The Shocking Way to Master Any Book


What Rough Draft host Demian Farnworth is about to say might make you grit your teeth. Clench your fist. Or even pick up a crow bar …

Demian wants to show you why marking in a book is a good thing. And he wants to show you that unless you do this, you’re likely missing out on the best kind of reading.

The point of reading a good book is not to see how many you can get through. The point is to see how many get through to you.

How many you absorb into your blood. Marking in it helps you do that.

Now, you might compare the idea of writing in a book to a suggestion that we should rip out the chrysanthemums from your garden. Uproot the lemongrass and lavender. Or pluck your prize-winning cherry tree out with a winch hitched to a dually.

But that couldn’t be further from the truth. So relax.

In this roughly 6-minute episode of Rough Draft with Demian Farnworth, you’ll discover:

  • Five good reasons to write in a book
  • The number one reason you should go to the trouble of writing in a book
  • 10 simple ways to write in a book
  • The kind of books you never mark
  • The three kinds of readers (and the two you should never be)

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Rough Draft on iTunes

Click Here to Listen on Rainmaker.FM

About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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How to Roll Out the Red Carpet on Your Home Page


Your home page makes an important first impression … and you only have one chance to make it.

You have the opportunity to begin a long and fruitful relationship if you set your home page up to meet the needs of the people who land there.

Or you can confuse them and turn them off, never to return.

Hit Publish host Pamela Wilson is betting you’re aiming for the former, not the latter, right?

This week on Hit Publish, Pamela invited three Copyblogger experts to share their best advice on building home pages that work.

Tune in to Hit Publish to hear from host Pamela Wilson, Brian Clark, Sonia Simone, and Brian Gardner as they discuss:

  • The surprising factor that should influence the content on your home page
  • The crucial question to ask to figure out what to put on your home page
  • The major resource hog you should avoid, and how to give your visitors just enough information to make them keep clicking

Click Here to Listen to

Hit Publish on iTunes

Click Here to Listen on Rainmaker.FM

About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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How to Take Action Before Knowing All the Steps


Today’s guest on Hack the Entrepreneur is an entrepreneur who enjoys creating something from nothing. In fact, he has been creating products (both digital and physical) for the past 10 years.

He is currently the Director of Product + Strategy for Movable, a company focused on improving personal well-being by inspiring movement in groups, and was the Co-Founder of, a funeral planning resource that was acquired in 2014.

He is a featured speaker and author on building products, startups, and funding. His latest book, Startup Seed Funding for the Rest of Us, is now available on Amazon.

Now, let’s hack …

Mike Belsito

In this 34-minute episode of Hack the Entrepreneur, host Jon Nastor and Mike Belsito discuss:

  • How being naive helped Mike grow his business
  • Overcoming impostor syndrome
  • Why you shouldn’t think too much about the “up’s”
  • Why two partners must have the same level of passion
  • How and why to remember your accomplishments

Click Here to Listen to

Hack the Entrepreneur on iTunes

Click Here to Listen on Rainmaker.FM

About the author


Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital marketing and sales podcast network. Get on-demand business advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

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Top Digital Marketing Takeaways From Authority Rainmaker

Brian Clark Authority Rainmaker Cover

What does it take to become an authority in your industry? How can we make better sense out of an integrated approach to digital marketing?

According to the presentations we saw at Authority Rainmaker 2015, it takes the passion to learn and pursue knowledge, the expertise that warrants credibility and respect of your peers and the time and effort to earn your place as an industry thought leader.

While only in it’s second year, Copyblogger’s Authority conference brought the passion and expertise that will no doubt result in achieving authority status among digital marketing events in the industry.

Alexis Hall, Lee Odden and I had the pleasure of representing TopRank Online Marketing for this informative and entertaining event, which took place at the beautiful Ellie Caulkins Opera House in downtown Denver Colorado. We met interesting people, created great blog and social content and learned lots of great digital marketing tips to share with our agency team.

Here are some of our favorite takeaways:

Buyers Hold the Power – Daniel Pink

D Pink AR2015

Today’s buyers are extremely savvy. They have access to information and tools, that previously were only available to the sellers. Marketers have an enormous opportunity to begin serving these customers in a more meaningful way.

Find out how by reading The New Era of Sales and Content Marketing – Daniel Pink

Content Marketing Pros Follow Similar Paths to Success – Joe Pulizzi

Joe Pulizzi

Content marketing has exploded in popularity and for very good reason. Done right, it gets huge business results at a fraction of the cost of more conventional marketing tactics. Several trail-blazing businesses and thought leaders have been instrumental in driving the adoption of content marketing by not only proving the model, but in many cases defining it.

For companies who have yet to achieve content marketing greatness, make sure you’re on the right track by following Joe Pulizzi’s 6 Steps to Building a Massive Audience

Cleverness Doesn’t Pay When it Comes to Landing Pages – Sonia Simone

Sonia AR2015 2

Clever titles may work great for BuzzFeed and Reddit content, but they can be confusing in the context of landing pages. The goal of any landing page isn’t to get a laugh, it’s to motivate action and confusion is the enemy of action.

Learn how to turn your landing page CRO up to 11 in Dr. Evil’s Guide to Landing Page Design and Optimization.

Search Engines Are Getting a Lot Smarter – Danny Sullivan

D Sullivan AR2015

As powerful and revolutionary as search engines are, the past year has seen some truly game-changing upgrades at Google. From the Hummingbird algorithm update which moved Google ranking factors far beyond just keywords and links, to the Mobile Friendly update which is helping to usher in a new era of mobile friendly websites, search marketers have had plenty to keep them busy.

Learn more about the where search is now and likely to be going in: Danny Sullivan on the State of Search Marketing in 2015 

Craving More Authority Rainmaker Insights?

This eBook features additional insights and tweetable tips from the marketing experts that appeared at Authority Rainmaker 2015.

Complete List of Coverage From Authority Rainmaker 2015

Below are links to the presentations we covered at Authority Rainmaker:

Thank you to Brian Clark, Jessica Commins and the Copyblogger team for putting on a such a great event! I know most of the attendees would agree, this is a digital marketing event worth repeating and we’re looking forward to what’s in store for next year.

Whether you attended Authority in-person or vicariously through social shares and posts like this, what were your favorite takeaways from Authority Rainmaker?

Disclosure: Copyblogger Media is a TopRank Marketing client for the Authority Conference.

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Top Digital Marketing Takeaways From Authority Rainmaker |

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Good Content Vs. Good Enough Content: A Fight for Sore Eyes with Ann Handley

Ann Handley Authority Rainmaker 2015

“Do you have any mustard?”

“Give me the mustard.”

“Pardon me: Do you have any Grey Poupon?”

These three statements mean the same thing, but each is a unique way of asking for the desired item. Often, it’s not what you say, but how you say it.

In her session at Authority Rainmaker 2015, Ann Handley shared the belief that brand voice is key to creating good content marketing that will set you apart.

There is this idea that as quantity of content increases, quality takes a nose dive. So how do you maintain or increase quality of content while increasing quantity?

It starts with being really good at the basics, like brand voice.

Not More Content…Ridiculously Better Content

You aren’t just competing with your competitors anymore, but you’re competing with yourself and everyone else for mind share. Sometimes it may feel like you need more content in order to get attention.

The answer IS NOT more content…it’s ridiculously better content.

Good Writing is About Getting Inside the Heads of Other People

Producing engaging content is the biggest challenge for content marketers. Producing engaging content means becoming a better storytelling and a better writer.

According to Ann, writing is the guts of content marketing. And good writing isn’t just about grammar. It’s about knowing what your audience needs and wants and telling that story in a really interesting way.

This is where your brand voice comes into play. Ann gave us five steps to create and use a brand voice.

Step 1: You Do You (it’s not what you sell, it’s who you are).

AH 1

At a very basic level, branded web content should answer these three questions:

  • Who are you?
  • Why do you do what you do? This means what value do you offer that no one else does.
  • What are you like to deal with? This means what story are you telling more broadly when people come to your site.

Brand voice reflects your culture, amplifies your story and communicates empathy to people you want to reach.

Ann used the example of CrowdRise. The CrowdRise home page reads: “Raise money for a awesome causes and have the most fun while you do it”. The tagline says “if you don’t give back no one will like you”.

Definitely a distinctive voice: irreverent, fun and inspiring.  According to Gary Wohlfeill, Director of Marketing at CrowdRise, this is more than just copywriting. This is a calculated move to talk about who CrowdRise is and use it as a differentiator.  The copywriter isn’t just brought in at the end. They are there every step of the way.

Step 2: Write it Down

Once you know who you are broadly, then distill it down, so it’s easy to communicate and embody.

Complete this Marketing Madlib.

Our brand is (go ahead and fill out three adjectives):




Ok – keep that handy.

Step 3: Re-frame

A Handley 3

Now that you know who you are, re-frame the three adjectives from your Madlib and put your customer into the story. Your website should be built around who you are and what that means to your customer.

Another example Ann provided was that of Tufts University. Their three adjectives are reassuring, helpful and humorous. So now let’s spin those adjectives to include their target audience, prospective parents and students applying for college.

  • Reassuring becomes relax
  • Helpful becomes no BS
  • Humorous becomes let’s not get too nutty about college

Re-framing the adjectives transforms content about “you” into content that offers a unique value for your audience.

Step 4: Do Not Dilute

AH 4

Writing in a distinctive brand voice is about taking some risks. Content marketing is a magnet that is meant to attract like minded people, and repel those who are not.

If you dilute your brand voice so you don’t offend anyone, it will be that much less powerful. Remember, this is about building an audience, not just getting eyeballs.

Step 5: Sweat the Small Stuff

An Handley 5

Brand voice touches beyond those things you typically think of as content, it’s everything you put out there. Find interesting ways to say boring stuff on your ‘about us’, landing pages, microcopy, and subscribe buttons.

Matching every word on your site to your brand voice (re-framed for your audience) shows empathy, a powerful motivator for consumers.

Quantity and quality don’t have to be enemies. By getting back to basics, who you are, your brand can create a strong voice which attracts the right audience with quantity and quality.

Disclosure: Copyblogger Media is a TopRank Marketing client for the Authority Conference.

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TopRank® Online Marketing Newsletter.

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Good Content Vs. Good Enough Content: A Fight for Sore Eyes with Ann Handley |

The post Good Content Vs. Good Enough Content: A Fight for Sore Eyes with Ann Handley appeared first on Online Marketing Blog – TopRank®.

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