Welcome Our Newest Dev, Kellen Mace!

We have yet another new member that recently joined our team–please join us in welcoming Kellen Mace, our newest developer!

A little bit about Kellen:

Kellen is a lifelong learner with a fondness for interesting projects that push his creative and technical limits. He loves building and launching software that clients find both powerful and easy to manage.

Kellen started his career in the healthcare industry, but discovered a passion for tech, especially the creativity and problem solving inherent in web development. Eager to learn as much as he could on the subject, he completed coursework through a number of online educational services including Harvard University’s edx.org, Coursera, Lynda.com, Codecademy, and Code School. He ran a business for the next several years building WordPress-powered websites and custom themes and plugins, providing solutions to clients, and learning a great deal in the process.

Kellen has also released a theme and several plugins that are available on WordPress.org, and is a WordCamp conference speaker.

In his spare time, Kellen can be found going on adventures with his wife Meghan and their ridiculously cute two year old Desmond, reading, exercising, enjoying the outdoors, and rocking out on guitars, drums, keyboards, and digital audio workstations.

You can follow him over @kellenmace and find more of his social links here. Say hello! Oh, and guess what? We’re still looking for more back-end developers…come join us and build rad stuff!

The post Welcome Our Newest Dev, Kellen Mace! appeared first on WebDevStudios.com.

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