Parse Creates Open Source Hub

Developers: Have you ever wished for one place where you can find all of Parse’s open-source offerings?

The Facebook-owned cloud application platform heard you loud and clear, as product designer Jake Blakeley announced the launch of the Open Source Hub in a blog post:

Over the past year, we have been able to make tons of improvements to our developer experience with many contributions from our community—this is in part possible with the open-sourcing of our docs, our software-development kits and beyond. Today we’re excited to announce that all of our open-source efforts can be now be found in one place–the Open Source Hub.

In addition to all of Parse’s open-source projects, the hub includes community highlights to celebrate everything the community has contributed to make Parse even better. As we continue our commitment to open source, we’re excited to both help you create the most awesome apps you can, as well as learn new things from the contributions that developers like you make to the platform.

Developers: What are your initial thoughts on Parse’s Open Source Hub?


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