Choosing The Right Metrics

Should we rely on established UX metrics such as SUS, UMUX-Lite, and SUPR-Q, or should we define custom metrics tailored to product and user needs? We need to find a balance between the two. It depends on what we want to measure, what we actually can measure, and whether we want to track local impact for a specific change or global impact for the entire customer journey. Let’s figure out how to define and establish metrics that actually will help us track our UX success.

Local vs. global KPIs, time spans, percentage vs. absolute values, A/B testing, mapping between metrics and KPIs, task breakdown, UX lanes, naming design KPIs.

18. Design KPIs Examples

Different contexts will require different design KPIs. In this chapter, we explore a diverse set of UX metrics related to search quality (quality of search for top 100 search queries), form design (error frequency, accuracy), e-commerce (time to final price), subscription-based services (time to tier boundaries), customer support (service desk inquiries) and many others. This should give you a good starting point to build upon for your own product and user needs.

Time to first success, search results quality, form error recovery, password recovery rate, accessibility coverage, time to tier boundaries, service desk inquiries, fake email frequency, early drop-off rate, carbon emissions per page view, presets and templates usage, default settings adoption, design system health.

19. UX Strategy

Establishing UX metrics doesn’t happen over night. You need to discuss and decide what you want to measure and how often it should happen. But also how to integrate metrics, evaluate data, and report findings. And how to embed them into an existing design workflow. For that, you will need time — and green lights from your stakeholders and managers. To achieve that, we need to tap into the uncharted waters of UX strategy. Let’s see what it involves for us and how to make progress there.

Stakeholder engagement, UX maturity, governance, risk mitigation, integration, ownership, accountability, viability.

20. Reporting Design Success

Once you’ve established UX metrics, you will need to report them repeatedly to the senior management. How exactly would you do that? In this chapter, we explore the process of selecting representative tasks, recruiting participants, facilitating testing sessions, and analyzing the resulting data to create a compelling report and presentation that will highlight the value of your UX efforts to stakeholders.

Data analysis, reporting, facilitation, observation notes, video clips, guidelines and recommendations, definition of design success, targets, alignment, and stakeholder’s buy-in.

21. Target Times and States

To show the impact of our design work, we need to track UX snapshots. Basically, it’s four states, mapped against touch points in a customer journey: baseline (threshold not to cross), current state (how we are currently doing), target state (objective we are aiming for), and industry benchmark (to stay competitive). Let’s see how it would work in an actual project.

Competitive benchmarking, baseline measurement, local and global design KPIs, cross-teams metrics, setting realistic goals.

22. Measuring Design Systems

How do we measure the health of a design system? Surely it’s not just a roll-out speed for newly designed UI components or flows. Most teams track productivity and coverage, but we can also go beyond that by measuring relative adoption, efficiency gains (time saved, faster time-to-market, satisfaction score, and product quality). But the best metric is how early designers involve the design system in a conversation during their design work.

Component coverage, decision trees, adoption, efficiency, time to market, user satisfaction, usage analytics, design system ROI, relative adoption.

23. Measuring UX Research

Research insights often end up gaining dust in PDF reports stored on remote fringes of Sharepoint. To track the impact of UX research, we need to track outcomes and research-specific metrics. The way to do that is to track UX research impact for UX and business, through organisational learning and engagement, through make-up of research efforts and their reach. And most importantly: amplifying research where we expect the most significant impact. Let’s see what it involves.

Outcome metrics, organizational influence, research-specific metrics, research references, study observers, research formalization, tracking research-initiated product changes.

24. Getting Started

So you’ve made it so far! Now, how do you get your UX metrics initiative off the ground? By following small steps heading in the right direction. Small commitments, pilot projects, and design guilds will support and enable your efforts. We just need to define realistic goals and turn UX metrics in a culture of measurement, or simply a way of working. Let’s see how we can do just that.

Pilot projects, UX integration, resource assessment, evidence-driven design, establishing a baseline, culture of measurement.

25. Next Steps

Let’s wrap up our journey into UX metrics and Design KPIs and reflect what we have learned. What remains is the first next step: and that would be starting where you are and growing incrementally, by continuously visualizing and explaining your UX impact — however limited it might be — to your stakeholders. This is the last chapter of the course, but the first chapter of your incredible journey that’s ahead of you.

Stakeholder engagement, incremental growth, risk mitigation, user satisfaction, business success.

Who Is The Course For?

This course is tailored for advanced UX practitioners, design leaders, product managers, and UX researchers who are looking for a practical guide to define, establish and track design KPIs, translate business goals into actionable design tasks, and connect business needs with user needs.

What You’ll Learn

By the end of the video course, you’ll have a packed toolbox of practical techniques and strategies on how to define, establish, sell, and measure design KPIs from start to finish — and how to make sure that your design work is always on the right trajectory. You’ll learn:

  • How to translate business goals to UX initiatives,
  • The difference between OKRs, KPIs, and metrics,
  • How to define design success for your company,
  • Metrics and KPIs that businesses typically measure,
  • How to choose the right set of metrics and KPIs,
  • How to establish design KPIs focused on user needs,
  • How to build a comprehensive design KPI tree,
  • How to combine qualitative and quantitative insights,
  • How to choose and prioritize design work,
  • How to track the impact of design work on business goals,
  • How to explain, visualize, and defend design work,
  • How companies define and track design KPIs,
  • How to make a strong case for UX metrics.
Community Matters ❤️

Producing a video course takes quite a bit of time, and we couldn’t pull it off without the support of our wonderful community. So thank you from the bottom of our hearts! We hope you’ll find the course useful for your work. Happy watching, everyone! 🎉🥳

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It’s Here! How To Measure UX &amp; Design Impact, With Vitaly Friedman

Featured Imgs 23

Finally! After so many years, we’re very happy to launch “How To Measure UX and Design Impact”, our new practical guide for designers and managers on how to set up and track design success in your company — with UX scorecards, UX metrics, the entire workflow and Design KPI trees. Neatly put together by yours truly, Vitaly Friedman. Jump to details.

Video + UX Training

$ 495.00 $ 799.00 Get Video + UX Training

25 video lessons (8h) + Live UX Training.
100 days money-back-guarantee.

Video only

$ 250.00$ 395.00
Get the video course

25 video lessons (8h). Updated yearly.
Also available as a UX Bundle with 2 video courses.

The Backstory

In many companies, designers are perceived as disruptors, rather than enablers. Designers challenge established ways of working. They ask a lot of questions — much needed ones but also uncomfortable ones. They focus “too much” on user needs, pushing revenue projections back, often with long-winded commitment to testing and research and planning and scoping.

Almost every department in almost every company has their own clearly defined objectives, metrics and KPIs. In fact, most departments — from finance to marketing to HR to sales — are remarkably good at visualizing their impact and making it visible throughout the entire organization.

Designing a KPI tree, an example of how to connect business objectives with design initiatives through the lens of design KPIs. (Large preview)

But as designers, we rarely have a set of established Design KPIs that we regularly report to senior management. We don’t have a clear definition of design success. And we rarely measure the impact of our work once it’s launched. So it’s not surprising that moste parts of the business barely know what we actually do all day long.

Business wants results. It also wants to do more of what has worked in the past. But it doesn’t want to be disrupted — it wants to disrupt. It wants to reduce time to market and minimize expenses; increase revenue and existing business, find new markets. This requires fast delivery and good execution.

And that’s what we are often supposed to be — good “executors”. Or to put differently, “pixel pushers”.

Over years, I’ve been searching for a way to change that. This brought me to Design KPIs and UX scorecards, and a workflow to translate business goals into actionable and measurable design initiatives. I had to find a way to explain, visualize and track that incredible impact that designers have on all parts of business — from revenue to loyalty to support to delivery.

The results of that journey are now public in our new video course: “How To Measure UX and Design Impact” — a practical guide for designers, researchers and UX leads to measure and visualize UX impact on business.

About The Course

The course dives deep into establishing team-specific design KPIs, how to track them effectively, how to set up ownership and integrate metrics in design process. You’ll discover how to translate ambiguous objectives into practical design goals, and how to measure design systems and UX research.

Also, we’ll make sense of OKRs, Top Task Analysis, SUS, UMUX-Lite, UEQ, TPI, KPI trees, feedback scoring, gap analysis, and Kano model — and what UX research methods to choose to get better results. Jump to the table of contents or get your early-bird.

The setup for the video recordings. Once all content is in place, it’s about time to set up the recording.
<a class="btn btn--large btn--green btn--text-shadow" href=https://measure-ux.com>Jump to the video course →

A practical guide to UX metrics and Design KPIs
8h-video course + live UX training. Free preview.

  • 25 chapters (8h), with videos added/updated yearly
  • Free preview, examples, templates, workflows
  • No subscription: get once, access forever
  • Life-time access to all videos, slides, checklists.
  • Add-on: live UX training, running 2× a year
  • Use the code SMASHING to get 20% off today
  • Jump to the details →
Table of Contents

25 chapters, 8 hours, with practical examples, exercises, and everything you need to master the art of measuring UX and design impact. Don’t worry, even if it might seem overwhelming at first, we’ll explore things slowly and thoroughly. Taking 1–2 sessions per week is a perfectly good goal to aim for.

We can’t improve without measuring. That’s why our new video course gives you the tools you need to make sense of it all: user needs, just like business needs. (View large version)
1. Welcome

So, how do we measure UX? Well, let’s find out! Meet a friendly welcome message to the video course, outlining all the fine details we’ll be going through: design impact, business metrics, design metrics, surveys, target times and states, measuring UX in B2B and enterprises, design KPI trees, Kano model, event storming, choosing metrics, reporting design success — and how to measure design systems and UX research efforts.

Design impact, UX metrics, business goals, articulating design value, real-world examples, showcasing impact, evidence-driven design.

2. Design Impact

In this segment, we’ll explore how and where we, as UX designers, make an impact within organizations. We’ll explore where we fit in the company structure, how to build strong relationships with colleagues, and how to communicate design value in business terms.

Design impact, design ROI, orgcharts, stakeholder engagement, business language vs. UX language, Double Diamond vs. Reverse Double Diamond, risk mitigation.

3. OKRs and Business Metrics

We’ll explore the key business terms and concepts related to measuring business performance. We’ll dive into business strategy and tactics, and unpack the components of OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), KPIs, SMART goals, and metrics.

OKRs, objectives, key results, initiatives, SMART goals, measurable goals, time-bound metrics, goal-setting framework, business objectives.

4. Leading And Lagging Indicators

Businesses often speak of leading and lagging indicators — predictive and retrospective measures of success. Let’s explore what they are and how they are different — and how we can use them to understand the immediate and long-term impact of our UX work.

Leading vs. lagging indicators, cause-and-effect relationship, backwards-looking and forward-looking indicators, signals for future success.

5. Business Metrics, NPS

We dive into the world of business metrics, from Monthly Active Users (MAU) to Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) to Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), and many other metrics that often find their way to dashboards of senior management.

Also, almost every business measures NPS. Yet NPS has many limitations, requires a large sample size to be statistically reliable, and what people say and what people do are often very different things. Let’s see what we as designers can do with NPS, and how it relates to our UX work.

Business metrics, MAU, MRR, ARR, CLV, ACV, Net Promoter Score, customer loyalty.

6. Business Metrics, CSAT, CES

We’ll explore the broader context of business metrics, including revenue-related measures like Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) and Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR), Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), and churn rate.

We’ll also dive into Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) and Customer Effort Score (CES). We’ll discuss how these metrics are calculated, their importance in measuring customer experience, and how they complement other well-known (but not necessarily helpful) business metrics like NPS.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), churn rate, Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), Customer Effort Score (CES), Net Promoter Score (NPS), Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR), Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR).

7. Feedback Scoring and Gap Analysis

If you are looking for a simple alternative to NPS, feedback scoring and gap analysis might be a neat little helper. It transforms qualitative user feedback into quantifiable data, allowing us to track UX improvements over time. Unlike NPS, which focuses on future behavior, feedback scoring looks at past actions and current perceptions.

Feedback scoring, gap analysis, qualitative feedback, quantitative data.

8. Design Metrics (TPI, SUS, SUPR-Q)

We’ll explore the landscape of established and reliable design metrics for tracking and capturing UX in digital products. From task success rate and time on task to System Usability Scale (SUS) to Standardized User Experience Percentile Rank Questionnaire (SUPR-Q) to Accessible Usability Scale (AUS), with an overview of when and how to use each, the drawbacks, and things to keep in mind.

UX metrics, KPIs, task success rate, time on task, error rates, error recovery, SUS, SUPR-Q.

9. Design Metrics (UMUX-Lite, SEQ, UEQ)

We’ll continue with slightly shorter alternatives to SUS and SUPR-Q that could be used in a quick email survey or an in-app prompt — UMUX-Lite and Single Ease Question (SEQ). We’ll also explore the “big behemoths” of UX measurements — User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ), Google’s HEART framework, and custom UX measurement surveys — and how to bring key metrics together in one simple UX scorecard tailored to your product’s unique needs.

UX metrics, UMUX-Lite, Single Ease Question (SEQ), User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ), HEART framework, UEQ, UX scorecards.

10. Top Tasks Analysis

The most impactful way to measure UX is to study how successful users are in completing their tasks in their common customer journeys. With top tasks analysis, we focus on what matters, and explore task success rates and time on task. We need to identify representative tasks and bring 15–18 users in for testing. Let’s dive into how it all works and some of the important gotchas and takeaways to consider.

Top task analysis, UX metrics, task success rate, time on task, qualitative testing, 80% success, statistical reliability, baseline testing.

11. Surveys and Sample Sizes

Designing good surveys is hard! We need to be careful on how we shape our questions to avoid biases, how to find the right segment of audience and large enough sample size, how to provide high confidence levels and low margins of errors. In this chapter, we review best practices and a cheat sheet for better survey design — along with do’s and don’ts on question types, rating scales, and survey pre-testing.

Survey design, question types, rating scales, survey length, pre-testing, response rates, statistical significance, sample quality, mean vs. median scores.

12. Measuring UX in B2B and Enterprise

Best measurements come from testing with actual users. But what if you don’t have access to any users? Perhaps because of NDA, IP concerns, lack of clearance, poor availability, and high costs of customers and just lack of users? Let’s explore how we can find a way around such restrictive environments, how to engage with stakeholders, and how we can measure efficiency, failures — and set up UX KPI programs.

B2B, enterprise UX, limited access to users, compliance, legacy systems, compliance, desk research, stakeholder engagement, testing proxies, employee’s UX.

13. Design KPI Trees

To visualize design impact, we need to connect high-level business objectives with specific design initiatives. To do that, we can build up and present Design KPI trees. From the bottom up, the tree captures user needs, pain points, and insights from research, which inform design initiatives. For each, we define UX metrics to track the impact of these initiatives, and they roll up to higher-level design and business KPIs. Let’s explore how it all works in action and how you can use it in your work.

User needs, UX metrics, KPI trees, sub-trees, design initiatives, setting up metrics, measuring and reporting design impact, design workflow, UX metrics graphs, UX planes.

14. Event Storming

How do we choose the right metrics? Well, we don’t start with metrics. We start by identifying most critical user needs and assess the impact of meeting user needs well. To do that, we apply event storming by mapping critical user’s success moments as they interact with a digital product. Our job, then, is to maximize success, remove frustrations, and pave a clear path towards a successful outcome — with event storming.

UX mapping, customer journey maps, service blueprints, event storming, stakeholder alignment, collaborative mapping, UX lanes, critical events, user needs vs. business goals.

15. Kano Model and Survey

Once we have a business objective in front of us, we need to choose design initiatives that are most likely to drive the impact that we need to enable with our UX work. To test how effective our design ideas are, we can map them against a Kano model und run a concept testing survey. It gives us a user’s sentiment that we then need to weigh against business priorities. Let’s see how to do just that.

Feature prioritization, threshold attributes, performance attributes, excitement attributes, user’s sentiment, mapping design ideas, boosting user’s satisfaction.

16. Design Process

How do we design a KPI tree from scratch? We start by running a collaborative event storming to identify key success moments. Then we prioritize key events and explore how we can amplify and streamline them. Then we ideate and come up with design initiatives. These initiatives are stress tested in an impact-effort matrix for viability and impact. Eventually, we define and assign metrics and KPIs, and pull them together in a KPI tree. Here’s how it works from start till the end.

Uncovering user needs, impact-effort matrix, concept testing, event storming, stakeholder collaboration, traversing the KPI tree.

17. Choosing The Right Metrics

Should we rely on established UX metrics such as SUS, UMUX-Lite, and SUPR-Q, or should we define custom metrics tailored to product and user needs? We need to find a balance between the two. It depends on what we want to measure, what we actually can measure, and whether we want to track local impact for a specific change or global impact for the entire customer journey. Let’s figure out how to define and establish metrics that actually will help us track our UX success.

Local vs. global KPIs, time spans, percentage vs. absolute values, A/B testing, mapping between metrics and KPIs, task breakdown, UX lanes, naming design KPIs.

18. Design KPIs Examples

Different contexts will require different design KPIs. In this chapter, we explore a diverse set of UX metrics related to search quality (quality of search for top 100 search queries), form design (error frequency, accuracy), e-commerce (time to final price), subscription-based services (time to tier boundaries), customer support (service desk inquiries) and many others. This should give you a good starting point to build upon for your own product and user needs.

Time to first success, search results quality, form error recovery, password recovery rate, accessibility coverage, time to tier boundaries, service desk inquiries, fake email frequency, early drop-off rate, carbon emissions per page view, presets and templates usage, default settings adoption, design system health.

19. UX Strategy

Establishing UX metrics doesn’t happen over night. You need to discuss and decide what you want to measure and how often it should happen. But also how to integrate metrics, evaluate data, and report findings. And how to embed them into an existing design workflow. For that, you will need time — and green lights from your stakeholders and managers. To achieve that, we need to tap into the uncharted waters of UX strategy. Let’s see what it involves for us and how to make progress there.

Stakeholder engagement, UX maturity, governance, risk mitigation, integration, ownership, accountability, viability.

20. Reporting Design Success

Once you’ve established UX metrics, you will need to report them repeatedly to the senior management. How exactly would you do that? In this chapter, we explore the process of selecting representative tasks, recruiting participants, facilitating testing sessions, and analyzing the resulting data to create a compelling report and presentation that will highlight the value of your UX efforts to stakeholders.

Data analysis, reporting, facilitation, observation notes, video clips, guidelines and recommendations, definition of design success, targets, alignment, and stakeholder’s buy-in.

21. Target Times and States

To show the impact of our design work, we need to track UX snapshots. Basically, it’s four states, mapped against touch points in a customer journey: baseline (threshold not to cross), current state (how we are currently doing), target state (objective we are aiming for), and industry benchmark (to stay competitive). Let’s see how it would work in an actual project.

Competitive benchmarking, baseline measurement, local and global design KPIs, cross-teams metrics, setting realistic goals.

22. Measuring Design Systems

How do we measure the health of a design system? Surely it’s not just a roll-out speed for newly designed UI components or flows. Most teams track productivity and coverage, but we can also go beyond that by measuring relative adoption, efficiency gains (time saved, faster time-to-market, satisfaction score, and product quality). But the best metric is how early designers involve the design system in a conversation during their design work.

Component coverage, decision trees, adoption, efficiency, time to market, user satisfaction, usage analytics, design system ROI, relative adoption.

23. Measuring UX Research

Research insights often end up gaining dust in PDF reports stored on remote fringes of Sharepoint. To track the impact of UX research, we need to track outcomes and research-specific metrics. The way to do that is to track UX research impact for UX and business, through organisational learning and engagement, through make-up of research efforts and their reach. And most importantly: amplifying research where we expect the most significant impact. Let’s see what it involves.

Outcome metrics, organizational influence, research-specific metrics, research references, study observers, research formalization, tracking research-initiated product changes.

24. Getting Started

So you’ve made it so far! Now, how do you get your UX metrics initiative off the ground? By following small steps heading in the right direction. Small commitments, pilot projects, and design guilds will support and enable your efforts. We just need to define realistic goals and turn UX metrics in a culture of measurement, or simply a way of working. Let’s see how we can do just that.

Pilot projects, UX integration, resource assessment, evidence-driven design, establishing a baseline, culture of measurement.

25. Next Steps

Let’s wrap up our journey into UX metrics and Design KPIs and reflect what we have learned. What remains is the first next step: and that would be starting where you are and growing incrementally, by continuously visualizing and explaining your UX impact — however limited it might be — to your stakeholders. This is the last chapter of the course, but the first chapter of your incredible journey that’s ahead of you.

Stakeholder engagement, incremental growth, risk mitigation, user satisfaction, business success.

Who Is The Course For?

This course is tailored for advanced UX practitioners, design leaders, product managers, and UX researchers who are looking for a practical guide to define, establish and track design KPIs, translate business goals into actionable design tasks, and connect business needs with user needs.

What You’ll Learn

By the end of the video course, you’ll have a packed toolbox of practical techniques and strategies on how to define, establish, sell, and measure design KPIs from start to finish — and how to make sure that your design work is always on the right trajectory. You’ll learn:

  • How to translate business goals to UX initiatives,
  • The difference between OKRs, KPIs, and metrics,
  • How to define design success for your company,
  • Metrics and KPIs that businesses typically measure,
  • How to choose the right set of metrics and KPIs,
  • How to establish design KPIs focused on user needs,
  • How to build a comprehensive design KPI tree,
  • How to combine qualitative and quantitative insights,
  • How to choose and prioritize design work,
  • How to track the impact of design work on business goals,
  • How to explain, visualize, and defend design work,
  • How companies define and track design KPIs,
  • How to make a strong case for UX metrics.
Community Matters ❤️

Producing a video course takes quite a bit of time, and we couldn’t pull it off without the support of our wonderful community. So thank you from the bottom of our hearts! We hope you’ll find the course useful for your work. Happy watching, everyone! 🎉🥳

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100+ Best Microsoft Word Brochure Templates 2024

Featured Imgs 23

Today, we’re bringing you a set of professionally designed Microsoft Word brochure templates to help you get a head start on your next brochure project.

Every designer has a collection of pre-designed templates. These templates not only allow you to enhance your workflow but also save hours of time otherwise spent searching for an inspiring starting point.

Whether you’re working on a brochure for a business, a case study, report, or a project proposal, you’ll find plenty of options to choose from in this collection of templates (and even more with our quick brochure design tips, and our full series on brochure templates!)

Top Pick

Minimal Business Brochure Template

Minimal Business Brochure Template

This minimalist and modern brochure template is ideal for making a multi-page brochure for many different types of business and branding purposes.

The template comes with 16 page layouts in A4 size, fully optimized with paragraph formatting, image placeholders, and much more to offer a simpler way to create a professional brochure.

Why This Is A Top Pick

What makes this brochure template special is that it comes in both MS Word and InDesign file formats. Not only that but it includes file formats that support older and new versions of both software as well.

Business Proposal Word Brochure Template

Business Proposal Word Brochure Template

If you’re looking for a modern brochure template design to craft a killer business proposal, this Word template is for you. It comes with 20 page layouts with fully customizable designs and in A4 size. It’s available in both Word and InDesign formats.

Product Manual Word Brochure Template

Product Manual Word Brochure Template

The dark and stylish color theme of this template will add a certain classy look to your brochure designs. It’s perfect for making product manuals and product showcase brochures. The template includes 20 customizable page layouts.

Project Proposal Word Brochure Template

Project Proposal Word Brochure Template

Want to create a winning project proposal? Then use this Word template. This template comes in InDesign and Word formats. It’s easily editable so you can change its colors, fonts, and formatting to your preference.

Business Plan – Word & InDesign Brochure Template

Business Plan - Word & InDesign Brochure Template

Looking to create a brochure to showcase and detail your business plan? Then this template will come in handy. It comes in both MS Word and InDesign file formats to let you easily customize the design however you like. The template features 20 fully formatted page layouts. With editable paragraphs and text styles.

Red – Annual Report Word Brochure Template

Red - Annual Report Word Brochure Template

Red is a professional brochure template made specifically for creating annual reports for companies. This template is available in multiple formats, including MS Word, InDesign, and Adobe Illustrator. It features 25 unique page layouts in A4 size. And each page can be easily customized to your preference.

Free Tri-Fold Word Brochure Template

Free Tri-Fold Word Brochure Template

This is a free tri-fold brochure template you can use to promote a furniture store or interior design business. It features a simple and editable layout. The template also comes in Word, InDesign, Apple Pages, and many other formats.

Graphic Design Portfolio Word Brochure

Graphic Design Portfolio Word Brochure

This Word brochure template comes with 16 unique pages tailored for graphic design portfolios. Its dynamic features include easy customizability, automatic page numbering, compatibility with various CS systems, and a vibrant design utilizing CMYK color at 300 DPI resolution. This template, provided in InDesign INDD and IDML files as well as Word files.

Minimal Portfolio Word Brochure Template

 Minimal Portfolio Word Brochure Template

This handy Word brochure template allows for the easy construction of neat, professional design portfolios. Its package comes loaded with 16 unique pages, master pages, customizable InDesign and Word files that are compatible with CS4 to CC editions. Added features include automatic page numbering and high-res CMYK colors, all framed in a print-ready format.

Conference Agenda Word Brochure Template

Conference Agenda Word Brochure Template

A versatile and user-friendly Word brochure template aimed at helping you organize and share event details effectively. With its 20 unique layouts, customizable color schemes, and brand integration capabilities, this brochure template is optimized for use in Adobe Indesign and Microsoft Word, providing you with a professional, high-quality presentation document.

Bold Business Proposal Word Brochure Template

Bold Business Proposal Word Brochure Template

This is a professional Word brochure template designed to give your business pitch a sleek and contemporary edge. The 20-page template offers a range of customizable options – from colors to images – and includes professional layouts that are perfect to present your company’s strengths, history, and pricing in a comprehensive manner.

Healthcare Brochure Word Template

Healthcare Brochure Word Template

This is a 20-page, fully customizable Word brochure template designed to highlight your medical practice services with professionalism. It’s compatible with Adobe InDesign, Word, PDF, and features sleek infographics, staff profiles, and detailed service outlines to help engage potential patients and partners. Available in A4 and US Letter sizes.

Multipurpose Annual Report Word Brochure Template

Multipurpose Annual Report Word Brochure Template

A bundle of versatile Word brochure templates designed to make your report creation hassle-free. Available in Canva, Microsoft Word, Indesign, and Photoshop formats, and with 36 custom layers, the A4-sized, print-ready template offers complete customization, allowing you to edit text, colors, and photos.

Modern Agenda Word Brochure Template

Modern Agenda Word Brochure Template

An intuitive, adaptable asset for professional event planning. It features a 20-page layout in both A4 and US Letter sizes, customizable with your brand’s logo, colors, and images. Advanced features including Character and Paragraph Styles, and Swatches modify the color scheme in a single click.

Sponsorship Proposal Word Brochure Template

Sponsorship Proposal Word Brochure Template

This is a fully customizable Word brochure template, aimed to help streamline your business presentations. Equipped with 20 distinct layouts, it supports multiple formats including PDF, InDesign, and MS Word. Embedded features of changeable text, colors, images, and an automatic page numbering system, make this template a go-to for both print and digital presentations.

Event Sponsorship Proposal Word Template

Event Sponsorship Proposal Word Template

A top-notch, professional Word brochure template designed to captivate potential sponsors and demonstrate the value of your event. Fully customizable and complete with everything from clean, modern designs to comprehensive layouts, it’s readily available in various formats including PDF, InDesign, and MS Word. It incorporates unique features such as 20 distinctive layouts.

Catalog Brochure Word Template

Catalog Brochure Word Template

Another easy-to-customize Word brochure template ideal for a vast array of projects. With 20 unique, modern layouts compatible with Adobe Indesign and Microsoft Word, this print-ready template offers effortless editing. Whether showcasing products, services, or portfolios, your chosen logo, images, and brand colors can be seamlessly integrated.

Company Profile Word Brochure Template

Company Profile Word Brochure Template

This is an editable, comprehensive MS Word brochure template for creating company profiles. It comes in both Microsoft Word and Adobe InDesign formats. This A4-sized, 20-page template is easily modified and printable, featuring automatic page numbering and layered files as well.

Conference Agenda Word Brochure Template

Conference Agenda Word Brochure Template

A useful MS Word brochure template for creating accurate and professional conference documents. It can be edited in MS Word and Adobe InDesign. The template, suitable for A4 size printing, includes 16 customizable pages that can also be exported as a PDF for digital use.

Business Plan Word Brochure Template

Business Plan Word Brochure Template

Another professional MS Word brochure template for presenting a detailed business plan. The template is split into two segments, one for narrative and photographs and another for financial data, displayed through creative graphics. Fully customizable, it is compatible with Adobe InDesign and Microsoft Word formats.

Company Profile Word Template

Company Profile Word Template

A must-have MS Word brochure template for creating company profiles. Crafted with 24 unique page layouts, it allows effortless changes to colors, text, images, and page order. The A4-sized template is ready to print, compatible with various versions of InDesign, Photoshop, and MS Word.

Annual Report Word Brochure Template

Annual Report Word Brochure Template

This is a great MS Word brochure template for constructing an informative and visually engaging annual report. Functioning in both Adobe InDesign and MS Word, it offers 24 unique layouts, customizable text, colors, and images, and is print-ready.

Product Catalog Sheet Word Template

Product Catalog Sheet Word Template

A versatile six-page MS Word brochure template for creating product catalog sheets. This fully editable template also supports text, color, and object customizations. It also includes a helpful 34-page PDF guide for seamless navigation and utilization, using free fonts for your convenience.

Corp Word Brochure Template

Corp Word Brochure Template

A high-quality MS Word brochure template for creating professional, polished corporate brochures. Suitable for A4 size paper, it is user-friendly, allowing you to easily adjust colors, text, images, and page order. This template is ready to print, compatible with higher versions of InDesign, Photoshop, and MS Word.

A4 Company Profile Word Template

A4 Company Profile Word Template

This MS Word brochure template is designed for creating modern company profiles. Suitable for A4 paper size, it works seamlessly in InDesign, Photoshop, and MS Word. It also includes 16 customizable pages and allows effortless modification of colors, text, and images.

Product Catalog Word Brochure Template

Product Catalog Word Brochure Template

This is a sleek, contemporary MS Word brochure template for creating professional product catalogs. Suitable for a variety of sectors, ranging from food to property, the template comprises of 16 customizable pages. It is compatible with both Adobe InDesign and Microsoft Word.

Capability Statement Word Brochure

Capability Statement Word Brochure

A simple 4-page MS Word and Adobe InDesign template for creating company statements. This template is perfectly suited for both print and digital use. It supports automatic page numbering, editing of text, color, and objects, and uses free, downloadable fonts.

Project Proposal Word Brochure Template

Project Proposal Word Brochure Template

You can design bold and attractive proposal brochures for your projects with this Word template. It features an elegant dark color theme with beautiful inner pages. The template has 32 different page layouts to choose from. And it comes in Word and InDesign formats.

Minimalist Trifold Brochure Word & InDesign

Minimalist Trifold Brochure Word & InDesign

This is a tri-fold brochure template that has a modern and minimalist design. It’s ideal for promoting brands and businesses related to furniture, architecture, and even real estate. The template is available in Word, Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator formats.

Annual Report Template Word & INDD

Annual Report Template Word & INDD

Use this Word brochure template to design a professional annual report to showcase your business profits and projections. The template includes 20 different pages with clean and simple designs. You can also fully customize each page to your preference.

Travel Proposal Brochure MS Word & InDesign

Travel Proposal Brochure MS Word & Indesign

You can use this Word brochure template to design a simple and minimal proposal related to travel and tourism. The template comes with 16 unique pages with different paragraph formatting and lots of image placeholders.

Free School & Education Tri-Fold Brochure Template

Free Education Tri-Fold Brochure Template

This free Word template is ideal for making tri-fold brochures related to education. It’s especially suitable for spreading the word about your school events, courses, and special programs. The template is available in multiple file formats.

Brief Proposal Brochure for Word

Brief Proposal Brochure for Word

Make a killer proposal that wins over clients with this Word brochure template. It features a modern and creative cover design with lots of cool inner page layouts to choose from. The template is available in 5 different color schemes as well as in multiple file formats, including InDesign and Photoshop.

Darko – Minimalist A4 Trifold Brochure for Word

Darko - Minimalist A4 Trifold Brochure for Word

Darko is a modern brochure template for Word. It features a minimalist design with an aesthetic feel. This template is ideal for promoting fashion, lifestyle, and beauty brands. The template features a tri-fold design in A4 size.

Company Profile Landscape Word Brochure

Company Profile Landscape Word Brochure

You can use this Word brochure template to design the perfect company profile to showcase your business in a professional way. It features a landscape view with fully customizable page designs. There are 16 custom page layouts included in this template.

Business Proposal Brochure Word Template

Business Proposal Brochure Word Template

A clean and minimal brochure template for MS Word. This template is designed for making business proposal brochures. The template has 16 pages with creative paragraph styles and image placeholders. It’s also available in InDesign format.

Free Law Firm Bi-Fold Brochure Word Template

Free Law Firm Bi-Fold Brochure Word Template

This is a bi-fold brochure template for Word, Apple Pages, InDesign, and Photoshop. It’s great for designing a simple brochure to highlight the services of a law firm. The template can be fully customized to change colors and fonts.

Modern Product Catalog Word Template

Modern Product Catalog Word Template

Designing modern and stylish product catalogs for your business will get much easier when you have templates like this one. It comes with 24 different page layouts for showcasing products in various ways. The template is available in multiple file formats as well.

Proposal Brochure Word & InDesign Template

Proposal Brochure Word & InDesign Template

You can use this Word brochure template to design attractive project proposals to win over clients. The template features 16 unique page layouts with fully editable colors, shapes, and fonts.

Business Plan Word Brochure Template

Business Plan Word Brochure Template

This brochure template can be easily customized with both MS Word and Adobe InDesign. It includes 48 different page layouts with one-click color change functions, customizable paragraph styles, and much more.

Conference Brochure for Word & InDesign

Conference Brochure for Word & Indesign

A perfect brochure template for designing a simple and minimal brochure for a conference. This is a bi-fold brochure that features designs for both sides. It comes in Word and InDesign formats and in A4 size.

Free Charity Tri-Fold Brochure Word Template

Free Charity Tri-Fold Brochure Word Template

You can download this brochure template for free to design a simple tri-fold brochure for a charity or non-profit organization. The template is available in Word, InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator formats.

Minimal Product Catalog Word Brochure

Minimal Product Catalog Word Brochure

This brochure template will allow you to design minimal product catalogs for modern brands. It includes 16 beautiful page layouts in A4 size. You can customize it in MS Word and Adobe InDesign.

Project Proposal Template for Word

Project Proposal Template for Word

This Word template comes with stylishly designed pages for creating attractive project proposals for various types of businesses and agencies. It includes 24 different page layouts with editable colors, fonts, and image placeholders.

Corporate Brochure Template for Word

Corporate Brochure Template for Word

You can use this Word template to create a simple bi-fold brochure to promote your corporate services and business. The template includes designs for all sides of the brochure with fully editable layouts.

Company Profile Brochure Template for Word

Company Profile Brochure Template for Word

Grab this brochure template to create professional company profile documents for your clients. It includes 40 custom page layouts with all the necessary designs for making a complete brochure for all kinds of companies. The template is available in Word and InDesign formats.

Free Trifold Agency Word Brochure Template

Free Trifold Agency Word Brochure Template

Another simple and free Word brochure template. This one features a cool tri-fold design that’s ideal for promoting agency services and packages. It comes in InDesign and Photoshop formats too.

Multipurpose Proposal Word Brochure Template

Multipurpose Proposal Word Brochure Template

Looking for a clean and minimal brochure template to design a project proposal? Then you’ve found the perfect Word template for the job. This Word brochure has a multipurpose design so you can use it to craft many different types of brochures. There are more than 16 page layouts included in the template.

Proposal Brochure Design Template for Word

Proposal Brochure Design Template for Word

This brochure template features one of the best minimalist designs we’ve seen. It takes inspiration from vintage design trends to create an amazing look for each page. And it’s perfect for making project proposal brochures for creative agencies. It includes 26 unique page layouts.

Company Profile Word Brochure Template

Company Profile Word Brochure Template

With this brochure template, you can design modern and professional company profile brochures for different types of businesses. The template includes 20 unique page designs with fully editable colors, fonts, and paragraph styles.

Solutions – Business Brochure Word Template

Solutions - Business Brochure Word Template

If you’re looking for a template to design a brochure for a startup or a digital agency, this template is perfect for you. It features a modern and attractive design that will surely grab attention. There are 20 page designs with 4 cover layouts in this template. And it comes in Word, Photoshop, and InDesign formats.

Modern Business Word Brochure Template

Modern Business Word Brochure Template

A stylish brochure template featuring a dark and creative color theme. This Word brochure can be easily customized to change colors and fonts however you like. It also comes with 16 unique page designs as well as in Word and InDesign formats.

Free Travel & Tour Bi-Fold Word Brochure Template

Free Travel & Tour Bi-Fold Word Brochure Template

Another simple and free brochure template for Word. This template features a tri-fold design and it’s made with travel and tour agencies in mind. You can also download the template in InDesign, Apple Pages, and other formats as well.

Clean Company Profile Word Brochure Template

Clean Company Profile Word Template

This brochure template comes with a clean and modern design that allows you to design company profiles for various types of businesses. It features a visual-centric page design and has 16 unique page layouts to choose from.

Landscape Project Proposal Word Brochure Template

Landscape Project Proposal Word Brochure Template

Just as the name suggests, this brochure template has a landscape layout design that lets you create all kinds of project proposal brochures with a unique approach. It’s compatible with Word and InDesign. And the template comes with 24 unique page layouts.

Interior Design Word Brochure Template

Interior Design Word Brochure Template

If you’re working on brochure design for an interior design brand, this Word brochure template is made just for you. It features 20 different page layouts with plenty of space for showcasing large images. The template is great for making catalog-like brochures as well.

Business Proposal – Word Brochure Template

Business Proposal - Word Brochure Template

Create an attractive and effective business proposal using this modern brochure template. It comes with 24 customizable page layouts in A4 size. All of the formatting and text styles are made on a 12 column grid. The template is available in both Word and InDesign file formats as well.

Graffiti –  Lookbook Magazine Word Brochure

Graffiti - Lookbook Magazine Word Brochure

Graffiti is a modern brochure template you can use to create a stylish lookbook-style magazine or a brochure for your business. It’s most suitable for fashion brands and retail stores. The template includes 25 custom pages with large image placeholders for showcasing your products and designs.

Free Modern Education Word Brochure Template

Free Modern Education Brochure Template

This is a free brochure template you can use to create a simple bi-fold brochure for an educational business or brand. The template is fully customizable and comes in multiple formats including MS Word, InDesign, Photoshop, and more.

Brand Guidelines – Word Brochure Template

Brand Guidelines - Word Brochure Template

A professionally designed Word brochure template for making brand and company guidelines documents. This brochure includes 20 unique page layouts in A4 size. You can easily edit paragraph styles, add images, and customize master pages to create a high-quality brochure using this template.

Brief Proposal Word Brochure Template

Brief Proposal Word Brochure Template

This Word brochure is made for putting together brief proposals for business projects and plans. It includes 6 page layouts for adding only the most important details of your proposal and creating a short yet precise document. The template comes in both InDesign and Word formats.

Lookbook – Minimal Word Brochure Template

Lookbook - Word Brochure Template

You can use this Word brochure template to design an elegant and beautiful lookbook to showcase your products and designs. The template is especially suitable for fashion design and creative agencies for presenting their portfolio. It includes 32 page layouts and comes in Word, InDesign, Affinity, and other formats.

Project Proposal – Landscape Word Brochure Template

Project Proposal - Landscape Word Brochure Template

If you’re a fan of landscape brochure designs, this Word template is perfect for you. It features a colorful landscape layout with 24 page designs. The template includes master pages, image placeholders, and easily customizable color options.

Free Freelance Proposal Word Brochure Template

Free Freelance Proposal Word Brochure Template

This is a very simple and free Word brochure template you can use to create a basic proposal for freelance projects. The template includes 7 page layouts you can easily customize to fit different types of projects.

Laggi – Company Profile Word Brochure

Laggi - Company Profile Word Brochure

Laggi is a Word brochure template that features a very professional design. It’s perfect for creating company profile brochures for various types of businesses and corporate brands. The template includes 25 custom page layouts in A4 and US Letter sizes.

MORIMO – Creative Agency Word Brochure Template

MORIMO - Creative Agency Word Brochure Template

This brochure template comes with modern and stylish page designs. It’s most suitable for creative agencies and brands as it includes a design filled with creative shapes and colors. The template features 14 page layouts with easily editable designs.

Ghania – Workbook & Lookbook Word Brochure

Ghania - Workbook & Lookbook Word Brochure

Whether you want to design a lookbook or a workbook for your business, this template will help you design both without an effort. The template comes with 25 unique page designs. You can also customize each page to your preference using either MS Word, Illustrator, or InDesign.

HEUZIA – Creative Agency Portfolio Word Brochure

HEUZIA Creative Agency Portfolio Word Brochure

This is a multipurpose brochure template that can be used to create various portfolio brochures for creative agencies and brands. It features 14 customizable page layouts in A4 and US Letter sizes. You can also customize it with InDesign or MS Word.

Free Construction Company Word Brochure Template

Free Construction Company Word Brochure Template

Another free bi-fold brochure template you can use to create a brochure for a construction company. This brochure template also comes in multiple file formats and features easily editable colors and text styles.

3 Color Project Proposal Brochure Template

3 Color Project Proposal Brochure

This modern brochure template is designed for professionals and agencies for creating winning project proposals with ease. The template comes in 3 different color schemes and you can edit it using MS Word or InDesign.

Felia – Microsoft Word Brochure Template

Check out this stunning 25-page brochure template perfect for virtually any purpose under the sun. The template comes in A4 Letter size, master pages, paragraph style, free fonts, and much more.

Corporate Brochure Template Word

Here we have a clean, modern 12- page brochure template for Microsoft Word that comes in a professionally crafted grid-based layout, A4 and US Letter sizing, and 300 DPI. Try out this template for your next business or corporate brochure.

Clean Microsoft Word Brochure Template

Next up is a clean, and minimal square trifold brochure template for Microsoft Word that can be put to use for virtually any business, corporate, or industry. It offers a range of features that really should be seen to be appreciated.

Free School Brochure Template Word

This colorful and fun trifold brochure template is purpose-built to showcase important information about a school, course, or class. The template is fully customizable in Microsoft Word, and can be downloaded without spending a penny.

Free Architecture Word Brochure Template

word brochure template

Looking for a simple and sophisticated brochure template for an architecture or interior design firm? We have the perfect option for you. This template features a gorgeous layout that can be fully tweaked using your own images, fonts, and brand colors.

Minimal Project Proposal Brochure Template

Minimal Project Proposal Brochure Template

This is a project proposal brochure template you can use to design proposals for creative projects. The template features 24 page designs and comes in US Letter and A4 sizes. It can also be customized with Word and InDesign.

Modern Project Proposal Brochure Template

Modern Project Proposal Brochure Template

Another creative project proposal brochure template featuring a minimal and clean design. The template is easily customizable with MS Word and InDesign. It also features 24 unique page designs, a 12 column grid, master pages, and more.

Landscape Project Proposal Brochure Template

Landscape Project Proposal Brochure Template

If you’re a fan of the landscape designs, this brochure template will be more suitable for creating a more attractive project proposal. It includes 24 page designs made in landscape view and comes in A4 and US Letter sizes.

Modern Business Brochure Word Template

Modern Business Brochure Word Template

This brochure template comes with 16 unique page designs you can use to make modern brochures for businesses and agencies. The template is available in A4 size and you can customize it using MS Word and InDesign.

Square Business Brochure Word Template

Square Business Brochure Word Template

A creative business brochure template featuring a square shape design. This is a tri-fold brochure template that comes in InDesign and Word file formats. Both versions are fully customizable to your preference.

Free Corporate Business Brochure Template

Free Corporate Business Brochure Template

This free brochure template comes with a professional design and in multiple file formats, allowing you to customize it using Word, Apple Pages, and Photoshop. It includes both front and back designs as well.

Free Professional Brochure Template

Free Professional Brochure Template

A yet another free and professional tri-fold brochure template you can use to craft brochures for modern businesses. This template also comes in multiple file formats and it’s ideal for making brochures for networking events.

Delicate – Word & InDesign Brochure Template

Delicate - Word & InDesign Brochure Template

This is a tri-fold brochure template you can use to design a simple brochure to promote your business or agency. It comes in MS Word and InDesign file formats and includes an easily customizable design.

Lifestyle & Fashion Brochure Template

Lifestyle & Fashion Brochure Template

A creative brochure template made for lifestyle and fashion related businesses and agencies. This tri-fold brochure template is most suitable for making a simple leaflet to showcase your services and products. The template is available in Word and InDesign formats.

Rose – Feminine Brochure Template

Rose - Feminine Brochure Template

The beautiful and elegant design of this brochure template makes it most suitable for promoting fashion, beauty, and other feminine products and businesses. The template comes in 20cm x 20cm size and it can be customized with InDesign and MS Word as well.

Minimal Project Proposal Word Brochure Template


This Word brochure template is created for businesses and agencies that appreciate minimalist designs. The template is available in A4 and US Letter sizes featuring clean design and layouts. You can use it to create a professional project or client proposal.

Krypton – Corporate Word Brochure Template

Krypton - Corporate Word Brochure Template

Krypton Word template comes with a modern design. This Word brochure is ideal for creating company profiles and proposals. It includes 12 unique page designs and available in Word and InDesign file formats.

Company Profile A5 Word Brochure Template

Company Profile A5 Word Brochure Template

This Word brochure template features a creative landscape design. It comes with 16 different page layouts for creating professional company profile brochures. The template is available in A5 size and in InDesign and Word file formats.

Free Bifold Brochure Template

Free Bifold Brochure Template

This simple bi-fold brochure template is perfect for making a brochure for a creative or photography agency to showcase their work and services. The template is free to use and it comes in multiple file formats.

Free Travel Trifold Brochure Template

Free Travel Trifold Brochure Template

If you’re looking for inspiration to design a brochure for a travel or tour agency, this free template will come in handy. It’s compatible with Word, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Apple Pages.

Proposal and Portfolio Word Brochure Template

Proposal and Portfolio Word Brochure Template

A clean and minimal Word brochure template you can use to make many types of project proposals and portfolio brochures. The template is available in A4 and US Letter sizes. You can also edit it using InDesign and Apple Pages as well.

Business Flyer Word Brochure Template

Business Flyer Word Brochure Template

A creative business flyer brochure template. This template comes in 2 different designs featuring light and dark color themes. It’s available in A4 size and you can customize it using Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign as well.

Iceberg – Project Proposal Word Brochure Template

Iceberg - Project Proposal Word Brochure Template

A simple and modern brochure template for creating professional project proposals. This Word template features 28 custom-designed pages in A4 and US Letter sizes. It’s also available in InDesign and Apple Page file formats.

Minimal Business Flyer Word Brochure Template

Minimal Business Flyer Word Brochure Template

This minimalist business flyer template is perfect for creating a simple brochure to promote your business and agency. You can easily customize it using either MS Word, Photoshop, or InDesign. The template is available in A4 size.

Free Vivid Shapes Event Brochure

Free Vivid Shapes Event Brochure

This colorful free brochure template comes directly from Microsoft’s Word template library. It’s fully customizable and it’s perfect for crafting a brochure for events and conferences.

Free Nonprofit Brochure Template

Free Nonprofit Brochure Template

This simple and free brochure template is ideal for non-profit and charity organizations. It’s fully compatible with MS Word and you can easily change its colors and text as well.

Business Brochure for MS Word

This is a professionally designed brochure template for corporate and small to medium size businesses. The template features 20 pages with various page designs, which can be used to craft brochures for various purposes, including business flyers and product showcases. The template is available in both Word and InDesign versions.

Microsoft Word Project Proposal

This brochure template is designed for creating project proposals. It includes a 40-page design with all the necessary elements of crafting the perfect brochure for winning over your clients. The template comes to you in Word and InDesign file formats and you can easily customize them to change colors, replace images, and backgrounds as well.

Case Study Booklet

Working on a case study report? Then this brochure template will come in handy. The template features 16 pages and it’s available in both A4 and US Letter sizes. You can also easily edit and customize it using InDesign and MS Word as well.

Creative Project Proposal

Whether you’re working on a proposal for a web design project or a new promotional budget proposal, this stylish and creative brochure template will help you get the job done like a professional. It includes a 40-page design in both A4 and US letter sizes. You can also customize and change its colors with just one-click.

Square Product Brochure

This is a brochure template designed specifically for showcasing products. The template features an image-centric design that will allow you to easily highlight different features of your products using images to attract and win over your customers. It’s available in InDesign and MS Word file formats.

Proposal and Portfolio Template

A clean and minimal proposal template that can also be used to showcase your portfolio. This template is available in MS Word, InDesign, and Apple Pages file formats for easily editing the file using your favorite app. It’s ideal for crafting a project proposal for a web design or a creative agency.

Creative Business Flyer

This is a template designed for creating a simple flyer for showcasing your products and services. It’s most suitable for creative agencies and businesses that provide services. The flyer is a double-sided template that comes in A4 and US letter sizes.

A4 & US Letter Brochure Template for Word

This is a multipurpose brochure template that can be used to create different types of brochures for various businesses. It features a 16-page design with lots of images, which makes it perfect for travel and hotel businesses.

Clean Proposal Template

A clean and a creative proposal template that comes with a design that’s ideal for making brochures for agencies and corporate businesses, especially for product and marketing purposes. The template includes 25 pages and it’s available in both US Letter and A4 sizes.

Brand Proposal Template

A proposal brochure template designed for brands and businesses. The template features 16-page design in A4 and US letter sizes. You can easily customize it using either MS Word or InDesign.

Company Proposal Template

With a 32-page design complete with all sections of a brochure, this proposal template will allow you to present your business or products in a professional way. The template features a 6/12 content column grid design in easily editable Word and InDesign file formats.

Simple Business Brochure

This is a simple brochure template that’s compatible with both MS Word and Indesign and comes in US Letter and A4 sizes. It’s ideal for creating a business or a services brochure for a small business, creative agency, or a retail business.

Minimal Magazine Template

If you’re planning on publishing a brand magazine to promote your products and services or even creating a catalog for a fashion business, this template will help you get a head start. This is a minimal magazine template that comes in A4 size and it’s available in MS Word and InDesign.

Sponsorship Proposal Template

This is a template crafted specifically for marketing purposes. Whether you’re seeking a sponsorship or offering one, it will help you craft a winning proposal. The template features 18 pages with a fully-illustrated design. You can also easily customize it to change its colors and images.

Professional Business Brochure Template

This creative brochure template is perfect for designing a brochure to promote your services or products. It’s available in MS Word and InDesign formats and features 26 gorgeous pages crafted with a professional design.

Web Design Proposal

This template is a project proposal brochure that’s designed specifically for web design agencies. Although, you can also use it for promoting other types of projects and services as well. The template can be easily customized using Word or InDesign.

Creative Proposal Template

Featuring a 12 column grid, this proposal brochure template comes with a creative design. It includes 28 pages and comes in ready-to-print A4 size as well as US letter sizes.

Company Flyer Templates

A yet another flyer template for crafting project or business services brochure. It includes 3 different flyer designs for you to choose from, all of which are available in MS Word and InDesign file formats.

Trifold Brochure Template

This brochure template also features a trifold design and it comes in A4 and US letter sizes. The template features a minimal and a professional design that’s ideal for corporate and large businesses.

Word Proposal Template

This 24-page proposal brochure template can be used to craft several different types of proposals, including creative projects, web design projects, marketing, and more. The template also features a fully-customizable grid-based layout.

5 Brochure Design Tips

If you’re new to brochure design, these simple tips will help you get a head start on designing a more effective brochure for your business.

1. Keep It Simple

When it comes to brochure design, using a minimalist approach for the content layout is a great way to maximize the use of free space. It also makes way for clear formatting of text and images to reduce clutter as well.

minimal Brochure

Of course, this means you’ll have to plan and prepare your copy to fit into a minimalist content layout. Using a pre-made brochure template will help you approach this process the other way around by planning your content according to the template design.

2. Pick a Brochure Layout

Depending on the type of goals you want to achieve with your brochure, you should also decide on what type of layout you’ll be using for your brochure.

Art Director Brochure Trifold

While there are many different brochures out there like multi-page brochures, two-fold brochures, and tri-fold brochures, each of these types also comes in various sizes and shapes as well (eg: square brochures, US Letter size). It’s up to you to choose one that’s appropriate for your brand and purpose.

3. Use Custom Fonts

Fonts are your best friend in creating more effective brochures. Since brochures are usually filled with text, titles, and subheadings, using the right pair of fonts goes a long way to provide a better user experience and to enhance readability.

Ice Cream Shop Brochure Trifold

Many premium brochure templates include free fonts, but consider using a pair of premium fonts to add more quality and a professional look to your brochure design.

4. Add Shapes and Images

Art Gallery Brochure Trifold

Take full advantage of shapes and images to make your brochure more visually appealing. In fact, you can use shapes as placeholders for placing images inside brochure pages as well.

5. Include a Call-to-Action

A call to action (CTA) is the most important part of any brochure. But, many designers often neglect the importance of the CTA and fails to make it clearly visible. Make sure your brochure has an attention-grabbing CTA that gives clear directions for users to take action.

30+ Top Graphic Design Trends for 2025

Featured Imgs 23

What’s hot in graphic design? One of the things people always want to talk to me about is graphic design trends. Here’s a preview of what’s going to be hot in the coming year.

It’s such an interesting topic because there are trends that change slowly over time – just look at the long evolution of flat design to where we are now – and others that seem to flip overnight.

Should you always rush to use the latest graphic design trends in your work? Of course not. But it’s helpful to pick up new ideas, find inspiration, and see what types of techniques and styles are shaping our industry.

1. AI Surrealism

surreal ai trend
AI Surrealism trend

Designers have mixed feelings about the impact of AI in the design industry. However, whether you like it or not, it’s evidently clear that AI art and generative graphic design are here to stay. Even Adobe is making a huge shift to focus on generative AI by integrating more and more AI tools into its software suite.

We will surely see more AI-generated art and graphics this year and it will also give birth to new AI-themed design trends. AI Surrealism is such a trend that’s already getting popular among designers and some call it the “future of AI art”.

The world’s largest AI art exhibition, also dubbed AI Surrealism, is a great showcase of the new trend and the possibilities it holds.

This trend is mainly about creating surreal artworks with the help of generative AI tools. Back in the day, we relied on hand painting and photo manipulations to create surreal art. But with the help of AI, it’s now much easier to generate much more realistic-looking surreal art.

We are already seeing surreal AI art being integrated into various advertising materials and brand campaigns. It will surely be an interesting trend to watch.

2. Neo-Brutalism

brutalism trend 1
brutalism trend 2

While it’s often frowned upon, sometimes it’s okay to break the rules, think outside the box, and create designs that disregard the traditional design principles. One trend that openly welcomes you to break all those rules is Neo-Brutalism.

It’s not exactly a new trend but the neo-brutalism designs are getting much more attention these days and we hope it will make a grand return this year.

The way this design trend allows designers to go wild with their own unique ideas to create uncommon layouts that stand out is what we admire the most.

Now more than ever, we need more designers to think creatively, use color palettes that attract attention, and design typography that looks weird. Let’s face it, without those designs, the world will be a boring place.

3. Retro-Futurism

retro futurism 1

retro futurism trend 2

It’s remarkable how classic sci-fi novels and old movies were able to predict many of our modern technologies back in the day even before they were conceptualized. This design trend is all about capturing that retro-futurism into artworks.

The retro-futurism trend sees designs combining retro design elements from the 1980s with futuristic ideas to create unique graphic designs.

Classic retro technology is also a big part of these retro-futuristic designs. You’ll see plenty of references to things like arcade game machines, neon signs, and comic book-style color palettes as well.

This marriage between the future and the past gives birth to some truly remarkable designs across various industries, including posters, product labels, and advertising campaigns.

4. Geometric Patterns

geometric art trend
geometric art trend 2

The geometric design trend went through a series of phases over the past few years. We saw geometric portraits, artworks, backgrounds, and much more. The latest in this ongoing trend to take over the design world is geometric patterns.

The use of geometric shapes in branding designs and art is fairly common these days. Those colorful geometric shapes and patterns certainly add a bit of flair to any design. They also help accentuate specific parts of a design like icons on websites and call to actions.

With geometric patterns, however, it takes a different turn. You will now see geometric patterns crossing over to different parts of your design, including the images. For example, adding layers of geometric patterns on top of images is a weird but creative approach that brings more attention to the overall design.

5. Art Deco

art deco trend
art deco trend 2

New trends will always come and go but there are some design trends that never die off. Art Deco design style is one of those trends that deserves to be classified as a timeless trend.

We saw a rise in Art Deco-style designs over the course of the last few months. Many brands have used it for product packaging, logos, and even website designs.

The use of gold colors with a mix of classic Jazzy patterns is also bringing back the old-school letterpress designs into the modern days.

We will likely see this style trending throughout this year as well. Thankfully, this is a trend that we love to see every day. The classic 1920s-inspired Jazz Age-style designs are something that never disappoints.

6. Adaptive Brand Designs

Adaptive Brand Designs 1
Adaptive Brand Designs 2

The days of using the same logo design and color palette across multiple platforms are over. Brand identities are now becoming more adaptive and dynamic. And this new trend seems to be only growing in popularity.

Adaptive brand designs see brand identities getting more flexible with color palettes, logo designs, and typography by using different colors and design elements based on context for different platforms.

The brand logo used on the website will not look the same on a poster or business card. The colors and even sometimes the shapes will change. This is all part of making brands more relatable and engaging across different audiences, regions, and cultures. It’s starting to prove effective for many brands as well.

7. Glitch Effects

Glitched Designs 1
Glitched Designs 2

Glitch effects have been around for a while. Especially with the rise of the futuristic cyberpunk-style design trends, we’ve been seeing various forms of glitch effects over the past couple of years. The latest to join this evergrowing list of glitch effect trends is the glitched typography.

This trend completely transforms typography designs by giving them a distorted and glitched look and feel. It’s especially a popular trend used mostly by technology, AI, and science-themed graphic designs. And it fits perfectly with everything from posters to custom t-shirts and more.

The glitch text effects are perfect for showcasing innovation and disruption through your designs as they add a sense of rebellious vibe to your typography designs.

8. Algorithmic Patterns

Algorithmic Patterns 1
Algorithmic Patterns 2

This is one of the trends that has been hidden away for quite some time but it’s slowly making its way over to the world of design.

Algorithmic design is all about using various technologies to render and generate designs. Generative AI is the most common method used for this type of creation but it’s not the only way to create algorithmic designs.

In the first example above, you see patterns generated by a custom-built Javascript program using SVG elements to render unique arrangements. You’ll notice how it creates a subtle chaotic vibe for the design with some elements overlapping one another. And it’s all part of the aesthetic of this design trend.

Pushing the boundaries of technology and using unique ways to create designs is how you can move an industry forward. Hopefully, this new trend will be more popular this year.

9. Gradient Depth of Field

Gradient Depth of Field 1
Gradient Depth of Field 2

Commonly used in photography, the depth of field effect is one of the most effective ways of creating a sharp focus for the main subject in a scene. This effect is also used in the design world for making various creative graphics.

Designers have found a unique way to utilize gradients to create more engaging and dynamic graphic designs. This trend involves using gradients to create a subtle depth-of-field effect that effectively highlights the main elements of a design.

With this gradient depth of field effect, you can create bold 3D-like backgrounds and objects that bring more attention to the core elements, whether it’s a logo, title, or shape.

10. Mythological Logo Designs

Mythological Logo Designs 1
Mythological Logo Designs 2

Incorporating mythological creatures, shapes, and elements in branding designs, logo designs, and signage has been one of the hottest trends that have been on the rise over the past few months.

This trend brings back an iconic design approach used across millennia to make designs more complex, iconic, and memorable. It not only creates a personalized look but also adds character to brand identities.

After seeing overly simplified logo designs and bland signage designs over the years, this is a trend that we would love to see grow more over the coming months.

11. Classic Textures

Classic Textures 1
Classic Textures 2

Brands are embracing vintage textures like never before and for good reason. When it comes to adding depth and classic aesthetic to designs, vintage textures are the go-to choice.

Graphic designers have managed to use classic textures more creatively to design unique looks for logos, badges, and various other brand identity elements. It’s the perfect approach for giving a vintage feel to designs.

Using rough, weathered, stipple, dust, and even polka dot style textures and patterns offers a way to add an authentic look to separate your design from the vast majority.

12. Bubble Typography

bubble typography trend 1
bubble type trend 1

We all love cute and chunky typography designs. This style of typography is often the best approach for giving your text a more casual and fun vibe.

Usually, we see bubble-style titles and headings in fun posters and flyers. However, we are now starting to see the bubble typography trend taking over branding designs as well.

Readability-wise, it’s not the best approach to designing better typography. However, it sure seems to fit in nicely with specific brands and projects. We might even see a strong comeback of the good old bubble graffiti-style typography this year.

13. Retro-Vintage Art

retro vintage art 1
retro vintage art 2

There’s a reason why either the retro or vintage design trends never seem to go away. They are here to remind us of our past and the simpler times and infuse a bit of nostalgia into our lives. Rest assured, that holds a permanent place in our hearts as well as in the design world.

The latest trend in the graphic design world is combining the two styles together to create retro-vintage art. This sees unique artworks that feature elements from both retro and vintage design styles.

Some take inspiration from retro designs such as tarot cards and comic books while mixing in some vintage typography. While other designers use the opposite approach.

Either way, these retro-vintage artworks are truly delightful to explore and we hope to see more of these throughout this year

14. Dark Design Themes

graphic design trends
graphic design trends

Dark graphic design themes are a big trend that looks great for digital design and can require precision for top-notch printing. This trend features dark – often black, but not always, backgrounds with a dark color palette. There’s generally just enough contrast for readability, but not too much.

This graphic design trend comes out of the use of dark mode on phones and devices because users like the shift. With many web projects, designers who opt for a dark design theme will sometimes include a “light mode” toggle so that users can choose how to view the project.

Dark design schemes take a lot of planning to get just right. Colors need tweaking to ensure there’s ample contrast and in print, reverse printing can have some challenges to consider (especially with medium type and printing).

Play with shadows and image framing to make the most of this graphic design color trend.

15. Personal Avatars

graphic design trends
graphic design trends

Graphic designers everywhere are creating personal avatars for everything from their portfolio sites to social media. These avatars are a stylized version of the designer and can show style, creativity, and create a connection with the user.

These avatars come in a lot of styles, but most predominantly we are seeing versions that look like the designer and are used in the place of a photo.

In the two examples here, the graphic designer takes a slightly different approach. Simona Nikolova uses a large personal avatar to help you get to know her for her portfolio site. The avatar is in a flat, cartoon style.

Brett Williams pairs his real image with a three-dimensional avatar in a gamified-style portfolio design. His avatar isn’t front and center but it includes some nifty animations.

16. Inclusive Visuals

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graphic design trends

Almost every project – from website designs to print collateral to event posters – are focusing on more inclusive visuals.

This includes images, videos, illustrations, icons, and even voice and sound. What was once a default to include a seemingly white, male representation by default has expanded to include people of all races and genders, sizes, and ability levels.

This push to make projects more inclusive is part of a broader effort that has trickled into the graphic design space. What’s nice is that it expands the opportunity for projects to reach more people and wider audiences while providing a new set of design options.

This graphic design trend is visual as well as something that makes you feel good about projects and the people you are working with.

17. Bolder Background Patterns

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graphic design trends

It’s time to go a little crazy with background graphic design patterns. Forget the minimal styles that have been popular for some time and think bolder!

From colors to patterns to effects that seemingly split between the background and foreground, bold designs are trending in a major way. This graphic design trend works because it catches your attention.

Bold backgrounds (particularly with layer effects) can be quite stunning when paired with more simple typography or other design elements. Boldness may come in the form of color, pattern, size of background objects, or in the case of websites, motion.

The trick to making this trend work is to ensure that everything has a place and there’s good eye flow between elements. With a bold background, foreground elements might have to be larger or bolder to ensure there’s enough contrast for optimum readability.

18. Text Layer Effects

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graphic design trends

Layered text effects have long been a print graphic design technique, but now it’s beginning to trend for website projects as well.

By layering text effects including color, motion, or size; you can turn typography into the dominant visual effect in the design.

In the examples above, text layer effects are accomplished two ways, both with stunning success:

  • Studio Boiler uses motion and color variation to draw the eye to a longish headline in the design. The color variation when the animated blob moves through the text is so interesting that you have to look.
  • Mrs & Mr uses bold contrast with text layers to draw attention and create interest. The strong weight, size, and movement choices allow a simple design to have a lot of impact.

The challenge with layered text effects is that they can fall flat when the use of typography isn’t almost perfect. You want to ensure that all text elements are readable and help users understand the reason they are interacting with the design.

19. Faceless Imagery

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graphic design trends

To mask or not to mask in images? That’s a big concern for designers and brands. The answer seems to be more designs with “faceless” imagery.

This includes plenty of silhouettes or images that show people from behind.

It serves two purposes. For some, it allows designers to work with images that might already be in the brand library without having to retake photos and it hedges on health and society norms.

In addition to fewer images with faces, expect to see fewer images of people in groups as well.

20. Oversized Elements

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graphic design trends

Oversized design elements – from images to typography – are dominating digital and print graphic design.

With digital projects, many of these oversized elements are accompanied by animation and scroll effects that help you see the rest of the picture. Oversized use helps encourage interaction and scrolling in these instances.

Oversized elements also have another commonality – design elements that overlap, such as images over text. While this isn’t a technique that’s often recommended, it’s increasingly popular.

It works with simple typography with only a word (or two) that’s understandable while partially covered. The result can be beautiful, impactful, and impressive.

21. Experimental Typography

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graphic design trends

Experimental typefaces are in.

These specialty fonts, which come in all manner of styles and options, are adorning all types of projects with a modern style that creates a unique and personalized feel.

Experimental typefaces include anything that’s a little different, including fonts with edgy and funky lines or strokes, animation, 3D elements, color, illustrations, and variable styling. They are identifiable because you can’t look at these typefaces and pinpoint a name or exact style for them.

What’s great about experimental options is that they feel truly custom for projects.

22. “Organic” Look and Feel

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graphic design trends

For the last few years, there has been a push to create more authentic graphic design elements that connect better with audiences. That has evolved into a more “organic” look and feel.

The organic look is deceiving because it looks like a simple, design-less design. But it can be a lot of work on the part of the designer that looks so organic, just sketched out, or fresh.

You’ll know these designs because they seem to mean something. They connect and resonate with audiences and have that “anyone-could-have come-up-with-this” look. (Yes, it may be annoying to hear or think, but that’s the visual aesthetic here.)

Organic graphic design uses logos without a lot of elaborate color or adoration – think of styles that are popular with startups – and tends to feature simple typography and color palettes. Products might be made from sustainable packaging or materials as everything plays together with this trend. Organic in design is organic by nature.

23. Heavy Typography for Impact

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graphic design trends

On the other end of the design spectrum is the next trend for 2021: Heavy typography. Big, bold, thick-stroke typefaces seem to be popping up everywhere.

The way to make this trend work is to ensure that supporting text and art elements are easy to read and understand

In addition to bold strokes, many of these typefaces also feature funky shapes, animation, or other techniques designed for getting attention. This trend is anything but boring, and maybe most surprisingly, some of the type displays are focused less on readability than user engagement.

With that in mind, the way to make this trend work is to ensure that supporting text and art elements are easy to read and understand. They should take on a simple shape and function to support heavy, more impactful typography.

This style also works better for more established brands that have a look, feel, and voice or mood that users already know. It works like this: Even if you can’t read all the words on a website, you know what website you are on thanks to consistent brand style and feel.

24. 3D Effects and Depth

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graphic design trends

Graphic design is getting a big dose of reality.

From three-dimensional shapes and layers to depth that makes something seem to jump off the canvas, this trend seems to be growing by leaps and bounds. It’s somewhat of a throwback to skeuomorphism, but this time the graphic elements are more realistic than ever.

In the digital space, 3D effects are often paired with animation that makes elements come to life. Movement is slow, intentional, and rooted in realism. (It takes a lot of work to make something on the screen look and act that real, but the payoff can be worth it!)

The best uses of 3D and depth work in concert with the story the design is trying to convey. It shouldn’t feel forced or require too much thought to understand why elements are designed in this manner.

25. Bright Color

graphic design trends
graphic design trends

The use of bright colors for everything from backgrounds to images to user interface elements was one of the biggest graphic design trends of 2018 for sure.

Palettes with lots of bright colors in interesting shapes or typography have been huge this year.

Projects featuring vivid color palettes have been dominant in website projects and redesigns as well as print promotion and elements. Many of these colors take a cue from Material Design palettes, which are bright and bold featuring colors such as blue, purple, and pink.

The two places where color has shown up are in product and packaging design which carries over to other elements such as website design. RXBar, above, is a prime example of this trend in action. Every color is distinctive and the packaging and website design are perfectly married.

But that’s not the only application of the bright color graphic design trend.

Designers are also using more rainbow-inspired palettes that break the rule of using just two or three colors for the design. Palettes with lots of bright colors in interesting shapes or typography have been huge this year.

26. Three-Dimensional Still Life Elements

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graphic design trends

It seems like designers are itching to do three-dimensional design projects. That is showing up in staged elements and still-life representations of elements and objects in a 3D space – real or created.

This concept creates a highly engaging canvas and representation for product placements and shows how something might look or feel in real life. These designs are often rather elaborate, although they might not look like it at a glance, and might feature real and created objects.

This graphic design trend shows imagination in action.

27. Gradients

graphic design trends
graphic design trends

Gradients are everywhere – as backgrounds, as photo and video overlays, inside images, and the list goes on.

Color has been a big deal in 2018 and gradients have been a big part of that movement. The same bright colors that have been popular on their own are also trending choices for gradients.

But not all trending gradients are bold and bright. Some are more subtle with a soft color variation. They can be used with real elements or illustrations and typography.

28. Moving Shapes and Blobs

graphic design trends
graphic design trends

There is something majestic about animated shapes and blobs. This design trend centers around “shapeless” shapes that move slowly (or sometimes with a little more pep) in the background of a design.

Blobs can be large or small and often feature bright colors or serve as a dominant art or eye-tracking element to help users navigate a design.

But the best part is this trend is a little funky and fresh without trying too hard. You can deploy some fun animation without overthinking it and develop a design pattern that’s engaging for users even when the project might lack other imagery such as photos or video.

The biggest users of this trend seem to be startups or smaller-scale projects for that reason. And the innovative designs are worth a look.

29. Minimal Navigation

graphic design trends

Whereas mega menus were all the rage a few years back, there’s been a shift to more minimal and even hidden navigation elements. This takes a cue from mobile (where most users are viewing websites anyway) to create a more open canvas and streamline user experiences.

While there are pros and cons to “barely there” navigation, the graphic design benefits from a clean canvas and more creative options for tucking away those “pesky” navigation elements.

Both examples above do this in different ways. Blab uses a create square menu button at the bottom left of the screen. Le Mordue doesn’t even show navigation on the home screen, it pops in as users scroll.

30. Authentic Imagery

graphic design trends
graphic design trends

With everyone trying to connect in a true way less polished, authentic images are dominating design projects. Even commercial photography is shifting to look more like snapshots for these projects.

More authentic imagery is not amateurish; it’s just a different style.

And while the look is a little less polished, it works.

This trend works because it feels more real. It also crosses over to other places where design elements are used for a brand, such as social media.

You can capture this trend using stock imagery – although it can get tricky fast – but the better alternative is to have a conversation with your photographer/videographer about what you want to do visually. More authentic imagery is not amateurish; it’s just a different style.

Higher screen resolutions are making it more important than ever to have high-quality images and—even if the trending style is a little laxer—the quality of the photography should not be.


What new design ideas are you most looking forward to using in graphic design projects this year?

The thing I love about these concepts is that they are usable. There’s nothing better than merging beautiful design with a highly usable experience.

PopChar: Find and Insert Special Characters Instantly

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Finding and inserting special characters is one of the most annoying things all writers and designers have to deal with on a day-to-day basis.

What is that character that looks like a horseshoe (Ω)? What is the code for the infinity symbol (∞)?  Oftentimes, figuring out what to search for is the biggest battle. With Google and AI, this process is now a bit simpler but when you have to do it regularly, it’s a huge waste of time. Thankfully, we finally have a solution.

PopChar is an amazing little app that will solve this problem once and for all. It allows you to easily find special characters and insert them into your documents and designs with just one click. This app will help you avoid making mistakes when using special characters and save a ton of valuable time.

Let’s dive in and explore how this app can be useful for almost everyone who uses a computer.

What is PopChar?

The app streamlines the process of finding special characters with a user-friendly interface

PopChar is a simple yet very useful app for finding special characters that are not available on the keyboard. With a sleek and simple user interface as well as multiple ways to easily find special characters, this app will help you copy and insert characters into your documents and designs effortlessly while saving time and working more efficiently. Some of the legendary inventors, such as Steve Wozniak are also using this app.

PopChar is basically a supercharged version of the Character Map application available on your system. The app streamlines the process of finding special characters with a much more user-friendly interface and a zoom-in function that makes it easier to see more details about each character.

There are lots of other cool features in this app as well.

Multiple Ways to Search

The main purpose of using an app like PopChar is to find special characters more easily and this app does this job perfectly by providing you with more than one way to search for characters.

The app has an organized user interface where you can browse fonts and explore characters. There’s a search bar that lets you easily find any character in a font. All you have to do is type the name of a symbol or character.

But what if you don’t know the name of a special character? Then you can click on the small pencil icon right next to the search bar to bring up a drawing window. Here, you can draw the symbol using your mouse or drawing pad to quickly find any special character by memory.

Then click on the character to copy it. Or, if you have a text editing app opened, the character will be instantly inserted into the editor.

Detailed View of Each Character

PopChar has a useful Zoom function that lets you see more details about each character. When enabled, this function shows you information about the characters, such as the shortcut keys, HTML codes, and more just by hovering your mouse over a character.

You can also right-click to show additional details about the characters as well.

Arrange & Organize Characters

The user interface of the PopChar app can also be organized to view specific types of characters. For example, the Alphabet layout is best for finding the accented characters. There are also other layouts for emojis, symbols, and more.

Easily Find Ligatures and Emojis

PopChar is also the perfect tool you can use to quickly find ligatures. The app organizes all of the ligatures of the font in a separate section of the character table for easier access.

Finding specific emojis in emoji fonts is also easier with PopChar as it lets you find emojis by name and even in different skin tones.

Find the Perfect Font

Another cool feature in PopChar is the sample text preview option. You can use this function to preview fonts in different paragraph styles. It even lets you switch between popular sample text options like Lorem Ipsum and Fillerati. Or you can use your own custom text as well.

Cross-Platform & System-Wide Integration

PopChar works seamlessly across both Mac and Windows. The app features a smooth system-wide integration that makes it compatible with not just text editors and design software but almost every app on your computer.

Pricing Plans

PopChar costs $19.99 per year and it allows you to use the app on up to two computers.

The Business plan for PopChar costs $49.99 per year and it lets you use the app on up to five computers per user.

You can also buy the app for a one-time cost of $39.99 but it will only include minor bug fixes and a license for a single computer.

The biggest benefit of getting the subscription is that it lets you use both Mac and Windows versions of the app. It also offers regular updates, including upgrades to new versions of PopChar.

Should You Use PopChar?

Designers, writers, and marketers often have to deal with special characters. For example, the copyright symbol is a commonly used special character in various written and graphic design projects. But it’s difficult to remember and keep track of the keyboard shortcut code for this symbol and many others that you use regularly.

This means you’ll often have to use Google to search for the symbol, find the shortcut code, go back to your text editor, and use the keyboard shortcut. Imagine doing that multiple times every day.

If you struggle with finding special characters, PopChar is definitely worth checking out. It will make your life so much easier as it works across all types of apps from Microsoft Word to Google Docs, PowerPoint, InDesign, email apps, and more. Simply put, the app is designed to help you save time and work more efficiently.

PopChar has a free trial with limited features that lets you try it out before purchasing. If you do decide to buy the app, be sure to use the code “DSHACK-40” to get a 40% discount on the subscription for the first year.

20+ Russian Style Fonts for Bold Statements

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Looking to make a bold and striking impression in your designs? A Russian-style font might be just what you need.

In this post, we’ve curated a collection of the best Russian-style fonts, perfect for making bold statements in your projects. From fonts inspired by Soviet-era propaganda posters to more modern interpretations, these typefaces bring a rugged yet refined feel to any design.

Characterized by their strong, angular shapes and often heavy, block-like forms, these fonts evoke a sense of power, history, and artistic flair. They’re ideal for capturing the essence of boldness and authority while adding an intriguing, cultural touch. Check out all the fonts and start downloading.

Sputnik – Russian Style Font

Sputnik - Russian Style Font

Sputnik font, inspired by vintage USSR propaganda posters, embodies a distinctive Russian style. It features uppercase English letters, punctuations, numbers, and some alternates, packaged within four unique font styles. Applying it in red enhances its appeal, truly capturing the essence of its vintage inspiration.

TF-Revolucion – Russian Style Font

TF-Revolucion - Russian Style Font

Experience the powerful impact of the TF-Revolucion Russian-style font. Inspired by the robust lettering in old Soviet propaganda, this bold and blocky font guarantees an immediate visual punch. Ideal for design projects requiring stand-out elements, from t-shirts to posters, banners, signage, and labels.

Vnaguard Valor – Soviet Inspired Font

Vnaguard Valor - Soviet Inspired Font

Vanguard Valor is a vintage typeface steeped in the influential aesthetics of the Soviet era. It authentically captures the vigor and unity of a defining historical period, blending robust geometric constructs with stark angularity. Ideal for projects needing historical weight or a sense of collective strength, Vanguard Valor enables your designs to invoke the unyielding spirit of the past.

Prodiga – Russian Propaganda Font

Prodiga - Russian Propaganda Font

Inject a dose of intense, Russian-inspired design into your projects with the Prodiga font. Powerful and striking, its sharp, boxy appearance makes a bold statement. Ideal for bold headlines, eye-catching posters, E-Sport logos, sports jersey text, and more. The package includes both TTF and WOFF versions.

Pinkrabbit – Russian Style Font

Pinkrabbit - Russian Style Font

Pinkrabbit is a distinctive Russian-style font that stands out with its non-Western charm. This versatile typeface comes with both upper and lower case letters, numerals, and punctuation, making it ideal for logos, social media posts, brochures, magazines, and more. Available in TFF and OTF files, Pinkrabbit could be the perfect addition to your creative toolkit.

Republica Minor 2.0 – Russian Style Font

Republica Minor 2.0 - Russian Style Font

The Republica Minor 2.0 font gives the original design of its Russian-style letters a refreshing makeover. With enhanced features including altered punctuation and refined capital ‘M’ and ‘R’ designs, it remains a top pick for robust logos, TV shows, and video games. It now includes Kerning for classes, support for Macedonian and Serbian italics, and anticipates some overlap from tight spacing and European accents.

TF-Russya – Russian Style Font

TF-Russya - Russian Style Font

TF-Russya is a bold, Russian-style font featuring sharp, boxy characteristics. Perfect for creating standout posters, captivating headlines, engaging typography projects, dynamic E-Sport logos, or adding a unique touch to sports jerseys, it serves as an excellent creative asset for various design needs.

Kyber Ricon – Russian Style Font Family

Kyber Ricon - Russian Style Font Family

Kyber Ricon, a Russian style font, is a unique monospaced sans serif family noted for its diverse width and weight options. It offers robust support for over 400 Latin-based languages and extensive Cyrillic and Greek support, making it ideal for use in Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, and many other languages.

Deutschlander 2.0 – Russian Inspired Font

Deutschlander 2.0 - Russian Inspired Font

The Deutschlander 2.0 is a novel Russian-inspired font, boasting a refined design that includes enhanced spacing and remodeled characters. Apt for compact spaces like business cards and movie credits, it supports a wide spectrum of languages and characters including basic Latin, extended Latin, Cyrillic, Greek, fractions, alternates, and more.

Heathergreen – Russian Style Font

Heathergreen - Russian Style Font

Heathergreen is a unique font with a blend of aesthetics designed to occupy more vertical space. It boasts being nearly 20% taller than its relative, Deutschlander. Unlike typical display fonts, Heathergreen is suited for body text and titles. It supports basic and extended Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, and other European accents.

Karbitan – Russian Style Font

Karbitan - Russian Style Font

The Karbitan Font, inspired by Russian style typography, delivers a strong, sharp, and boxy feel that stands out, making it perfect for poster designs, headlines, and typography projects centered around themes like construction, resistance, or revolution. With its striking appeal, it’s also suitable for E-sport logos and sports jersey text.

Myla – Russian Inspired Font

Myla - Russian Inspired Font

With roots in retro Soviet design, the “Myla” font is a multi-functional asset perfect for an array of projects. Its three variations – Regular, Bold, and Black in regular and italic styles – convey a sense of history. Ideal for everything from clothing labels to album covers, it provides a unique blend of cultural aesthetics.

Katalist – Russian Style Font

Katalist - Russian Style Font

The Katalist is a bold Russian-style font that brings a strong and striking appeal with its boxy, sharp design. It fits ideally with poster designs, headlines, typography projects encompassing themes from streetwear to revolution, religious events, and sports jersey texts. The package is made complete with 316 glyphs, 64 language options, alternate styles, localized forms, and more.

Neubahn – Russian Style Font

Neubahn - Russian Style Font

The Neubahn is a bold, super-condensed typeface, inspired by Russian style fonts. It features tight kerning, making it perfect for impactful branding projects and attention-grabbing editorial headlines. Neubahn comes in various formats including OTF, TTF, WOFF, and WOFF2, with uppercase and lowercase letters, punctuation, numbers, and ligatures included.

Cd Freiburg – Russian Style Font

Cd Freiburg - Russian Style Font

Cd Freiburg is a distinctive, vintage typeface that beautifully captures the spirit of wartime propaganda art. With its blocky, bold serifs and the weathered texture of each character, this font creates a strong and impactful aesthetic. Boasting both upper and lowercase letters, ligatures, stylistic alternates, and a variety of numbering styles, it provides wide versatility.

Freich – Russian Style Font

Freich - Russian Style Font

Freich is a bold Russian-style font with a vintage flair, ideal for superhero, rebellious, or propaganda-themed posters. Its powerful letter forms make statements command attention. The font set includes Freich, Freich Inline, and Freich Fill in both otf and ttf formats, with 327 glyphs and special ligatures.

Regime Grotesk – Russian Inspired Font Family

Regime Grotesk - Russian Inspired Font Family

Regime Grotesk is a versatile, sans-serif font family inspired by the Russian-style typography, embodying attributes from the fonts of the time like Futura and Mostra. With its distinctive sloping “S” and low crossbars, it offers a modern yet timeless aesthetic. Featuring four weights, a round version, and matching obliques, it’s designed to adapt to web, print, and signage.

Free Russian Fonts

Russian Dollmaker – Free Russian Font

This stylish font comes with a set of creative letterforms with designs inspired by Russian typography. The font is ideal for crafting bold titles that instantly grab attention. It’s free to use with your personal projects.

Russian Spring – Free Russian Looking Font

Another free Russian-style font that features many decorative elements inspired by Russian-style letters. This font is also great for crafting titles for propaganda-themed designs. It’s free for personal use only.

Fontograd – Free Russian Style Font

A bold and striking font that you can download for free. Fontograd is a modern font inspired by Russian-themed typography. It has an ideal design for crafting big titles for posters and flyers.

Kyber Ricon – Free Russian Font Family

This free font comes with a monospaced letter design with Russian-inspired characters. It’s ideal for designing attention-grabbing titles and headings. The font is free to use with personal projects.

Russo One – Free Russian Style Font

Russo One is a clean and simple title font that features a subtle Russian-themed letter design. This font is perfect for making big and bold titles for your posters and banners. The font is free for personal and commercial use.

70+ Best Animated PowerPoint Templates 2024 (Free + Premium)

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In this collection, we’re featuring some of the best, animated PowerPoint templates (both premium and free) to create stunning presentations filled with stylish object and transition animations.

Designing a PowerPoint presentation is not an easy job. It requires a lot of work and time. When crafting presentations, most people completely ignore one of the key elements of a creative slideshow: animation. Adding creative animations and effects not only makes your presentation slides interactive, but it’s also useful when emphasizing key points and data.

Of course, you don’t have to be a PowerPoint expert to design animated slideshows. You can simply use a pre-made animated PowerPoint template. We handpicked these templates just for you.

We’re also featuring a series of tips for creating animations and transitions in PowerPoint with some extra pointers and advice.

Top Pick

Happines – Animated PowerPoint Template

Happines - Animated PowerPoint Template

Happines is a modern PowerPoint template that features a colorful and attractive design. All of the slides in this template are fully animated with just the right effects so you won’t have to spend any extra time adding animations.

This PowerPoint template also comes with 30 unique slides. You’ll also be able to choose from 5 different color schemes to create stylish presentations.

Why This Is A Top Pick

In addition to its beautiful slide design that comes filled with animations, the template also includes lots of editable vector graphics, illustrations, and infographics. Which makes it a great choice for making professional presentations.

Neumorphic Branding Presentation PPT

Neumorphic Branding Presentation PPT

This is a flexible, creative, and elegant animated PowerPoint template. It employs a Neumorphic style design, perfect for both corporate and personal presentations. With its stellar features like the Widescreen Ratio 16:9, Morph Transition, and easy customizability, this template can significantly enhance your presentation’s quality, ultimately attracting more customers.

Animated Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

Animated Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

An exceptional PowerPoint template, perfect for boosting your business presentations. It’s packed with unique slide variations, editable charts, and elements that are ideal for illustrating your business development stages. The easy-to-use widescreen format, together with its preset color scheme and font theme, provides a holistic branding experience

Morph – Interactive PowerPoint Template

Morph - Interactive PowerPoint Template

With this animated PowerPoint template, bringing life to your business presentations is effortless. This dynamic template, optimal for project management presentations and corporate meetings, offers 25 editable, wide-screen slides, all based on master slides for uniformity.

Glassmorphic Pitch Deck Animated PowerPoint Template

Glassmorphic Pitch Deck Animated PowerPoint Template

Need a sleek, modern PowerPoint template? Check out the Glassmorphic animated PowerPoint template, perfect for startups and businesses. With a design style featuring trendy “glassmorphism” elements – think translucent, frosted glass-like elements – it’s sure to make your pitch deck unforgettable. Features include a font theme, color scheme, and placeholder image.

Project Dashboards PowerPoint Template

Project Dashboards PowerPoint Template

This is an animated PowerPoint template comprising 30 unique slides customizable to depict your project progress and results vividly. Equipped with 5 color schemes in both dark and light versions and a 16:9 aspect ratio, this dynamic tool is ready to simply ‘Drag and Drop’ your content and present it with style and clarity.

Gym & Fitness Animated PowerPoint Template

Gym & Fitness Animated PowerPoint Template

An adaptable, high-resolution animated PowerPoint template for presenting fitness-related content. Its distinguishing features include 24 unique slides, editable charts and infographics, and stunning animated effects. Perfect for both technical and non-technical users, its modifiable layouts and drag-and-drop photo replacement system makes it a breeze to use.

Echotalk – Podcast PowerPoint Template

Echotalk - Podcast PowerPoint Template

Echotalk is a lively PowerPoint template designed for podcast presentations. It’s filled with engaging animations, modern designs, and customizable features that cater to the needs of aspiring podcasters and marketing teams. This template comes with numerous unique slides which include episode details, listener engagement tactics, SWOT analysis, content strategy and more.

Inspire – Creative Agency PowerPoint Template

Inspire - Creative Agency PowerPoint Template

Inspire is a highly customizable animated PowerPoint template that can enhance any agency’s presentations. Complete with 30 unique slides, it boasts of modern layouts and compelling visuals perfect for showcasing portfolios, proposals, and marketing initiatives. The template, easily adaptable to your agency’s brand, comes with animated features, and light and dark background options.

Animated Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

Animated Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

This is a vibrant, lively template specifically built for entrepreneurs and businesses to deliver captivating presentations. Packed with striking animations and transitions, this template aids in grabbing attention from potential investors, partners or clients. It comes with an adaptable color scheme, free fonts, and placeholder images, making it extremely user-friendly.

Data Dashboards – Animated PowerPoint Template

Data Dashboards - Animated PowerPoint Template

Data Dashboards is a versatile and visually appealing tool perfect for presenting your data effectively. It offers 30 unique slides with custom animations, 10 PPTX files, and an easy-to-edit setup. The package includes five color schemes suited for both light and dark backgrounds, user-friendly Excel-editable charts, and free updates.

Cover – Modern Animated PowerPoint Template

Cover - Modern Animated PowerPoint Template

Cover is a modern and visual-centric PowerPoint template that features a set of unique slide designs. This template is perfect for your creative agency and marketing presentations. It includes more than 20 slides with customizable elements and animations.

Animated PowerPoint Presentation for Business

Animated PowerPoint Presentation for Business

This PowerPoint template features a multipurpose design with lots of modern and stylish slides to choose from. It’s ideal for making every kind of presentation from business meeting slideshows to startup pitch decks and more.

Business Finance Animated PowerPoint Infographics

Business Finance Animated PowerPoint Infographics

Showcasing and highlighting your business finance reports in presentations will get much easier with the help of this template. It includes 20 different infographic slides for creating beautiful graphics for finance stats and data.

Business Comparison PowerPoint Infographics Template

Business Comparison PowerPoint Infographics Template

You can use this PowerPoint template to create cool slides that compare products, features, and competitors in visual form. There are 20 unique slide layouts in this template filled with colorful illustrations, icons, and graphics. You can easily customize them to your preference.

Free Business Proposal Animated PPT Template

Free Business Proposal Animated PPT Template

Planning on organizing a business trip? Then you can use this free PowerPoint template to create a presentation for the meeting. It comes with 30 slides. You can also customize it to create other types of presentations.

Kukuh – Animated Business PowerPoint Template

Kukuh - Animated Business PowerPoint Template

The stylishly dark and modern design of this PowerPoint template makes it an ideal choice for creating presentations for luxury brands and high-end businesses. It has 39 unique slides with fully customizable layouts, including editable graphics, colors, and fonts.

Colopen – Animated Creative PowerPoint Template

Colopen - Animated Creative Powerpoint Template

Colopen is a creative PowerPoint template that you can use to make various agency and marketing presentations. It’s especially great for presenting projects and business profiles. The template includes 30 unique slides that come in 5 different color schemes.

Bravo – Animated Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

Bravo - Animated Pitch Deck Powerpoint Template

This PowerPoint template has the perfect design for making bold and attractive business presentations. It includes fully animated slides full of stylish designs, infographics, editable vector graphics, icons, and more. There are more than 35 slide layouts in this template.

Business Diagrams Animated PowerPoint Slides

Business Diagrams Animated PowerPoint Slides

You will never run out of unique diagram designs for your business presentations when you have this PowerPoint template. It has 17 unique diagram designs that are available in 12 different color schemes. Each infographic is handmade to perfection.

Free Business Meeting Animated PowerPoint Template

Free Business Meeting Animated PowerPoint Template

This free PowerPoint template is most suitable for crafting presentations for business meetings. It features a clean and minimal slide design with beautifully animated objects and transitions. There are 13 slides included in the template.

Clean Business Presentation PowerPoint Template

Clean Business Presentation PowerPoint Template

Create modern business presentations with clean slides using this PowerPoint template. It features 40 unique slides with editable graphics, charts, and transition animations. You can also choose from 10 different color themes for the template.

Scrum PowerPoint Infographics Animated Template

Scrum PowerPoint Infographics Animated Template

Use these PowerPoint slides to present your Scrum solutions for business problems in a professional way. It includes more than 20 slides with unique infographics and customizable elements.

Startup Slides Animated PowerPoint Templates

Startup Slides Animated PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template includes several beautiful slides featuring illustrations and graphics especially made for startups and small businesses. The colors, fonts, images, and everything on each slide can be customized to your preference.

Technology Infographics Animated PowerPoint Template

Technology Infographics Animated PowerPoint Template

With this PowerPoint template, you can design minimal slideshows for technology-related presentations. There are over 20 slides included in the template with several different styles of designs.

Marketing Campaign Free Animated PowerPoint Template

Marketing Campaign Free Animated PowerPoint Template

This is a free PowerPoint template you can use for making modern marketing presentations. It’s especially suitable for digital agencies and brands. The template includes 32 different slides.

Chrono – Creative Agency PowerPoint Template

Chrono - Powerpoint Template

For an effortlessly stylish presentation, consider Chrome. It’s a beautifully designed PowerPoint template that will captivate your audience at a glance. This animated template offers a range of fully customizable slides, color variations, and picture-perfect illustrations.

Evolve – Animated PowerPoint Template

Evolve - Animated Powerpoint Template

Evolve is an animated PowerPoint template that exudes elegance in each of its 40 slides. It comes in both animated, and non-animated versions, allowing you to choose the one that best fits your needs. There is also a choice between light and dark color themes.

Puzzle – Animated PowerPoint Template

Puzzle Animated PowerPoint Presentation

Puzzle is an infographic PowerPoint template fitting to a large pool of business purposes. Whether you need a presentation to discuss the business processes, marketing steps, or timeline, this animated template surely deserves a spot in your PowerPoint resource kit.

Move – Animated PowerPoint Template

Move Animated PowerPoint Template

Move is a multipurpose PowerPoint template featuring 144 animated slides, drag, and drop picture placeholder, free fonts, and a lot more. Ideal for modern presentations Move is worth giving a shot or adding to your shortlist at the very least.

Minimal Infographic PowerPoint Template

Minimal Animated PowerPoint Infographics

Next up we have a minimalistic template purpose-built for data visualization presentations. It comprises 18 fully animated slides, a range of color themes to choose from, and vector shapes. All elements can be easily edited in Microsoft PowerPoint, and a dark version comes included.

Diagrams – Animated PowerPoint Template

animated powerpoint template

If you’re looking for an animated PowerPoint template with lots of diagrams, check out the above featured product. It consists of 18 fully animated slides that can be customized to your specific requirements in no time at all.

Metrolica – Animated PowerPoint Template

animated powerpoint template

Metrolica is a modern, and professional template that can be used for virtually any purpose under the sun. It’s a solid choice for anyone looking to add the best animated PowerPoint templates to their collection. Grab it now.

Edi – Animated PowerPoint Template

animated powerpoint template

Designed for creative professionals, Edi is a minimal yet eye-catching template that’s sure to create an impression. It comes with both animated and non-animated slides, fully customizable to your brand’s aesthetic, and image.

Doodle – Animated PowerPoint Template

animated powerpoint template

Here we have another template that is set with pyramid, goal, circles and other abstract elements. Add it to your shortlist ASAP.

Business Pro – Animated PowerPoint Template

Business Pro - Animated Powerpoint Template

Business Pro is a radical PowerPoint template made for businesses. It comes fully loaded with transition animations and a total of 150 slide designs while keeping its professional looks. You’ll also be able to choose the slides from 5 different color schemes as well.

The Mnml – Minimal PowerPoint Template

The Mnml - Minimal PowerPoint Template

The Mnml features a set of slides with minimal designs. The template includes 30 unique slide layouts. Each slide is available in 5 different color schemes. Along with master slides, image placeholders, and more to let you easily customize the slides.

Fecestyle – Modern Animated PowerPoint Template

Fecestyle - Modern Animated PowerPoint Template

A modern PowerPoint template featuring creative slide designs and transition animations. This template is perfect for creatives and freelancers for making presentations to highlight your skills and promote services. It includes 150 slides.

Shining – Creative Animated PowerPoint Template

Shining - Creative Animated PowerPoint Template

Shining is an animated PowerPoint template that comes with 30 unique slides. The slides are available in 5 different color schemes. It also features master slide layouts, animations, editable graphics, illustrations, and much more as well.

Free Animated Minimal PowerPoint Template

Free Animated Minimal Powerpoint Template

This is a free PowerPoint template featuring a minimal and clean slide design. This template includes 22 unique slides featuring stylish animations. You can use it to create professional portfolios, business profiles, and more.

Visibility – Multipurpose PowerPoint Template

Visibility - Multipurpose PowerPoint Template

Featuring a beautiful and modern design, this PowerPoint template allows you to design creative presentations for various occasions. The template includes 50 fully animated slides that are available in both light and dark color themes. Each slide is easily customizable as well.

Company Presentation – PowerPoint Template

Company Presentation - Animated PowerPoint Template

This animated PowerPoint template is perfect for creating presentations for business events and meetings. The template includes a total of 500 slides featuring 50 unique slides in 5 different color schemes. It also comes with master slide layouts, editable vector graphics, and more.

Ecology – Animated PowerPoint Template

animated powerpoint templates

Next in our list of the best animated PowerPoint templates is Ecology, a beautifully crafted presentation format consisting of 28 infographic slide designs, a range of color themes, and easy to edit vector elements.

Annual Plan Animated PowerPoint Template

animated powerpoint templates

Use this template to present your plan for the forthcoming year in the most impressive manner. It’s a versatile template that can be easily adjusted for other topics as well. With 35 stunning slides, 10 color modes, and 30 business concepts, it’s one of the best animated PowerPoint templates on our list.

Unigraph – Animated PowerPoint Template

animated powerpoint templates

Unigraph is a minimalistic business template that presents your content in the best way possible. It features an on-trend design, engaging and attention-grabbing slides ensuring you definitely nail your upcoming presentation.

Square – Animated PowerPoint Template

animated powerpoint templates

If you have got a presentation tomorrow, you need a visually engaging and professional template designed as quickly as possible. Consider Square, a gorgeously animated template containing everything you need to get an appreciation for your presentation.

Free Animated PowerPoint Template

animated powerpoint templates

Here we have a fantastic infographics template featuring 10 simple and elegant slides, free fonts, smooth animation, and fully customizable elements. It’s one of the best free animated PowerPoint templates out there!

Allegrasia – Animated Powerpoint Template

Allegrasia - Animated Powerpoint Template

Allegrasia is a modern PowerPoint template that comes with an elegant design. This template includes 30 unique slides in 5 color schemes, making it a total of 300 slides. The template is perfect for creating slideshows for design and lifestyle presentations.

Babel – Minimal Animated Powerpoint Template

Babel - Minimal Animated Powerpoint Template

Babel is a unique PowerPoint template you can use to showcase your brand identity and style guide in a presentation. The template is fully animated and comes with 34 unique slides featuring beautifully minimal designs.

Selfone – Free Presentation Template

Selfone - Free Presentation Template

This is a completely free presentation template you can use to create app presentation slideshows. The template comes in multiple formats including PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides as well.

Rivka – Minimal PowerPoint Template

Rivka - Minimal PowerPoint Template

Rivka is a stylish PowerPoint template that features a very visual slide design. There are lots of image placeholders where you can showcase your portfolios, product images, and more in a presentation. The template includes 63 unique slides.

Rundown – Modern Animated Powerpoint Template

Rundown - Modern Animated Powerpoint Template

A modern PowerPoint template with a simple design. This template is ideal for showcasing products and startups. The template comes with more than 50 unique slides with animations. And it includes editable vector graphics, image placeholders, and colors as well.

Viersa – Business Presentation Template

Viersa - Business Presentation Template

The perfect PowerPoint template for designing fashion and design presentations. This template includes an easily customizable design where you can change colors, fonts, and images to design a unique presentation of your own.

Hello – Animated Powerpoint Presentation

Hello - Animated Powerpoint Presentation

If you’re working on a presentation to showcase a product, service, or a business, this PowerPoint template will come in handy. It comes with a set of modern slides featuring a unique icon pack, free fonts, and simple animations.

Smash – Free Animated PowerPoint Template

Smash - Free Animated PowerPoint Template

Smash is a beautiful and modern PowerPoint template featuring a dark and elegant color theme. This template is free for you to download and use. It features more than 100 animated slides.

Blossom – Animated PowerPoint Template

Blossom - Animated Powerpoint Template

Blossom is a modern PowerPoint presentation template that comes with a set of fully animated slides. It includes a total of 150 slides in 5 different premade color schemes with 30 unique slides in each template. This template is perfect for modern business and startup presentations.

Busono – Creative PowerPoint Template

Busono - Creative Powerpoint Template

Busono features a creative and minimal design that makes it the perfect choice for designing creative design and marketing related presentations. The template comes with 30 unique slides and you get to choose from 5 different color themes to match your branding.

Cityview – Visual PowerPoint Template

Cityview - Visual Powerpoint Template

Cityview is a stylish PowerPoint template that features a modern slide design with plenty of space for showcasing images. The template includes 150 total slides and comes with creative slide animations as well.

Graphy – Creative PowerPoint Template

Graphy - Creative Powerpoint Template

If you’re looking for a clean and minimal PowerPoint template to deliver a presentation driven by statistics and data, this template is perfect for you. It includes 30 unique slides in 5 color schemes featuring slide designs for visualizing data.

Brenna – Modern PowerPoint Template

Brenna - Modern Powerpoint Template

Brenna is another creative and minimalist PowerPoint template that’s ideal for making presentations for creative agencies, startups, and shops. The template comes with a total of 150 slides featuring vector graphics, infographics, and more.

Voodoo – Free Animated PowerPoint Template

Voodoo - Free Animated PowerPoint Template

VooDoo is a clean and modern PowerPoint template you can use for free with your personal projects. The free version of the template includes 10 unique slides in light and dark color themes.

Tesla – Free PowerPoint Template

Tesla - Free Powerpoint Template

Tesla is a professional PowerPoint template you can use to create business and professional presentations. The template includes 10 free slides with editable designs.

Muetto – Modern PowerPoint Template

Muetto - Modern Powerpoint Template

Muetto is a minimalist and fully animated PowerPoint presentation template featuring all kinds of slides, such as gallery slides and portfolio slides as well as lots of infographics, illustrations, icons, image placeholders, and much more to customize the design of the slides.

Admire – Design Portfolio PowerPoint Template

Admire - Design Portfolio Powerpoint Template

Admire is most suitable for making portfolio presentations for creative professionals and design agencies. The PowerPoint template includes a total of 150 slides featuring editable vector graphics and image placeholders.

Chiliad – Visual PowerPoint Template

Chiliad - Visual Powerpoint Template

Chiliad is a highly visual PowerPoint template that allows you to tell your story and message with slides filled lots of images. The template comes with 30 unique slides in 5 premade color schemes. All of the slides are fully animated as well.

Lookbook – Free Pastel Presentation Template

Lookbook - Free Pastel Presentation Template

This free creative and colorful PowerPoint template is perfect for making attractive slideshows for design and fashion related presentations. It’s free to use with your personal projects.

Dark Red – Free PowerPoint Template

Dark Red - Free Powerpoint Template

Dark Red is a professionally designed PowerPoint template featuring 30 unique slides. You can download the template for free and use it with your personal projects to create modern presentations.

Pagero – Stylish PowerPoint Template

Pagero - Stylish Powerpoint Template

Pagero PowerPoint template comes with a colorful and attractive design. It’s most suitable for making presentations for fashion design and beauty related product presentations. The template can also be customized to fit other types of presentations as well.

Libra – Business PowerPoint Template

Libra - Business Powerpoint Template

Libra is a creative PowerPoint template you can use to make professional and modern slideshows for business and marketing related presentations. The template comes with a total of 150 slides featuring 5 different color themes.

Redaqua – Minimal PowerPoint Template

Redaqua - Minimal Powerpoint Template

Redaqua features an attractive and minimalist slide design for making presentations for creative professional, startup, and agency related events. The template also includes lots of device mockups, infographics, image placeholders, and icon packs as well.

Portfolio – Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

Portfolio - Free PowerPoint Presentation Template

If you’re looking for a simple PowerPoint template to showcase your portfolio, this free template will come in handy. It features 10 unique slides with easily editable layouts and drag and drop image placeholders.

Free Animated Medical PowerPoint Template

Free Animated Medical PowerPoint Template

This free PowerPoint template comes with 30 unique slides designed for making medical themed presentations. All of the slides are fully animated to make your presentation look more attractive.

Digital Marketing Animated Powerpoint Template

Digital Marketing Strategy Powerpoint Template

This beautifully designed PowerPoint template comes with more than 40 unique slides filled with transition effects and object animations. The template is designed specifically for creating marketing and promotional presentations and it includes 2 pre-made themes.

Retrico – Vintage Slides PowerPoint Template

Retrico - Vintage Slides PowerPoint Template

Retrico is an elegant PowerPoint template that features classic retro-themed slide designs. It includes more than 100 unique slides with animations. The presentation template is also available in 3 different color schemes.

ECO – Animated PowerPoint Template

ECO Animated PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint template is made for creating presentations for environmental and nature-themed slideshows. It features a very green and eco design and includes 80 unique slides. The template is available in both animated and non-animated versions as well.

Startup Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

Startup Pitch Deck PowerPoint Template

If you’re working on a presentation to pitch a startup or a product to investors, this PowerPoint template will come in handy. It comes with a total of 200 slides featuring transition animations and effects. A non-animated version is also included in this bundle.

SEO Agency – Animated PowerPoint Template

SEO Agency - Animated PowerPoint Template

Promoting SEO services and convincing clients of its importance can be difficult at times, this animated PowerPoint template is crafted to ease up that process. This template includes 90 unique slides and it comes with 10 different color schemes.

Power – Dynamic Animated PowerPoint Template

Power - Dynamic Animated PowerPoint Template

Power is a beautiful PowerPoint template that features dynamic animations and transition effects. This premium-quality presentation template comes with 120 unique slides and in 20 different color themes. You can use it for your personal and commercial projects.

POP ART – Free Pastel PowerPoint Template

POP ART – Free Pastel PowerPoint Template

Pop Art is a free PowerPoint template that comes with a stylish slide design featuring attractive pastel colors. It’s ideal for showcasing products and portfolios.

Pastel  – Free Modern PowerPoint Template

Pastel - Free Modern PowerPoint Template

Pastel is another colorful PowerPoint template featuring lots of attractive slides for showcasing fashion and apparel designs. The template can be used for various business, agency, and creative presentations.

Animated Business Infographics PowerPoint Template

Animated Business Infographics PowerPoint Template

This free PowerPoint template features a set of slides filled with unique and customizable infographics and charts. You can use these graphs and charts to effectively present your data to your audience.

SIMPLECO – Animated Powerpoint Template

SIMPLECO - Animated Powerpoint Template

Simpleco is a colorful PowerPoint template that includes 93 unique slides featuring lots of charts, graphs, infographics, and more. All of the slides in this template are animated and designed based on master slides. The template is available in 2 different color themes.

Clean Business Presentation Template

Clean Business Presentation Template

This clean and minimal PowerPoint template is perfect for presenting your business, product, or startup to clients and investors. It includes 50 unique slides and comes with lots of transition effects and animations.

Business Plan – Multipurpose PowerPoint Template

Business Plan - Multipurpose PowerPoint Template

Make your business plan look more effective and engaging by using this animated PowerPoint template. This template comes with a design that can be used to craft many different types of business related presentations. It includes 100 unique slides in 20 different color themes.

Studio Minimal – PowerPoint Template

Studio Minimal - PowerPoint Template

This PowerPoint presentation template comes with a minimalist and a clean design. It’s made specifically for creative professionals and agencies. The template includes 120 unique slides featuring stylish animations and more than 4000 line and vector icons.

Mongo – Animated Powerpoint Template

Mongo - Animated Powerpoint Template

Mongo is a professional PowerPoint template made for businesses and corporate agencies. It includes a total of 300 slides in both light and dark color themes. The template is available in 3 different color versions and includes placeholders for easy editing.

Free Business Strategy Powerpoint Template

Free Business Strategy Powerpoint Template

This free PowerPoint template comes with a set of minimalist slides featuring creative transition effects and animations. It’s perfect for presenting a simple business strategy during a meeting or to your target audience.

JD – Personal Powerpoint Presentation Template

JD - Personal Powerpoint Presentation Template

Another free and animated PowerPoint template that comes with high-quality slides made specifically for promoting your skills and services. This template is ideal for freelancers, coaches, and instructors.

Responsive Solutions – Powerpoint Template

Responsive Solutions Powerpoint Template

This creative PowerPoint presentation template comes with a total of 480 slides featuring 60 unique slides. The template is available in 5 different color schemes and in both light and dark color themes.

Somse – Animated Powerpoint Template

Somse Powerpoint Template

Somse is a PowerPoint presentation template that features a minimal design for creating both personal and business related presentations. It includes 108 multipurpose slides filled with custom object animations and effects.

Monthly Planner – PowerPoint Template

Monthly Planner PowerPoint Template

This is a unique PowerPoint presentation template that’s made specifically for creating slideshows for your monthly and annual business meetings. It includes 50 unique slides in 10 different premade color schemes. The slides also feature infographics, charts, and vector illustrations as well.

Quadro – Corporate Powerpoint Template

Quadro - Corporate Powerpoint Template

Quadro is an elegant PowerPoint presentation template that comes with 80 unique slides and its available in 4 different color schemes. The template is easily customizable and includes lots of editable device mockups, graphs, and graphics.

Beres – Animated Powerpoint Template

Beres - Powerpoint Template

This PowerPoint presentation template includes more than 100 unique slides and you also get to choose from 8 different color schemes to create a professional slideshow. The template is available in both animated and non-animated versions as well.

Magnum – Animated PowerPoint Template

Magnum PowerPoint Template

Magnum is a colorful PowerPoint presentation template that includes more than 970 slides filled with images, graphics, icons, and illustrations. It’s ideal for creating a slideshow for a creative presentations or a business meeting. The template is also available in light and dark color themes.

Vega – Animated PowerPoint Template Free

Vega - Animated PowerPoint Template Free

Vega is a colorful and a creative PowerPoint template that you can use free of charge. It comes with 80 unique slides featuring animations and creative vector graphics. You can easily customize it to your preference as well.

Procyon – Animated Presentation Slideshow

Procyon - Animated Presentation Slideshow

This free PowerPoint template includes 45 slides featuring transition effects as well as lots of graphs, infographics, charts, and more. You can use it to create a basic presentation slideshow for free.

5 Tips for Creating Animations & Transitions in PowerPoint

Adding animation to your PowerPoint slideshows can greatly enhance the experience you offer through your presentation. If you’re new to PowerPoint, follow these tips to get started with animations.

1. Transition vs Object Animations

One of the first things you need to be aware of when using PowerPoint animations is the difference between transition animations and object animations.

On PowerPoint, you can animate each object you add to your slides. While this can be useful when presenting key points in a presentation, you should try to keep object animations to a minimum.

You can also add transition animations to your slides. These animations help create smoother transitions between slides.

2. Time It Perfectly

Each and every animation you add in PowerPoint can be customized to your preference by setting times for the duration of the animation as well as adding delays.

It’s up to you to experiment with different settings to find the right time and delays for your animations. Try to keep animations short and sweet.

3. Stack Multiple Animations

Another useful feature of PowerPoint animations is the ability to stack multiple animations for objects. For example, you can add both entrance and exit animations for each object on your slide by stacking different animation effects.

Stacking animations can drastically increase the duration of your slideshow presentations so use this feature only when necessary.

4. Automatic vs Controlled Animations

Controlled animations offer a great advantage when you’re delivering specific types of presentations like product reveals and feature showcases. For example, if you want to talk about key points in your speech, you can use controlled animations to reveal those points one at a time upon your mouse click or using a remote.

You can also set your animations to play automatically so they flow through your slide presentations without having to click for each slide to start.

5. Keep It Simple

Overall, you should try to keep animations to a minimum and avoid using the more flashy animations in your presentations. For example, it’s perfectly fine to add a fade-in transition effect to your slides. However, adding flashing and bouncing animations may hurt your reputation as a professional.

Stick to the simple and minimal animations to make your presentations more entertaining and easier to look at.

Thanksgiving Design Ideas: Flyers, Posters, Graphics & More

Featured Imgs 23

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to start planning your festive designs for events, promotions, or community gatherings.

Whether you’re creating flyers for a local Thanksgiving dinner, posters for seasonal sales, or social media graphics to spread holiday cheer, having the right design elements can make all the difference.

In this post, we’ve put together a collection of Thanksgiving design templates, including flyers, posters, graphics, and more, to help you capture the warmth and joy of the holiday season.

Thanksgiving is all about togetherness, gratitude, and celebration, and your designs should reflect that spirit. From rich autumnal color palettes to cozy, welcoming imagery, these templates and graphics are designed to evoke the essence of the holiday. Have a look.

Creative Thanksgiving Flyer Template

Creative Thanksgiving Flyer Template

This is a thoughtfully designed, fully editable Thanksgiving flyer in PSD format. Sized at A4 with a 3mm bleed, it’s prepared for professional printing, supporting CMYK colors at a high resolution of 300 dpi. It’s especially perfect for promoting various events and celebrations.

Stylish Thanksgiving Flyer Template

Stylish Thanksgiving Flyer Template

This a versatile Thanksgiving flyer template for promoting your special event. Designed with meticulous attention to detail, this fully editable template offers well-organized layers and top-quality resolution (CMYK 300 DPI). Spanning 21 x 29.7 cm with bleed, the template is compatible with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop (CS5).

Simple Thanksgiving Flyer Template

Simple Thanksgiving Flyer Template

A minimalist Thanksgiving flyer template with customization options to fit your needs. Its specifications include a Photoshop file (CS5), 8.27 x 11.69 inch dimensions including bleeds, 300 dpi CMYK resolution for print-ready convenience, editable fonts and text, and an easy color-change option.

Modern Thanksgiving Flyer & Poster Template

Modern Thanksgiving Flyer & Poster Template

This is a contemporary, easy-to-use Thanksgiving flyer template for business promotions. It comes packaged as a print-ready PSD file neatly organized into layers for straightforward editing. All elements including colors, images, and text can be tailored to suit your needs. An A4 size with extra bleed ensures a professional finish.

2 Thanksgiving Flyer Templates

2 Thanksgiving Flyer Templates

A perfect pair of flyer templates ideal for Thanksgiving-themed projects. They’re fully layered PSDs, making them easy to edit and customize. Designed in 300 DPI and CMYK colors, they’re print-ready in a 4×6 size.

Red Thanksgiving Flyer Template

Red Thanksgiving Flyer Template

This is a customizable Thanksgiving flyer template for your special November event planning. With its appealing red theme, and well-organized, fully editable layers, this A4 size PSD file is easy to use. Everything you need is included, even the free font, which can be found in the readme file.

Colorful Thanksgiving Flyer & Poster Template

Colorful Thanksgiving Flyer & Poster Template

Add a splash of color to your Thanksgiving promotions with this vibrant flyer and poster template. It’s simple to customize, with editable text and an easy color change system. The template, which is available in Ai CS 6, CS 3, and Eps files, also boasts organized layers for straightforward editing.

Thanksgiving Festival Flyer Template

Thanksgiving Festival Flyer Template

An easily customizable Thanksgiving flyer template suitable for seasonal promotions. It includes files in AI, PSD, PDF, PNG, EPS formats and features 300 dpi CMYK resolution. The template is a vector at Ai, ideal for print, and allows for editable fonts/text and color changes.

Thanksgiving Event Flyer Template

Thanksgiving Event Flyer Template

This is an ideal flyer template for any Thanksgiving-related event, party, or festival. It offers a customizable, editable, and well-organized PSD and Ai file, conveniently sized to A4 and ready to print. Fonts used in this tastefully designed template are outlined in the readme file and are free for commercial use.

Thanksgiving Celebration Flyer Template

Thanksgiving Celebration Flyer Template

An easily customizable PSD flyer designed for your Thanksgiving festivities. Sized at 8.27 x 11.69 inches (A4) with bleed, its 100% print-ready format includes well-organized layers for straightforward changes to color, image, text, and other elements. It also provides a readme file detailing used fonts.

Thanksgiving Party Flyer Template

Thanksgiving Party Flyer Template

This flyer template is perfect for any fall gathering or Thanksgiving dinner. This Photoshop file is remarkably easy to customize, organized in well-labeled layers and folders. Adjust colors, pictures, elements and text in just a few clicks. It’s print-ready, featuring a 300DPI resolution and multiple color variations.

Happy Thanksgiving Flyer Template

Happy Thanksgiving Flyer Template

Another Thanksgiving flyer template creatively designed for any project. It’s easy to customize with editable fonts/text, adjustable colors, and well-organized layers. The package includes Ai, PSD, PDF, PNG, and EPS files, all in 8.27×11.69 inch dimensions with 300 dpi CMYK resolution, ready for print.

Cute Thanksgiving Poster Template

Cute Thanksgiving Poster Template

Check out this adorable Thanksgiving poster template! It comes well-organized in 3 PSD files, all 100% editable and print-ready. Its size is 8.27 x 11.69 inch, designed in full CMYK 300 DPI. The charming design is entirely vector-based for high-quality results.

Thanksgiving Dinner Party Flyer Template

Thanksgiving Dinner Party Flyer Template

An easily editable Thanksgiving flyer template ideal for your festive gatherings. Provided in both Ai CS6 and Psd formats, it’s fully vectorized and print-ready with sharp 300 DPI CMYK color format, perfectly adaptable to A4 size.

Elegant Thanksgiving Poster Template

Elegant Thanksgiving Poster Template

This Thanksgiving poster template pack offers a modern and sophisticated aesthetic, perfect for promoting any kind of event. This pack includes various flyer and poster sizes, professionally designed in Illustrator and Photoshop. Its customizability and clean design present your work in a visually appealing manner.

Thanksgiving Social Media Template Kit

Thanksgiving Social Media Template Kit

A creative Thanksgiving-themed social media template pack, perfect for amplifying your festive posts. It includes 10 templates, tailored to fit the dimensions of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter posts. The kit provides a fully layered PSD file that’s customizable and editable, along with JPG files for reference.

Thanksgiving Party Social Media Template Pack

Thanksgiving Party Social Media Template Pack

Another Thanksgiving social media template pack that offers versatile and professional-grade design templates to help businesses enhance their social media presence. This pack covers 24 different sizes suitable for popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more.

Thanksgiving Instagram Story Templates

Thanksgiving Instagram Story Templates

This Thanksgiving Instagram story template pack is an excellent tool for enhancing your business’s social media presence. Ideal for eCommerce, fashion, or design blogs, the templates are easy to use and adjust- just replace text and images to reflect your brand. Customizable aspects include color, text, images, and overall design.

Thanksgiving Day Social Media Banner Templates

Thanksgiving Day Social Media Banner Templates

If you’re looking to spruce up your social media presence this Thanksgiving, consider using this Thanksgiving social media template kit. These easy-to-use, editable templates are perfect for any business or blog, offering high resolution, vector-based designs in multiple sizes appropriate for Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Thanksgiving Social Media Templates Pack

Thanksgiving Social Media Templates Pack

This Thanksgiving social media template kit provides six professionally designed, customizable banner post templates for several social platforms (including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn). With editable text and colors and easy image placement, these templates allow your holiday social media ads to shine.

Two-Side Thanksgiving Greeting Card Template

Two-Side Thanksgiving Greeting Card Template

A professionally designed Thanksgiving greeting card template offering a two-sided card design. This versatile kit includes an AI (Adobe Illustrator) file, a PSD (Adobe Photoshop) file, and an EPS file for customization. With a size of 7×5 inches plus bleed, it’s 100% ready to print and neatly arranged in layers.

Thanksgiving Greetings Card Templates

Thanksgiving Greetings Card Templates

This is a set of elegantly rustic Thanksgiving greeting card templates that enrich your holiday wishes. Featuring line art borders of autumnal elements and a variety of layouts, it’s perfect for Thanksgiving flyers and invitations. They are provided in Photoshop PSD and Illustrator AI files, these 5×7″ printed size templates.

Free Thanksgiving Flyer Templates

Free Thanksgiving Flyer & Poster Template

This is a free flyer template you can use to promote all kinds of Thanksgiving events, dinner parties, and more. The template comes in PSD format with easily editable elements.

Free Happy Thanksgiving Flyer

Another free Thanksgiving flyer template with a colorful design. It has lots of decorative elements with creative typography and image placeholders to help you craft a more attractive flyer for your event.

Free Simple Thanksgiving Flyer Template

This free PSD template is perfect for your modern Thanksgiving flyer designs. It features a simple layout with minimal decorations and plenty of space to include details about your event.

Free Dark Thanksgiving Flyer Template

If you prefer darker designs, this free Thanksgiving flyer template is perfect for your event. It comes with a bold and dark design that effectively highlights you content above all else.

Free Creative Thanksgiving Flyer Template

Another free Thanksgiving flyer template for various events and celebrations. This template also comes in PSD format and it features beautiful hand-drawn illustrations that give the design a hand-crafted look and feel.

Revamping Healthcare Software: Key Strategies for Modernization

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In an era where technology continually transforms every sector, healthcare is no exception. Modernizing healthcare software is crucial to improving patient outcomes, enhancing operational efficiency, and staying competitive in a rapidly evolving industry. Whether you’re dealing with legacy systems or looking to integrate new technologies, revamping healthcare software can be a complex but rewarding endeavor. …

The post Revamping Healthcare Software: Key Strategies for Modernization first appeared on Lucid Softech.

WordPress vs Angular: Choosing the Right Platform for Your Website 

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Building a website can be exciting, but choosing the right platform can be overwhelming. Two popular options are WordPress and Angular, each catering to different needs. So, which one is right for you? Let’s dive into the strengths and weaknesses of each platform. WordPress WordPress is a powerful content management system (CMS) used by millions […]

The post WordPress vs Angular: Choosing the Right Platform for Your Website  first appeared on WPArena and is written by Dilip Kumar.