How to Get Dreams Out of Your Head [And a Video of Me Wearing Tights]

wds2013-0415-IMG_6737Last month I had the honour of speaking at the World Domination Summit in Portland.

Conference founder, Chris Guillebeau, gave me the brief of sharing my story and to share some tips and ideas for helping people to lead remarkable lives in a conventional world. He also said he didn’t want me to just talk about blogging – a task I found very refreshing!

I spoke on the topic of ‘Getting Dreams out of Your Head‘ and covered quite a bit of ground. In this video you’ll see my full keynote and hear about:

  • How I started my first business at 9
  • The words an ex-girlfriend said that changed my life
  • The 4 words that started me blogging and changed the trajectory of my life
  • A close encounter I had with Russell Brand in a mens bathroom
  • Where to look for your ‘next big thing’
  • The two questions I ask myself every day that have unlocked some amazing opportunities for me

Oh – and at the end of the video you’ll see me as you’ll never have seen me before (it involves wearing tights)! There’s also a special guest performance by the amazing Clare Bowditch which touched the hearts of many at WDS.

Grab yourself a cup of your favourite beverage, sit back and enjoy.

Darren Rowse from Chris Guillebeau on Vimeo.

How to Get Dreams Out of Your Head [And a Video of Me Wearing Tights]
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