CSS Hero Review: WordPress Theme Customization Made Easy!

Recent WordPress trends have seen page builder plugins rise to prominence, giving users the unrestricted ability to play web designer. However, the CSS Hero plugin combats this trend, shifting focus back to an old favorite: the WordPress theme. One of the biggest problems with WordPress themes in the past was, despite looking like they offered… View Article

The post CSS Hero Review: WordPress Theme Customization Made Easy! appeared first on WinningWP.

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What’s New in BuddyPress 2.5

BuddyPress 2.5 adds a few new tools and as always some under the hood improvements that you should get jazzed about! Here are some of the updates we can come to expect from this next BuddyPress update:

BP Email

Contributor Paul Gibbs has added a UI method for creating custom emails. This is a really neat feature. BuddyPress sends emails when users perform specific actions on the site. The emails are a way to keep users engaged with the site and to follow conversations. There is a  new API to send messages.

In the admin, you add a new email message very much like adding a page or post. You can include tokens in the content to be replaced at send time. The token variables are for dynamically replaced text. If you are a plugin developer or want to add custom emails, it’s pretty easy. Everything is post, taxonomy and terms. The post is the message with the post type being bp-email.  The taxonomy is bp-email-type. The terms are what you will use to pass to bp_send_email() during some action hook.

Custom Emails

BuddyPress only includes emails for BuddyPress core functionality. Blog posting is not part of BuddyPress, but it could be an integral part of your community. Let’s look at an example to send an email to a blog post author when a user comments on their post:

Since the emails are post types and taxonomy terms. We will need to insert a post for the post type and then assign it a custom taxonomy term. There is no special BuddyPress code here; it’s straight up WordPress wp_insert_post()wp_set_post_terms() and wp_update_term(). Note: You must hook this to the action bp_core_install_emails. This hook ensures your emails can be flushed out if they need a reset.

function bp_custom_email_message() {

    // Create post object
    $my_post = array(
      'post_title'    => __( '[{{{site.name}}}] New post comment.', 'buddypress' ),
      'post_content'  => __( '{{commenter.name}} commented on your blog post.', 'buddypress' ),
      'post_status'   => 'publish',
      'post_type' => bp_get_email_post_type() // this is the post type for emails

    // Insert the email post into the database
    $post = wp_insert_post( $my_post );

    if ( $post_id ) {
        // add our email to the taxonomy term 'post_recieved_comment'
        $term_id = wp_set_post_terms( $post, 'post_recieved_comment', bp_get_email_tax_type() );
        // update the term's description
        wp_update_term( $term_id[0], bp_get_email_tax_type(), array( 'description' => 'A member comments on a posts' ) );

add_action( 'bp_core_install_emails', 'bp_custom_email_message' );

With that function, you should see the new email post in the admin with the correct term “situation” selected. Note: All situations are listed so only select the one that will work with your tokens. This is something that will need to be dealt with in a future version of BuddyPress.

For the next step, hook an action to wp_insert_comment to get the comment data and then send the post author an email. In this function, you create the tokens to parse out in the email before sending.

function bp_comment_inserted( $comment_id, $comment_object ) {

    if ( $comment_object ) {
        // get the post data
        $post = get_post( $comment_object->comment_post_ID );
        // add tokens to parse in email
        $args = array(
            'tokens' => array(
                'site.name' => get_bloginfo( 'name' ),
                'commenter.name' => $comment_object->comment_author,
        // send args and user idto recieve email
        bp_send_email( 'post_recieved_comment', (int) $post->post_author, $args );
add_action( 'wp_insert_comment','bp_comment_inserted', 99, 2 );

Email Design

In the BP Email admin menu there is a link to customizer, here you’ll have the ability to customize the style of the HTML emails from the customizer. In admin, under “Appearance,” there will be an “Emails” menu item. Click this and it will take you to the customizer where you can edit colors and fonts. This is a nice touch for branding your site emails.



Comment Tracking

BuddyPress has always had comment tracking for Posts but not Custom Post Types. The feature keeps the comments on posts and comments on the posts activity item in sync. You can add support when you register a post type or after. The code below shows how to add support. You can customize the text of the activity action when a comment is added.

$labels = array(
    'name'                              => 'foos',
    'singular_name'                     => 'foo',
    'bp_activity_comments_admin_filter' => __( 'Comments about foos', 'custom-textdomain' ), // label for the Admin dropdown filter
    'bp_activity_comments_front_filter' => __( 'Foo Comments', 'custom-textdomain' ),        // label for the Front dropdown filter
    'bp_activity_new_comment'           => __( '%1$s commented on the <a href="%2$s">foo</a>', 'custom-textdomain' ),
    'bp_activity_new_comment_ms'        => __( '%1$s commented on the <a href="%2$s">foo</a>, on the site %3$s', 'custom-textdomain' )
register_post_type( 'foo', array(
    'labels'   => $labels,
    'public'   => true,
    'supports' => array( 'buddypress-activity', 'comments' ), // Adding the comments support
    'bp_activity' => array(
        'action_id'         => 'new_foo',                     // The activity type for posts
        'comment_action_id' => 'new_foo_comment',             // The activity type for comments
) );


WordPress recently added some new emoji enhancements and  BuddyPress 2.5 is taking advantage. Emojis will now show up in activity updates, private messages, and group descriptions. 🌟😏🎉💯😍
buddypress 2.5 emoji


Auto Linking Fields

Auto linked profile fields have typically a very polarizing feature–people either love it or hate it. The feature takes common profile field words and creates a link that, when clicked, sends you to the members directory and filters the list with any other members with the same word in their profile. There is a filter to disable it all together, but not per specific field. Not anymore! @Boone has added a options UI to the profile fields admin creation screen so you can turn this off or on per field. Visit the admin and edit a profile fields you should see the meta box below the visibility options.

buddypress 2.5 auto link


Activity Stream

2.5 receives some under the hood enhancements for activity.

  • Activity is sorted by date but if multiple items have the same date the order could look out of sync. A fix was added to use the id and a tie breaker if dates match.
  • Comments on posts are synced to its activity item. A bug would cause the comments to not be in sync if a comment was marked as spam.
  • Previously, if an activity item for a post was not added to the stream you were sorta out of luck to generate one, and post tracking might be off. Now, when you edit a post it will add the activity item if one doesn’t exists.

Twenty Twelve Style Sheet

BuddyPress has companion stylesheets for WordPress yearly themes. These stylesheets have a bit more styles to make BP Legacy templates fit better. BuddyPress 2.5 includes a style sheet for Twenty Twelve.

Inline Docs and A11y

New A11y support for BuddyPress administration screens and ongoing enhancements of inline code documentation.

That about wraps it up. I’m excited for BP Email feature; how about you? It’s the first unique feature BuddyPress has added in awhile that really enhances BuddyPress over all as great solution to creating community sites.

BuddyPress 2.5 RC1 download it from here.

The post What’s New in BuddyPress 2.5 appeared first on WebDevStudios.com.

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WhatsApp Launches Android Beta-Testing Program via Google Play

WhatsApp is inviting Android users to beta-test an unreleased version of its application, directly via the Google Play store.

Android Police was the first to spot the WhatsApp beta-testing program, noting that WhatsApp has been providing updates of its app via its own site, but users had to agree to allow their devices to permit installations “from untrusted sources,” because those updates weren’t coming via Google Play.

Rita El Khoury of Android Police added:

It does make more sense to have an official Play Store beta program. Updates get delivered automatically, they’re incremental so you don’t have to download the entire APK (Android application package) each time (that matters when you’re on a limited connection and WhatsApp releases a new bug fix every couple of hours), and you don’t have to change the untrusted sources setting if that’s something you’re paranoid about.

She pointed out that interested users are not required to join Google+ communities or Google Groups, and that those who choose to join the program will begin automatically receiving updated, unreleased versions of WhatsApp on their devices.

The Google Play page for the WhatsApp testing program reads:

WhatsApp Inc. has invited you to a testing program for an unreleased version of the WhatsApp Messenger app.

As a tester, you’ll receive an update that includes a testing version of the WhatsApp Messenger app. Please note that testing versions may be unstable or have a few bugs.

Send your feedback to WhatsApp Inc. using the contact information: android@support.whatsapp.com.

WhatsApp Android users: Are you interested in beta-testing the app?


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Mumzworld reaches 300% ROAS with Google Analytics

From rattles to diapers to playhouses, Mumzworld sells everything for babies and children to hundreds of thousands of online shoppers in the Middle East each year. The company advertises on many platforms and works hard to engage consumers with the best possible product catalog. 
For Mumzworld, the challenge was to spend those ad dollars wisely, with full insight into ROI and product availability. The company wanted to increase online sales and repeat buyers while keeping user acquisition cost low. They also wanted a platform to help them manage on-site inventory better and lower out-of-stock product views.
For help, Mumzworld turned to InfoTrust, a Google Analytics Certified Partner that specializes in ecommerce data integration. Together, Mumzworld and InfoTrust implemented Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce for deeper shopper insights, product inventory tracking and leveraged InfoTrust’s data integration tool, Analyze.ly, to import cost-related metrics from non-Google platforms into GA. 
Through remarketing and automated reports for out-of-stock products day-over-day, Mumzworld was able to see growth in total conversions, conversion rate and maintain a ROAS at 300% across top channels. Read the full case study.
Click image for full-sized version
“InfoTrust cleaned up our Google Analytics account and helped us better capture key data in dashboards, so we could dissect the information that helps us make our business better. It showed us key KPIs to watch for and created automated reports so we could measure and react to these KPIs.” —Mona Ataya, CEO and Founder, Mumzworld FZ-LLC
To learn how Mumzworld and InfoTrust worked together to achieve these results, download the full case study
Posted by Daniel Waisberg, Analytics Advocate

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CMOs to Increase Marketing Analytics Budget by 66% Over Next 3 Years

Twice a year the Duke University Fuqua School of Business releases its CMO Survey. If you are not familiar with it, I suggest you check it out as it provides a biannual glimpse into the mind of the CMO on a varying number of topics. 

Their most recent release included the statistic that CMOs plan to increase their spending on Marketing Analytics by 66% over the course of the next 3 years. 

Seeing how ours is a data-driven world and analytics surely plays a huge role this is a positive sign indeed as is the fact that the percentage of decisions using marketing analytics is up from the last edition of the survey – 31% in August 2015 to 35% in February 2016. 

What is not a positive sign, however, is the following: 

So why the dichotomy between increased budget and the number of decisions made based on analytics vs. the degree in which analytics is used when it comes to overall company performance? Part of the answer may be in the B2C and B2B breakdown. You notice in the chart above the two B2C numbers are higher than the mean whereas the two B2B numbers either match (Services) or are lower (Product). 

Are B2B marketers less comfortable using analytics for whatever reason? Do they not have faith in the technologies they use to provide accurate metrics as opposed to their B2C counterparts?

The right technology or platform of course can make all the difference. But knowing which ones to use to match your specific needs is the key. 

That’s why it’s imperative you download The CMO Solution Guide to Leveraging New Technology and Marketing Platforms. You will learn directly from your fellow CMOs as to how they decide which technology and platform they use. 


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How Organizations are Leveraging Content Across the Buyer Journey

When you hear the word “content” in a business context, you probably automatically associate it with “marketing”.

As a tactic, content marketing has been around for hundreds of years, while the term “content marketing” has only surged into popularity (and regular marketing lexicon) in the past 6-7 years. And it shows no sign of slowing down — in 2016, 88% of organizations claim to be using content marketing as a key B2B marketing tactic.

The undeniable popularity and widespread usage of content marketing points to the effectiveness of content. However, content isn’t only effective in the strict “marketing” sense — content satisfies the entire buyer journey, from awareness, to engagement, to lead generation, to sales enablement, and even to customer success.

Consequently, the way we think about content is changing: content no longer lives exclusively in the marketer’s domain. In fact, content is the lifeblood of your entire organization.

Content in every corner

Content certainly starts with marketing, playing important roles in generating awareness, engagement, and of course, leads. But this is only the start of the buyer journey.

As a lead converts to an opportunity and enters the sales realm, content can (and should) be leveraged by sales teams to handle objections, build relationships, and target key accounts. Building a content library for sales enablement is a powerful way to educate and nurture potential customers, clarify value proposition, execute account-based marketing tactics, and ultimately, expedite the sales cycle.

Content plays an equally important role once the prospect has converted into a customer. Your customer support or success team can (and should) leverage content to coach and empower your customers. Building a knowledge base or resource center with product-centric content improves customer marketing effectiveness by allowing the nurturing process to be continued even further. Filling your knowledge base with bottom-of-the-funnel content that enables customer self-service will increase your success team’s productivity and, more importantly, improve your customer retention rates.

Why content isn’t enough

Understanding why and how content satisfies the entire buyer journey is the easy part, and creating content to better satisfy the journey is an important first step.

Simply creating the content, however, isn’t enough. Organizations must be able to easily leverage this content for more than one purpose and one campaign in order to satisfy the buyer journey. This is where marketing automation comes into play — content fuels lead nurturing campaigns and helps build up your lead data based on conversions.

But as much as your marketing automation platform can help you deliver the right content to the right person, it can’t help you deliver the right content experience for the end user (be it a reader, a prospect, or a customer).

What do I mean by this? Well, your content experience is the place where all the user action takes place. It’s the destination that you send your prospects to. It’s where your visitors consume your content, where they convert to a lead, and where you can measure how effective your content is at every stage of the journey.

Sending your end user (regardless of where they’re at in the buyer journey) to a non-contextual, generic blog or resource center won’t help them find the information they need to move further down the funnel, and it certainly won’t compel them to continue their content journey. Your content will be far more effective if you’re able to send the end user on a tailored engagement path.

Delivering a well-optimized content experience

Let’s take a look at this in action.

Your marketing team produces an eBook. They can leverage this eBook for lead generation, targeting the particular buyer persona for whom they created the eBook using marketing automation and paid promotion tactics. Adding this eBook to your internal library for sales enablement, your sales team can leverage it to speak to a particular pain point that one of their prospects is experiencing. Or, similarly, your customer success team could also leverage this eBook in their knowledge base to provide more high-level information for your customers.

Those are three different use cases from just one eBook, within one organization. Each use case has different end goals and requires different context.

So, how do you optimize the content experience for each?

● Tailor the experience — Ensure your content is targeted, personalized, and strategically organized for the particular use case. For instance, if it’s an advanced-level eBook, don’t include a CTA to sign up for a beginner-level webinar.

● Facilitate further content discoverability — Don’t let your content pile up by date, or by type of content. Regardless of the use case, people are much more likely to search for a specific answer than they are to search for a “white paper”.

● Include targeted and contextual CTAs — Provide a logical and contextual next step to continue the buyer journey.


Content begins with marketing — generating awareness, engagement, and leads — but it also feeds into sales enablement and customer success, fueling your entire organization and propelling your end users throughout the entire buyer journey.

However, organizations must think beyond individual content assets and start producing relevant and contextual content experiences for the desired end user. By leveraging content experiences at every stage of the buyer journey, your content will not only become more valuable to your end users, but also to your organization.

Content can do a lot of things for your organization, but not if you don’t start thinking about it in a larger context. Download the Modern Marketing Essentials Guide to Content Marketing and start thinking. And doing.

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