Create a Remarkable Content Experience: 4 Essential Elements of a Successful Podcast


Jerod Morris - Authority Rainmaker 2015

Podcasting is one of the most intimate content marketing experiences because we take podcasts with us during our daily rituals. A podcast is not words on the page, it is the human voice in your ear while you are brushing your teeth, out for a morning jog or driving home from work.

Podcasts numbers have been growing steadily for years.  As smartphone ownership explodes, internet connectivity increases and the consumers’ desire to consume niche content on demand grows, podcasting becomes more popular.

The average podcast is about 35 minutes. Compared to the average length of a user engagement with a blog post, Tweet or even white paper – 35 minutes presents a tremendous opportunity.  Combined with the particular intimacy of the medium, the podcast has the ability to create a deep and lasting impression of your brand with your prospect.

However, due to the intimacy and engagement required by the user with a podcast it is especially important to create content which is remarkable.

As told by Jerod Morris in his session, Become a Showrunner: 4 Essential Elements of a Remarkable Podcast, at Authority Rainmaker 2015, here are the four elements of a remarkable podcast.

#1 Authenticity

People often think of authenticity as transparency, but being authentic doesn’t mean that you have to reveal everything about yourself. It does mean that you have to be candid with your audience in a way that builds trust and a meaningful connection.

In order to create an authentic podcast, you must:

  1. Know yourself. Choose a topic for which you have a genuine passion. You are going to be talking a lot about this topic, so it much be something that you love talking, reading and conversing about. If you’re considering a podcast for your business, choose a related topic that you’re especially interested in or choose the employee who is most passionate to represent your business.
  2. Know your audience. This is just as important as knowing yourself. Knowing your audience is all about empathy. You should understand their thoughts, pains, and hopes so that you can speak their language.
  3. Find the intersection. Authenticity means finding the intersection between knowing yourself and knowing your audience. Once you find the balance of content that you and your audience really care about, your content will be interesting and authentic.

Being candid without taking yourself too seriously is critical. When you begin podcasting being natural is probably going to be really challenging. You’re going to want to read from a script, but scripted isn’t what people are looking for while they’re walking their dog or washing the dishes. Work to be natural and you will make the connection.

#2 Usefulness

Demand for podcasts is growing so quickly because people want to learn something while they are doing something else. Respect your audience enough to give them what they want, and create a podcast that is useful to your target audience.

There are three ways a podcast can be useful to your audience:

  1. It educates. Like Grammar Girl or Stuff You Missed in History Class, the educational podcast is great at teaching the listener something they didn’t know.
  2. It entertains. Akin to This American Life, the entertaining podcast is about telling a story, transporting your listener somewhere else.
  3. It inspires. This podcast motivates the listener to take the next steps. Grow your business, get fit, start your own podcast – whatever it may be.

The best podcasts probably do all three of these things. However, you have to understand which of these the primary objective of your audience is. Knowing your audience means knowing why they are coming to you and staying true to that. This helps in building the authentic connection.

#3 Sustainability

A remarkable podcast is going to be more than just 3-4 great episodes. It’s going to be a valuable source of content over a long period of time.

There are three steps to creating the sustainability critical for a remarkable podcast:

  1. Show up. If you set the expectation that you’ll be there, then be there.
  2. Show up reliably. Publishing content on a consistent schedule builds trust. Also, on the flip side, if your listener is waiting for content, and you don’t have it, they’ll go somewhere else.
  3. Show up reliably over time. A podcast is not about short term success. If you show up over time, then listeners will become a committed member of your audience.

#4 Profitability

If you’re creating a podcast for your business, you are probably interested in notion that your podcast may generate revenue. This is the last essential element to  a remarkable podcast.

There are three ways podcasts can create profitability:

  1. Direct. Sell direct ads and sponsorships within your podcast. This is the most rare and difficult model to attain.
  2. Indirect. If you are using podcasts as part of a content marketing mix for your business, podcasts may have an indirect impact on profitability by growing a community who may be interested in your products or services.
  3. Intrinsic. If your goal is to create something remarkable, then creating something remarkable will have intrinsic value. If you find your topic valuable, then the creation of content and engagement of community builds fundamental value.

Direct profitability usually comes last…if it comes at all. It’s driven by the intrinsic level, because it’s your connection with the audience which is going to drive eventual profitability.

Now is a great time to start podcasting and  it is a fantastic way to reach an audience. However, to be successful use these elements in order to create a remarkable experience for your audience that drives results over time.

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Create a Remarkable Content Experience: 4 Essential Elements of a Successful Podcast |

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3 Facebook Post Publishing Features for Crazy-High Engagement

It’s getting more difficult to get in front of fans on Facebook without using ads; it’s true. All is not lost, though. One of the factors Facebook uses to determine which fans will see your content is affinity, which takes into consideration how engaged fans are with your brand.

Facebook posts publishing tools

In a recent column, I shared 13 ways for marketers to beat the Facebook algorithm and as you may notice, most of those tactics were designed to help make your content catchier and more interesting – more engaging. Now, let’s have a look at three publishing features you can use to drive shares, comments and likes in your Facebook posts, engaging fans and showing Facebook just how relevant and awesome you are.

1. Post End Date

This new feature, which removes out of date posts from Newsfeed but allows them to continue displaying on your Page, launched at the end of 2014. As you set up your post, you can also choose a date for it to stop showing in the Newsfeeds of your users.

Facebook posts post end date

This is a great feature to use for limited time offers, time-sensitive news, flash sales and more. It’s particularly useful if you’re publishing more than once or twice a day and don’t want to compete against yourself in the Newsfeeds of your fans.

This feature is currently available only on desktop to Pages that have enabled the Targeting and Privacy settings.

2. Interest Targeting

If you’re not using Interest Targeting for your organic posts yet, you’re missing out! This new-ish feature allows you to get your content into the Newsfeeds of specific segments of your fan base, based on their expressed interests.

Retailers can use this to display category-specific items to audience segments; for example, people with Parenting as an Interest may make a good audience for a post about children’s clothing or toys. You can also combine Interests to get more granular with your targeting. A luxury beach resort, for example, could choose to target people who like different luxury brands, vacations, water sports, etc.

Facebook posts interest targeting

The key here is figuring out who your target audience is for a particular post, and using interests to define their characteristics.

Using Interest Targeting helps you give your relevance a boost by homing in on the right audience, but also by excluding those who aren’t likely to find your content relevant.

3. API Updates – AppLinks, Video & More

At their recent F8 developers conference, Facebook unveiled a ton of API updates. Two in particular caught my eye as most impactful for businesses: Video API updates and the new deep-page links for apps.

Facebook now offers enhanced video publishing controls for media companies, brands and others publishing video. Among them, you can restrict your video-viewing audience by age, gender and location, or publish straight to the page without displaying the video in Newsfeeds. A beta feature allows brands to set an expiry date for a video, but keep access to the analytics after it comes down.

Applinks allow you to promote content within your company’s app and actually send people right to it from your post, instead of sending them to a download page. It’s a great way to boost engagement not only with your page, but with your app, as well.

Facebook has offered this app deep-linking feature to advertisers, so it’s great to see the same functionality available organically to Page owners. It just didn’t make sense that when you wanted to promote something specific within your app – say, a specific product in an online store app – all you could do was send people to the download page. Deep linking is hugely powerful for any business with an app.

If you’re ready to take it to the next level and boost your organic performance with Facebook Ads, check out my 5 Ridiculously Powerful Facebook Ad Targeting Strategies.

This post originally appeared on Social Media Today, and is republished with permission.

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Study: Which Sites Have the Most Links in Search?

To help SEOs and search marketers navigate all the change we see on a (seemingly) daily basis, a few publications stand out as leaders in the search industry.

These brands were highlighted in research conducted by Dutch SEO specialist Wouter van der Meij, who recently published a study of the most-linked content in the search industry – and we’re thrilled to be among the most-linked search resources on the Web!

In Good Company

For his research, van der Meij set out to learn which sites and publications had the most links across the entirety of search.

He began by analyzing the link profiles of 40 SEO companies, blogs, and authorities using Ahrefs to see which sites were linked back to the most.

Most links SEO sites by links

After reviewing the data, van der Meij discovered that Search Engine Land was the most-linked domain in search, boasting an impressive 32% share of the total links and 177 listings in the top 500.

To nobody’s surprise, our friends at Moz also ranked highly. Given Moz’s unique position in SEO and the wide breadth of high-quality, data-driven content they produce, their second-place ranking was well earned, with 20% of the total link share and 86 links in the top 500.

Together with Search Engine Watch and the Tools subdomain of SEO Book, WordStream rounded out the top five sites with the most links, with 5% of the total link share and 23 links in the top 500.

We work hard to provide you with quality content about all things search, and it was extremely rewarding to be recognized alongside such respected and widely read publications!

Diving Deeper

Marketers love data, and van der Meij delivered far more than just a quick ranking table, however.

After learning which publications were linked back to the most frequently, van der Meij then investigated which content types were attracting the most links.

Most links SEO content by type

Overall, blogs proved the most attractive link-wise, followed by news stories. SEO tools and resources also made up a significant portion of the total number of backlinks, with infographics and product pages coming in fifth and six, respectively.

He then dove even deeper into the data, pulling out all sorts of fascinating information, including the most popular types of SEO tools, the most frequently linked-to resources (and the most popular topics of those resources), and even which types of news stories and blog posts were being linked to. For example, below is a list of search marketing infographics with the most links, including our own infographic of the most expensive keywords in AdWords.

most links

On behalf of everyone here at WordStream, we’re honored to be ranked alongside the biggest names in search content.

You can read the full infographic below, and many thanks again to Wouter for taking the time and effort to produce such a great study!

Most links SEO content infographic


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