205: 5 Obstacles Bloggers Face (And How to Get Over Them)

205: 5 Obstacles Bloggers Face (And How to Get Over Them)

How to Overcome 5 Blogger Obstacles
As I record this, I’m just home from our first ProBlogger event of the year in Brisbane and am preparing for our next one in the coming days in Melbourne.
The Brisbane event was really worthwhile. We heard from Pat Flynn, Jadah Sellner, James Schramko, Kelly Exeter, Shayne Tilley and Laney Galligan and had a couple of days of great teaching and inspiration – including a day with a small group masterminding their businesses.

Each year at our events, I open the event with a keynote. This year I spoke about evolving your blog rather than getting into a ‘revolving’ pattern (or going in circles). I will share more on that topic on the podcast in the future but as we’re very much focused this week on our events and serving our attendees I wanted to give you another taste of what we do at our events and share with you the opening keynote from a previous year as this week’s episode.
I did this in the last episode too and got a lot of positive feedback and hope you’ll enjoy this one too. It’s from 4 years ago but I think it’s spot on in terms of a message for today too. Continue reading “205: 5 Obstacles Bloggers Face (And How to Get Over Them)”

204: 6 ‘Ordinary’ Things That Will Grow Your Blog into Something Extraordinary

204: 6 ‘Ordinary’ Things That Will Grow Your Blog into Something Extraordinary

How Ordinary Things Can Lead to Extraordinary Results With Your Blog
This week and I’m excited to be spending time face to face with quite a few ProBlogger podcast listeners and blog readers at our Aussie blogging events.
We’ve been holding annual Australian events since 2010 and it is a highlight of my year each time. It’s fantastic to put faces to names, hear the stories of what bloggers are learning and to get inspired by meeting many of you.
So because I’m away this week and busy with the event I thought it might be fun to give you a taste of what happens at a ProBlogger event and to play you a talk I gave at one of our events a few years ago. Continue reading “204: 6 ‘Ordinary’ Things That Will Grow Your Blog into Something Extraordinary”

201: The Secret to Building a Blog with Big Traffic and Profit

201: The Secret to Building a Blog with Big Traffic and Profit

How to Build Traffic and Profit into Your Blog

On today’s episode I want to talk about a key to creating a blog with lots of traffic and profit.

The topic comes from a conversation I had this morning with a new blogger who was asking me about how to create content that would go viral and as I look back at the growth of my own blogs I think it’s an important lesson to my own business’s growth.
Links and Resources on The Secret to Building a Blog with Big Traffic and Profit
Facebook group
ProBlogger Success Incubator
ProBlogger Event
4 Techniques to Get More Eyeballs on Your Blog
31 Days to Build a Better Blog
10 Things You Can Do Today that Will Pay Off On Your Blog Forever Continue reading “201: The Secret to Building a Blog with Big Traffic and Profit”