Front End Ain’t No Piece Of Cake, But It Can Be Deliciously Good: Meet SmashingConf Freiburg 2015

Some things just don’t change: SmashingConf Freiburg1 is taking place again this year, on September 14th-15th 2015, in our lovely hometown in Germany. Two days, one track, 16 brilliant speakers and 300 fantastic attendees, sharing practical insights into their craft. And the best bit: lots of networking in good ol’ beer gardens, at the very foothills of the legendary Black Forest. Tickets are now on sale.2

SmashingConf Freiburg 20153

$419 / €375

Get your ticket30194Practical “recipes” from real-life projects

SmashingConf 2015: “Recipes From Real-Life Projects”

Trends don’t matter, but techniques do. With another friendly, intimate conference in our lovely hometown, we’ll explore practical techniques, design patterns, lessons learned and other tasty recipes from real-life projects. As you know, we care about interesting problems and smart solutions. The goal of this event is that everybody — speakers, attendees, as well as the fellow designers and developers watching the videos later — discover new techniques and strategies that can be applied to real-life projects right away.

This year, the Smashing Conference flags will be blowing in the wind from a Historic Merchant Hall, yet again. (Image credit6)

Again this year we’ve encouraged speakers to share real-life lessons from their projects, and explain in detail how they built it, with all the elegant and dirty decisions made along the way. It’s not just about their experiences though; we also invite you to speak up at a SmashingConf Jam Session and share your experience publicly as well.

First Speakers

We’ve invited speakers who passionately care about their craft and learned a thing or two from their own experiences. We’re happy to welcome the first confirmed speakers:

First confirmed speakers: Geri Coady and Harry Roberts7
Among the first confirmed speakers at the SmashingConf Freiburg8 are Geri Coady and Harry Roberts.

$419 / €375

Get your ticket30194Practical “recipes” from real-life projects.


We are also happy to announce 4 full-day workshops that will take place on Wednesday, September 16th, after the two main conference days:

  • “A Techy Stretchy Image Scrimmage”20 with Eric Portis
    A hands-on workshop on dealing with native responsive images markup in real-life scenarios,
  • “Creative Workshop Facilitation”21 with Andy Budd
    Andy will be explaining how to get better at managing meetings and turn them from a productivity sink to a productivity booster,
  • “Responsive User Experience”22 with Marko Dugonjić
    You’ll learn how to plan responsive projects, establish policies, develop compatible interface elements and design visuals with performance in mind,
  • “Responsive Tips and Tricks”23 with Vitaly Friedman
    Yours truly will be presenting a renewed workshop with smart design techniques and front-end patterns on SVG, Flexbox, responsive iconography and responsive interface design patterns.

And as usual, if you book a Conference Ticket + Workshop ticket, you save €75 off the regular price24. So what are you waiting for?

Attendees Jam Session

If you’d like to give an insightful 20-min talk at the event, please contact us at with a description of the talk and we’ll get back to you. Obviously, we won’t accept any promotional talks. The more practical your talk will be, the better.


We encourage all attendees to speak up and talk about their personal experiences — it’s a good opportunity for people who never spoke before, too!

Sponsors, Dear Sponsors

We keep the ticket prices affordable for everyone, and we’re happy to welcome sponsors to help us make the conference smashing in every possible way. If you’re interested in sponsoring the event, please contact Cat (yes, it’s actually Cat—not the Smashing Cat, though!) at cat [@] smashingconf [dot] com26. We love our sponsors, and you make the event possible, and we’d be honoured to have you involved!


We want Smashing Conference to be a valuable experience, but most importantly a friendly community event with lots of delightful surprises along the way. So if you are already expecting a few surprises here and there, you definitely should—we’ve got a few special mysteries coming up your way. Do you happen to like cats? 😉 Pssst, no spoilers!

Follow us at @smashingconf27 and get more details on the SmashingConf 2014 website28. Also, more speakers will be announced soon, so get ready to be smashed with a few exciting surprises and announcements!

SmashingConf Freiburg 2015 is coming29
In September, SmashingConf is coming back to Freiburg. The cat won’t be hiding between the Historic Merchants Hall though.

$419 / €375

Get your ticket30194Practical “recipes” from real-life projects.

Questions? Shoot us an email anytime at — we’d love to assist you in every possible way and would be humbled and happy to welcome you in our lovely home town Freiburg this September!

Auf Wiedersehen!


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The post Front End Ain’t No Piece Of Cake, But It Can Be Deliciously Good: Meet SmashingConf Freiburg 2015 appeared first on Smashing Magazine.

Front End Ain’t No Piece Of Cake, But It Can Be Deliciously Good: Meet SmashingConf Freiburg 2015
Smashing Magazine
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The One Simple Reason Against Switching Off Blog Comments


A recent blog post by Arik Hanson, that looked at seven trends impacting every blogger, caught my attention the other week.

I’ve read Arik’s blog for a good few years now, and his content is always informative, and not afraid to poke the bear and challenge standard thinking when it comes to content. This blogging trends post was no different.

It covered topics like RSS being retired soon (which I agree with), the changing face of content presentation, and social sharing losing traction, amongst other things.

One trend that stood out, though, was Arik’s belief that blog comments were “officially dead”.

Based on the examples of Copyblogger and others, Arik feels that we’ll see even more content creators and blogs switch off comments in the months ahead.

That may be indeed be true – but as anyone that’s read this blog for a while will know, it’s not something I buy into, and an approach I wouldn’t recommend for one simple reason.

You Care, But You Don’t Really

Imagine you go to an event where there’s a guest speaker. You pay your dollars to attend, and you allocate a certain amount of time to be at the event.

The speaker is entertaining, the topic is something you’re interested in, and the speech gets your mind buzzing with so many follow-up ideas.

Ideas that need answers.

Ideas that only questions to the speaker can answer.

So, you wait in line after the event so you can meet the speaker, thank them for their work, and ask your follow-up question that would expand the speaker’s talk.

Finally, you get your chance to ask a question, and…. silence. A blank stare. A look that acknowledges your presence, but nothing more.

Undeterred, you ask another question. Equally undeterred, the speaker offers the same response as before.

Suddenly, you realize that it’s not just you that’s being ignored – everyone is.

Everyone that wanted to publicly thank the speaker is being ignored. Everyone who wanted to add to the topic is being ignored.

Instead, there are various rooms that are roped off where you can go instead, with the vague promise that there may be an answer or two there.

Sound familiar?

Time is Investment Too

We have a lot of distractions. Both as content creators and content consumers, there’s a hell of a lot of competition vying for our attention.

Because of that, the readers that choose to visit your little part of the web are investing in you. Sure, they may not be financially investing – but they’re investing nonetheless.

That time that could be spent elsewhere. The exchange of knowledge that could be shared elsewhere. The referral of other readers in search of somewhere they can invest too.

All of that comes from comments.

Yes, the content attracts. Yes, the content educates. Yes, the content sparks ideas.

But the content eventually draws a blank – because it’s a finite resource.

Finite content

If the content on display doesn’t quite satiate the reader’s appetite, the comments after the post can. And usually do.

Because now you’re not just tied to the one-directional broadcast of the content creator – now you have the years of experience, wisdom and  questioning viewpoints of other attendees.

Because of that, your investment is rewarded. You leave wiser, and you help others leave wiser too.

Whether the wisdom comes from extra knowledge about the topic at hand, or a new mindset about an offshoot of the topic you’d never considered, it’s return for your investment in that part of the web.

Spend Your Money Wisely

The kicker for many of the blogs that have switched off comments is the invitation to “continue the conversation elsewhere”.

This is followed by a link to that content creator’s Facebook page, or Google+ community, or Twitter stream, etc.

All well and good – after all, they’re not saying they don’t value your opinion, they just want to have it elsewhere (after all, that’s where all the cool chat is happening).

But then you land on one of these other channels, and the two-way dialogue is equally non-existent.

Instead, it’s a broadcast-fest of links to their content. You know – the very content they don’t want to talk to you about, but come to this channel you’re on now to continue the conversation…

And so the circle goes.

Switching off blog comments doesn’t enhance a reader’s experience – it hinders it. Click To Tweet

Look, I get it. As I mentioned earlier in this post, time is a commodity we have increasingly little of.

So I get that you don’t want to spend that time talking when you could just as easily be broadcasting.

Just be honest about it.

If you want to be a broadcast channel (whether that’s your blog, social network, email blast or whatever), go ahead and knock yourself out.

But let’s not pretend that blog comments are being switched off to “offer a better experience more attuned to the reader’s choice.”

Instead, if you really care about the thoughts of your readers, and the discussions they want to have, it’s a simple decision – leave the blog comments on.

And if you’re a reader/commenter, choose better places to spend your investments – there are enough of them about.

And they really do care about your investment – you can trust me on that.

The post The One Simple Reason Against Switching Off Blog Comments appeared first on Danny Brown – all rights reserved.

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MarTech Today: ScribbleLive Buys Visually, AdSupply’s Patented Anti-AdBlock & Google Updates Webmaster Guidelines

Here’s our daily recap of what happened in marketing technology, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web. From Marketing Land: ScribbleLive Buys Visually, Marrying Content Distribution With Content Creation Jan 28, 2016 by Barry Levine The combined company says it now…

Please visit Marketing Land for the full article.

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